Ahpra application refusal

World Registration


Hi everyone,

I´m a registered nurse from Germany with 4 years experience. Went to the whole registration process with ahpra and waited 7 months. Today I received an email, that they are considering to refuse my application. The reason for that is, that they do not consider my training as equivalent with the Australian one. That is really a joke. Has someone ever been in this situation before? How did you write your appeal letter?

Specializes in Cath Lab.

danapal - I will be looking forward to reading your comparison. I'm hoping we have found a way to get through the APHRA-process ;)

Have you been emailing your case officer?? I'm pretty sure my case officer was quite annoyed with me - I was constantly emailing her and asking for details. Your case officer should know when you can expect to have your case on a board meeting. My guess is that it will be in March. I know they didn't have a board meeting this January. She should have informed you of deadlines for each board meeting (e.g. your paperwork to have arrived by this date in order to be in the board meeting in this date...).

Crossing my fingers for you :)

Specializes in Stroke Unit.

Well, in fact the SA AHPRA director of registration sent me a contact for the appeal who is out of the office until a few days before end of the time for the appeal! International post needs about a week. Asking the director about another contact ended in ... no reply. Another fault in the system.

Specializes in Cath Lab.

Unbelievable danapal - and still not surprising. I was told too that international mail (including paying extra for trace) was about a week. But according to APHRA it took nearly 3 weeks making me miss the first deadline!!

I hope things will go more smoothly for you and that your assigned officer will be in contact as soon as possible.

I sent all my mail with UPS. It's not cheap, but you can be sure it's delivered. I recommend going with ups or DHL for this kind of stuff.

Specializes in Stroke Unit.
I sent all my mail with UPS. It's not cheap, but you can be sure it's delivered.

Just to complete, a UPS Envelope ships for about EUR 75 and a UPS Parcel for (about 2kg) about EUR 175 within seven days (not to the Post Box but directly to the contact).

Yep, sounds about right. For me it was about 100 for an envelope (but that's from Sweden), and i sent quite a few, both to ANMAC and AHPRA. It adds up, but then again, a dropped application (because of missing docs) or a bridging course would be even more expensive... :/

Specializes in Stroke Unit.

And another nice thing about shipping with UPS is the tracking. It feels like travelling oneself... Paris, Philadelphia, Louisville, Honolulu, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide in 5 days :)

Specializes in Stroke Unit.

Just to keep you updated, the appeal has arrived at AHPRA (yes, I know, UPS shipped it last week already) and will be discussed at the next Board meeting. However, AHPRA explained, there is no one scheduled actually...

Specializes in Cath Lab.

Hi danapal - great that the documents arrived - not so great that a board meeting hasn't been scheduled yet. I find this hard to believe. I know they were off for January due to the Australian summer but they should have a meeting in February - at least that's what I was told last year when I was still gathering further documentation for my appeal. Good luck with everything and keep us posted.

I have now been asked by ANMAC to provide further documentation (besides all the information I've just sent to APHRA). It really takes a special and patient person to apply to work as a nurse in Australia :) :) The official process handling with ANMAC is currently 16 weeks.

I will keep you updated :)

Post in error. :banghead:

Specializes in Stroke Unit.

Next Board meeting takes place on March 21. So long to go...

Hi all, New standards for assessing internationally qualified nurses has been published on a website. I have 3 years full time diploma from India and currntly registered & working in UK for past 8 years. According to new guidelines, professional education must be equivivalent to Austarlian bachelors degree (AQFN6). I have done UK bridiging course and have evidence of continous education. Could anybody suggest me outcome of my application if I take a chance and apply? or is not worth applying? Thanks

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