Are there any nurses out there who went from ICU to ED nursing? What was the transition like for your? What were the biggest challenges? What surprised you that you weren't expecting? (positive or negative)
Do you have any advice about learning this new specialty?
I have been in the ICU for about 18 months and am considering cutting back my hours in the ICU and starting a second position at a different hospital which is a Trauma1 facility. Am I crazy? Do they hire per diem nurses for the ED (generally speaking)?
I have submitted an application and spoke to the manager over the phone. It appears that I would have a pretty good chance of getting the position, given my experience. I am the type of person who thrives on challenge and learning new things. However, saying that, I am in my late 40's and wonder if my old body would be up for what I imagine is a more physically demanding job.
Any and all thoughts, suggestions are welcome.