Alternates ..why not just give them a number??


Are there really any good reasons why colleges don't tell alternates what number they are on the list? I can't think of one!:down:

I am an alternate.. Just recently found out.. The only thing they could tell me was that I was in the middle of ten alternate.. Im guessing #5 lol.. They accept 30.. I think they should be able to tell you.. Gives you an idea of where you stand..

The only reason I can come up with for not telling you exactly what number you are is that nothing is exact. Say there are 20 people on the alternate list and you are #10...but #3,#5,#8 and #9 have already been accepted to a diff school or don't want the spot for some other reason now you are # six better than 10 sure! Could they give you an idea of where you are sure but keep in mind being #1 on the alternate list is no better than being #20 on the list if everyone given a spot takes it and they don't access the alternate list.

I do undsterstand your frustration. I'm an alternate as well and would like to know am I next in line or are there 5 potentials in front of me? Guess I wont know until I know and that's unfortunately the best I can get right now. If I don't get in off the wait list this go around I'll better my application and get in the next time :) stay positive.

At our meeting they said they dont want people to keep calling to find out if they are going to get a place in the program, or to keep hoping that if x# of people would just drop out they could get a place.

I'm not on an alternate list; some friends of my daughter's are on one. The only thing I can think of is that they want to do what they want with the remaining alternates, that being, move them around, switch around the order. They can't do that if they give them a number. Who knows, maybe it's a power trip.

Why does it matter? If you are on a wait list, you are not in the program. Get on with your life just like you would otherwise, if you get called it is a nice surprise.

^ it matters to some of us.

As Brighten says "it matters to some of us"

you are right we are NOT in the program but you dismiss the fact that at any moment we may get a call saying we ARE in the program

I could plan to take a vacation with my family this summer since I'm NOT in the program but what if just after I book the plane tickets I get a call and realize I need that money for books and tuition this year? What about people who need to plan what to do about their work situation? childcare etc? If you know that you are not in and not likely to make it in off the wait list you can plan as such but if there is a strong chance that you will get in it can play a huge role in how you plan out the next few months. Where you are on a list might determine whether or not you take a class over the summer vs taking it in the fall.

for those reasons and many more it matters a lot to most people who are alternates.

As Brighten says "it matters to some of us" Where you are on a list might determine whether or not you take a class over the summer vs taking it in the fall. for those reasons and many more it matters a lot to most people who are alternates.

Soo very true. Personally, I'm just sick of trying to get into any nursing school. The 'fun' me just wants to runaway to some remote beach somewhere and stay there for at least a MONTH or two, whichever I can get away with?! If only. . .

But, my 'mature' me says --> "You better get your butt in a program somewhere! You are not getting any younger! Everyone gets old every year!" Why O why was I born with some sense? Sometimes, I hate it. :confused:

Livetoserve, I think colleges and universities should have the courtesy to tell alternates what number they are and then let the alternates decide if they want to wait or go on that cruise! It's the right thing to do. What would it hurt? How much more work could it possibly be? You paid your application fee, that's the least they can do!

Vegas 2009, keep trying. Like you said, You'll be another year older next year whether you're in nursing school or not.

Specializes in NICU, Post-partum.
Are there really any good reasons why colleges don't tell alternates what number they are on the list? I can't think of one!:down:

Because they know that alternates usually talk with each other and it allows them to make any exception they want without being held accountable.


I said are there any 'good' reasons.;)

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