Alvin Community College (ACC) Fall 2024

Nursing Students School Programs


Anyone applying to ACC Alvin for Fall 2024? I didn't see a post for it so thought I'd start one. I believe we find out sometime in May. I was actually in Alvin once before a few years ago but I had to withdraw because of some life stuff. I'm currently going to a private school but I'd much prefer to go back to Alvin since I know it's a great program and much cheaper for me. 

No seriously keep your hope and faith strong because I also have background check issues. We actually never know until the very end.

NurseBriselle said:

No seriously keep your hope and faith strong because I also have background check issues. We actually never know until the very end.

Dang, that sucks. Hopefully that doesn't stand in your way! I'll just prepare for my next quarter at the school I'm at just in case. They can accept you up until the first week of classes I think, so that can be inconvenient if you don't make it. 

Hey! They should be sending them out fairly soon if not already. I am currently in the nursing program with ACC and they typically choose around 40 applicants.

CamilleC said:

Hi all, I just happened to be on here as I was searching for something. I am currently in third semester at Alvin. As I applied in the fall for a Spring start I can't quite speak to when you will hear but if you have questions about the program I'd be happy to answer-I had a very sweet girl in third semester talk to me prior to starting and throughout first semester which truly helped so would love to pass that on if anyone has any questions.

I'll be starting in fall and would love any additional insight. I tried to shoot you a
Message thru here but it would not go through. Maybe you can message or text me

I'm curious if anyone from the waitlist has been accepted yet? I'm just holding my breath and feel like I can't make concrete plans until I have a final decision. It's even more nerve-wracking that I don't know my exact ranking!

oredel said:

I'm curious if anyone from the waitlist has been accepted yet? I'm just holding my breath and feel like I can't make concrete plans until I have a final decision. It's even more nerve-wracking that I don't know my exact ranking!

Yeah, I feel you. It's been very silent so sounds like most people might accept their seat. They didn't tell me the exact position but they told me I was in the bottom third. 30/3 = 10 so my number could be anywhere from 20-30. Even though it would be nice, I'm not expecting to get off the waitlist. Preparing for the next quarter at the private school I'm at. Did they tell you your positioning? 

chempansy said:

Yeah, I feel you. It's been very silent so sounds like most people might accept their seat. They didn't tell me the exact position but they told me I was in the bottom third. 30/3 = 10 so my number could be anywhere from 20-30. Even though it would be nice, I'm not expecting to get off the waitlist. Preparing for the next quarter at the private school I'm at. Did they tell you your positioning? 

They said middle third for me but 11 is a lot different than 19 so I have no idea what to expect. I'm glad you can still fall back on your current program!

oredel said:

They said middle third for me but 11 is a lot different than 19 so I have no idea what to expect. I'm glad you can still fall back on your current program!

Oh, that's good! You never know. I know the semester before I got in last time, they went all the way through the waitlist to number 26 or something. But that could be due to multiple reasons. Main one being that Covid was right before that and people probably decided not to go for it seeing how it affected nurses. 

Did you apply for any other programs?

chempansy said:

Oh, that's good! You never know. I know the semester before I got in last time, they went all the way through the waitlist to number 26 or something. But that could be due to multiple reasons. Main one being that Covid was right before that and people probably decided not to go for it seeing how it affected nurses. 

Did you apply for any other programs?

Yeah I figured Covid was a huge factor the last couple years. I only applied here this round. There's very few programs near me and I wanted a fall start. If I don't get in I plan to apply for Spring start, along with WCJC sugar land campus, and possibly an ABSN program.

oredel said:

Yeah I figured Covid was a huge factor the last couple years. I only applied here this round. There's very few programs near me and I wanted a fall start. If I don't get in I plan to apply for Spring start, along with WCJC sugar land campus, and possibly an ABSN program.

is a good option if you're okay with online courses. Fundamental stuff is online and skills check offs and clinicals are in person, of course. BSN about 2.5 years. I was gonna try for UTA but they have weird dates and extra requirements that are unnecessary. 

chempansy said:

WGU is a good option if you're okay with online courses. Fundamental stuff is online and skills check offs and clinicals are in person, of course. BSN about 2.5 years. I was gonna try for UTA but they have weird dates and extra requirements that are unnecessary. 

I was looking at but I'm interested in grad school and I think it'd be better for me to have a true GPA. I'm mostly considering University of Houston Sugar Land for the ABSN. It's just not my first choice because I worry about keeping up my grades and being able to work during school.

oredel said:

I was looking at WGU but I'm interested in grad school and I think it'd be better for me to have a true GPA. I'm mostly considering University of Houston Sugar Land for the ABSN. It's just not my first choice because I worry about keeping up my grades and being able to work during school.

Same here. Grad school is definitely in the future. And same about the working thing. I switched to nights to accommodate school schedule. It's going to be hard still but that's all I can do. Maybe I can try to get reduced hours later but I do have to work full-time right now. 

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