I know many may want to "file" this question under the "duhhhhhhh, column of basic nursing" but I would like info on the protocol and proceedures of nursing care after a pt falls. Please share how and what your response is. How do you handle falls? What exactly do you do? Also, what are the roles of the CNA's re: pt falls? We had a CNA say, (after she found pt and assisted nurses returning her to bed), that she didn't know she was to do VS on fall pt. Which was pretty much throwing the nurse, not to mention the pt, under the bus. Don't CNA"s learn how to monitor pt p fall in school these days? I realize ea facility is "supposed" to have available policy and proceedure manuals. I've been on a "Where's Waldo?" hunt in my facility to find them. Why aren't the manuals online? Maybe they are properiortory (sp) information . I have heard they may be locked up in the DON's ofc. Which doesnt help PMs and noc nurses. Also, do I dare mention the politics of "what constitutes a fall" some use the term "slid out of bed" how does that work? How to evaluate what is a fall and what is a slide? Thank You Nurses