
I just took my NCLEX and am trying the PVT and the website is saying that service not avalible!!! SO, I am thinking that I failed b/c computer shut off at 85 or 90 questions (can't remember, I looked up and saw 85 but then did a couple more questions) and I only got 3 SATA! Even though I am pretty sure I didn't pass I just have to know for sure and the stupid website is down! I got a TON of priority questions, is that a good sign?


Specializes in Critical Care.

A ton of priority questions is a good sign. Those are higher, passing-level questions. Try to relax and try it again in a couple hours. Praying for you!!

well thank you! I did try it again and I got the good pop up!!! I really did think I failed b/c i only got 3 SATA but I guess the number of SATA isn't the only indicator of passing.

Specializes in Critical Care.


congrats what did you use to study?

:ancong!: :yeah::yeah::yeah:

congrats what did you use to study?

THanks for the congrats Everyone!!!!

I started studying for real about 7/11, with 3-4 days where I didn't do much. My school paid for the live Hurst review the wk before we graduated (June 17th) so I started by re-reading out loud to myself the review book and recording myself to listen to while I was driving. Then I ordered the Kaplan and LaCharity books. I did all the chapter quizes in Kaplan and then the practice test on the CD (61%).

Then I started the prioritization book the last 3days before my test. Let me tell you, the LaCharity book was the most helpful. While I agree that you do have to know core content, the NCLEX is not about just knowing nursing core content. It really is how you use that core content to make decisions. So, if you can recognize that some diseases/symptoms/labs are wacky or worse than others then you are good to go.

The NCLEX: the bulk of my test was about prioritization and putting tasks in order and choosing which pt to see first. The entire test I felt like I was making wrong choices but I kept moving forward and just focused on the question at hand. I can honestly say that I am no expert on nursing core content, I feel like I know enough to distinguish between certain diseases, symptoms and when labs are off. A lot of the test was about judgement, which is something very difficult to study for because really all the choices were very reasonable. So, the LaCharity book was helpful b/c, really no matter what the subject was it helps you recognize the right answer. At times I felt like the LaCharity book was repetitive, but that is probably what trained to me answer the questions a certain way.

Also one last thing, when I had no idea what the question was asking :idea:, either b/c it was a drug that I never heard of (and by the way, none of the drugs that i got were anything I ever heard of, so I am glad I didn't spend time studying drugs) or b/c it was a symptom or disease I wasn't familiar with, I looked at the answers and eliminated the ones that I know were symptoms, drugs, disease etc of other things that I was familiar with but not with what was being asked. It helps eliminate answers. Also, focus on words etc. that you do recognize in the question and answer off of that. An example is getting a drug question with k+ in the name of the drug and then answering by thinking of what k+ does. Obviously that was not a drug question i got, that would be too easy but you get what i mean.

hopefully this makes since??? GOOD LUCK TO YOU :D

Specializes in Critical Care.

Great advice!!!!!

Good luck with your official results.

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