Ack! Finals!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Good luck to all about to step into the gauntlet we all know and love... FINALS! Time to find your studying "hideout" and get intimate with the books.

15H/wk. of class

+30H/wk. slinging coffee @ Starbucks

+20H/wk. of studying


= 1 very tired 25 y/o

Thank goodness I'm not a husband or daddy. I don't know how some of the older ladies with kids do it -- very impressive!

There but for the grace of God, go I.


Well, for me it would have to be:

6 bottles of Coors light

1 bottle of motrin

1 bottle of Vitamin C

1 husband to take care of the kids so I can enjoy the younger man! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I'm not one of the "older ladies", but I am a few years older. :) My husband does help out around the house much more than the "typical man" does. So, I'm very lucky.

I don't have finals right now b/c I finished my last class early (online), but I'm about to start a winter-mester Algebra class. My break has been enjoyable, but still consisted of studying (Algebra). No rest for the extra determined. lol

Good luck to you all.

My husband is the younger man, and he helps out with my son and the household chores.....I am so lucky, I've got it all :D

Specializes in Intermediate Care.

I'm glad to see your senses of humor have remained intact during hell week. :D

I'm looking forward to seeing my girlfriend in a few weeks. She's a younger, smarter, and much more beautiful than I. :cool:

My last final for the semester is OVER! I am soooo THANKFUL!!!

Anyway - just wanted to say good luck to the rest of you that still have a few days to go!

Stay Strong!


Specializes in Burn/Trauma PCU.

all done - yay! :balloons: :balloons:

even though this is my only class this semester, i was really sweating my a & p ii final. because i had gone bride-crazy when i took a & p i, i ended up with a b, which in itself is a good grade but it totally maddened me because i started the class with the highest average, right up until the last two exams. grrr... so, it was really important to me to do well on this one.

i planned to get some peaceful study time in during the dark early morning hours before my 7am final... only of course i overslept and woke up in just enough time to throw on some clothes and drive across town to get to my class. was i sweating? you bet, and it was 40 degrees outside! :uhoh3:

so i'll explain why i love, love, love my dear professor: i get a final exam with 160 bubble sheet questions. already i'm ahead because you know that means that each individual question is worth less than, say, a question on a 40-question test. then, when we were all a few questions in, he actually gives us the answer to 30 of the questions. no joke. he literally interrupted us and says, "okay, here's my christmas present to you: #12 is b, #16 is d, #33 is a..." and so on. on top of that, the last 15 questions were pure fluff... questions like:

155. when reviewing for this exam, did you:

a. read the textbook and your lecture notes

b. drink a lot of coffee

c. swear and curse

d. all of the above

e. review? get out of town!

i mean, come on. free points!

the questions on the test - other than the last 15 or so - were freaking hard. hard like what i would imagine graduate-level students would be asked, so it wasn't like i was thinking i could just sail by with all of these freebie points. i was still remembering my sharp disappointment at not getting an a in the last class... but then my professor was a sweetheart yet again and actually gave me my final grade right there after the exam:


i'm just a little stoked about it... :D sorry for the shameless bragging. i knew i was either going to be on cloud nine or making a beeline for the ben & jerry's...


Well, for me it would have to be:

6 bottles of Coors light

1 bottle of motrin

1 bottle of Vitamin C

1 husband to take care of the kids so I can enjoy the younger man!

... and a partridge in a pear tree!

I am SOO happy to be finished finals (Tuesday night was my last)!!!!!! Yeehaw!! Best of luck to anyone still writing!!

you all forgot benadryl, which is an antihistamine that helps depress anxiety.

you all forgot benadryl, which is an antihistamine that helps depress anxiety.

Hey, thanks, I'll try anything at this point:rotfl:

Finals or no finals I have chronic nervous nelly syndrom!

Specializes in Intermediate Care.

All done!

3.7 in Stats

4.0 in A&P I

4.0 in Nutrition

4.0 in Basic Chem

= 3.92

Now which way is it to bed? Yawwwwn.

All done!

3.7 in Stats

4.0 in A&P I

4.0 in Nutrition

4.0 in Basic Chem

= 3.92

Now which way is it to bed? Yawwwwn.

ok, sleepy head, congrats on your great grades...don't forget to set the alarm or you'll miss X-mas :Santa1: Merry Christmas!!!!!

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