Ahpra application refusal

World Registration


Hi everyone,

I´m a registered nurse from Germany with 4 years experience. Went to the whole registration process with ahpra and waited 7 months. Today I received an email, that they are considering to refuse my application. The reason for that is, that they do not consider my training as equivalent with the Australian one. That is really a joke. Has someone ever been in this situation before? How did you write your appeal letter?

Specializes in Stroke Unit.

Well Nosileia, if for you Australia is worth to live in only with AHPRA registration, then the move back seems to be a good idea. However, the possibilities for life are much greater there than in Europe. Good luck!

Lizbeth and danapal, thank you for your kind words. Imagine that in the Uk I already got an offer for grade 6 nurse with good salary! i am an experienced Registered Nurse with masters in education. The only job I could find in Australia is casual receptionist in community health center. I don't want to through away my experience and my bachelor and would't study sth else now. It costs a lot and i would begin with the minimum salary after graduation. I miss Europe very much and Greece most of all! Life here was a nice break to get some rest, but now for me is time to work. And only Europe is the place where i can have registration and good work (maybe not the nicest weather, but Greece is always there for all year round vacation!!) Of course foe everyone for us, different things value the most. So, i hope to you guys your dreams to come true. Austraia indeed has nice people and many opportunities, as long as you can afford it! Cheers!

Specializes in Renal, dialysis.

@ lisbeth22

do you actually know a nurse who has used a GT ietls set of scores to get more points for the visa application?

i just go my results today, and i got.

7.5 writing, 7.5 listening, 9.0 reading, and 8.5 in speaking overall band of 8.0

unfortunately, i think you need min of 8s in all areas to get 20 points for language dont you?

i am actually contemplating doing it again as GT, dont know how much difference its gonna do on my writing,

im quite positive, given i have enough sleep and quite calm, i will not space out on listening and get higher than 7.5

i dont know, it seems like accepting defeat though and cheating doing it in GT haha.

Specializes in Cath Lab.

@ordoghaz. No, I don't know anyone in person who have done it this way. I just figured I would give it a try - as far as I understand they only require academic IELTS for the skills assessment which doesn't really have anything to do with the English assessment or am I completely wrong?? I'm lacking a mere 0.5 points in the written academic IELTS - a score that it will be difficult to change. All the other results are 8.5 or higher. That's why I'm giving the general IELTS a go - as they only require general for English assessment. Again I could be wrong.

I'm grasping at straws here as I unfortunately don't have age on my side and thus being able to get higher points. It also seems as if I might have a hard time getting them to acknowledge the fact that I graduated as a nurse in January 2008 - so far they have only said yes to giving me three years experience. So in all it looks like I'm missing 5 points to even being able to apply for a PR-visa. This is why I figured I'd give the English test another go....call it cheating if you want....I call it - "find a way through all the red tape and rules in Oz".

Oh, and I'm not interested in a sponsorship visa that will send me to a 2-4 year contract in the Outback or some other place. Most of my friends are living in NSW - and as I understand getting a sponsorship visa for NSW is pretty much impossible.

So for me there's only one option - the PR-visa. If this is not an option then I'm not selling my flat and saying good bye to friends and family in order to go to Oz. Going to Oz for me is a dream that I hope to come true but I'm not going at every cost.

Specializes in Renal, dialysis.

@ lisbeth.

thanks for the reply.

i understand your concern. its pretty much the same for me, its only the writing part, im not really confident id get an 8 or higher.

and to be honest, i dont know anyone personally who has got an 8 or higher haha. ive heard of one though.

anyhow, i think its only reasonable to go and try. Im looking at booking another test and doing it again in a couple of weeks time.

and honestly i dont know what to do, i think the question that needs asking is whether the points for the language section is awarded by anmac through its skills assessment or not.

i seem to have come across information regarding work exp and all that, getting assessed by anmac, which should work towards getting points in the work exp criteria,. i guess the point im trying to make is we dont know how involved ANMAC in terms of getting points awarded in the application process through different criteria.


Specializes in Stroke Unit.


The LOD sent by ANMAC includes a note that "in ANMAC's point of view you are eligable to credit X points in the visa process. However, this may be seen differently by DIAC". In fact, it is an advise for DIAC and they should go with it, but not more.

Specializes in Renal, dialysis.


i see what you mean. is that sort of like how much points all together ANMAC thinks you should get?

with regards to aspects of the application criteria ANMAC's assessement overarches too?

ie.. qualifications, work exp, english, etc?

Specializes in Stroke Unit.

Well, ANMAC states two different things:

1) the points for your work experience

2) whether you fulfill all criterias of the job listed on the SOL and are eligable to the visa

Specializes in Renal, dialysis.

i see..

i suppose you claim points for your language ability upon visa application?

i guess in theory, it should ok really to use GT module in ielts given that by then you would have been assessed by ANMAC already.

Specializes in Stroke Unit.

Claimable points are DIAC ones only. ANMAC has a few requirements for the professional assessment, as IELTS Academic results, for example. However everything else are DIAC requirements and must be listed there.

Specializes in Renal, dialysis.


ive seen a forum for english nurses who have actually done both academic and general ielts last year,.

so i guess for @lisbeth it is really ok.

given youd get the scores you need and youve managed to get good enough for ANMAC academic.

Hi guys, I saw your posts and I found them very helpful. I need to lodge my appeal in two weeks against AHPRA's refusal to my registration and would like to exchange some ideas with someone that already built up his appeal cause I am not exactly how to structure it. If someone could give me some feedback it would be very helpful. my email is crhamado (at) hotmail.com


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