After graduation present.......

Nursing Students SRNA


I know this may be looking ahead, but may also provide motivation.... Starting school in 4wks, and was wondering what everyone planned to reward themself with after school was over in 2 years......

I am buying a Cervelo P3 carbon, 4500.00 triathlon bike.....

Not trying to be materialistic, just merely trying to relieve my own stress through hearing others thought of after school....

I bought myself a house!

:) Jaime

Land and a house, and I honestly can't wait.

Had a great two years in a quiet single wide trailer at Georgia Southern University (hey don't laugh, it was during college and better than living in a crappy apartment and having neighbors with keg parties all night) and lived in an apartment since graduation of BSN school in 2001 just so that I would not have to have the hassle of selling a house when I left for CRNA school. That in addition to not making crap of a salary as a single man trying to make it in Atlanta, Georiga.

I'm not buying a house, I'm building THE house. Mountain home, full basement, home theater, gym, with an awesome deck. The peripherals can be built later, but the house will be built first. That and an Aliner hardshell camper to go camping out west in, preferably when there is snow all around and the typical vacationers are inside complaining about how cold it is.

Ah, happinesss.

Brand spankin' new car, hopefully a mustang. It will be the first "new" car I will ever own and I know by then I will have earned it! By the way I don't think you are being materialistic, it's always good to have something to keep you motivated!

For me, a brand new BMW. My husband already promised. It will keep me going for the next four years. :chuckle

For me, a brand new BMW. My husband already promised. It will keep me going for the next four years. :chuckle

Which series and model?

A big edition unto our house so we have room for a second baby!! (It's pretty tight with my husband, baby, and me.)

Which series and model?

09 325 I or...if I'm Really lucky, a 545.

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

I want a small peace of land and built me a little house. :p

I want a small peace of land and built me a little house. :p

That sounds wonderful. :)

Lasik eye surgery, teeth whitening, and a day at the spa so I can emerge from the ugly shell I am now to the radiant beauty I used to be when I had money, rest, and time.

I am going to book a cruise for my husband and I and our three kids. It will be our reward for all we went through to get me here. I also plan on buying either a canoe or kyack for stress relief. It is something I always dreamed of having.:nurse:

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