Published Aug 24, 2009
9 Posts
Hi all
Well I am not sure if dumb is the word but here's my dilemma. I would appreciate any advice anyone who has been is my shoes can share. I am starting the rn program next month and a new nurse aide job in our local hospital this week. I am a cna but have minimal experience. I am anxious to get started but feel, I don't know, stupid because I have not had that much clinical experience. I do not want to be in anyones way and I feel I learn fast, perhaps I am just nervous about my new exciting ventures? Is this normal/typical? thanks
32 Posts
I think is very normal. Even more so when you are wanting to further your career in nursing and not just looking at this experience as just a job or paycheck. Everyone was new at some point and no one expects you to know everything from the jump. There will probably be at least a few very helpful RNs on your floor. Look to them to ask your questions. Most really do want you to learn so that you can take the load off them with the patient care duties. I think you will know "when to stay out of the way".
I think you being nervous means you want to and will do a great job. Just keep your eyes and ears open and learn all you can. I'm sure you will do great.
Good luck!!!
1 Post
We've all been there. Just stay focused,learn all that you can. My advise would be to find a mentor, someone who you feel you can really connect and will not mind taking you under their wing. Don't be afraid to ask questions that's the only way we all learn.
leslie :-D
11,191 Posts
skim, if you wasn't nervous, i'd be concerned.:)
my goodness, you're starting nsg school and a new job.
and i assure you, you are going to be just fine.:icon_hug:
just for the fact that you are already being considerate and conscientous.
you're off to a great start.
deep breath, chin up, eyes forward.
you're going to do this.
oh yes you can.
keep in touch, and let us know how everything is going.
afterall, that's what we're here for.
78 Posts
Totally normal. Anytime I start a new job, I feel like the dumbest person on the planet for the first couple months. It doesn't matter how much experience you have, you will still have questions and feel unsure.
510 Posts
That is so True. I was new at my facility a year ago and now I am the go to person...
just remember the question that you don't ask is the dumb question.
18 Posts
You'll be fine. There's a lot that you learn working as a CNA in a hospital that you will never learn from any textbook or clinical experience. Just don't be afraid to ask questions and learn from your mistakes and you'll be fine.
201 Posts
Just relax dear. Take things one day at a time.
Don't worry too much about it. Your colleagues know this and not expect much from you on your first few days. Be open to learning new things especially those you do not know or are far from ideal.
Get to know your your co-workers, have a harmonious relationship with them and be open to criticisms.
Good Luck! And always smile! :)
302 Posts
I too am a nursing student and began a nursing aide job a little over a year ago at the end of my 2nd semester (my program is 6 semesters)... I was sooo nervous to begin.. I had never actually been part of a healthcare team before (besides being a student which is so different).. and I was afraid that I would be totally clueless. In the beginning I was clueless of course but eventually you get the hang of it and its very comfortable. The beginning of any new situation is always scary.. its the fear of the unknown. Just show that you are enthusiastic to learn the ropes, offer to help others out when you have spare time, and build a good reputation with your team from the beginning. This has helped me.. Good luck, you will do great!
ps. I am feeling the same way right now because Im beginning a nurse externship on my dream unit in 2 weeks.. so nervous... but we can do this! :)
Thank you so much everyone....all of the advice is helpful & I am feeling better already :)
109 Posts
You just got the 'pre-new-job-wobbles'. Relax, you'll be fine.
136 Posts
You can do it! The first few days are a little scary - since you are learning how the facility operates, but soon it will be 2nd nature! Starting off as a CNA before NS - is great - it allows you to get comfortable with basic stuff. That will take away some of the nerves when you do your first skills test or when you work with a patient with your teacher hovering over your shoulder.
GOOD LUCK!!!! :hpygrp: