Published Aug 5, 2009
11 Posts
I am seeking an online A&P 2 course with no proctor requirement. I have found several community college courses, but they all require that exams be taken in person or with a proctor. Unfortunately, none of the schools in my area offer online A&P courses. I can take A&P 1 through CAL Campus, but they do not yet have an A&P2 course. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
9 Posts
I took Nutrition and Chemistry through them and had a great experience -also very affordable.
This is where I took my A&P I and II as well as Statistics and Microbiology. Also a great experience, but their tuition went up drastically a few years ago, which is why I switched to Iowa. So far all of these classes have been approved for transfer into my BSN program that I am starting in January. :)
161 Posts
Try the SUNY Learning Network (SLN):
340 Posts
I took one through MGCC and it only had 1 proctored exam and it was super easy!
Try Ocean county college...I know they have an online Micro class with no proctored exams.
Sand_Dollar, BSN
1,130 Posts
I have 3 days left in my summer semester at ccconline, taking A&P2 (micro and psych yoo). I love this school! I am in Colorado so the tuition is reasonable for me.
Good luck!
16 Posts
Good Evening,
Hello! Can any of you who've posted send me a private message telling me more about your experiences with taking A&P I, II, Micro, or any other courses online? I'm really interested in enrolling in these prereqs; however, I'm not sure where to start.
3,445 Posts
You might want to check with your intended nursing schools whether they will accept A&P1 and A&P2 taken at different schools. I have read a couple of people on here have had issues with this when they go to apply. They have been told both 1 and 2 must be taken at the same school.
I took mine through Just finished Micro and AP2 during summer semester. It was a rough term but managed to get A's in both.
For AP there was something like 10 units (sorry I put my pages away and since I'm in the midst of moving, I can't find them). Each unit had a discussion to which a post had to be done as well as 2 replies to get full marks (about 10 pts). A 2 page earning journal with 3 questions and a case study was due (about 25 pts), a lab (about 100pts), lab quiz (50 pts) and exam (50 pts). Each unit had about this layout, except sometimes there was no lab quiz...but was rare.
I think there was something like 1400 points to be earned for the class. The labs were rough. Since I took them in the summer I had a shorter time frame and it was difficult. We had one week to do the entire circulatory system, heart, blood all of it. I spent about 23 hours on the lab report which came out to something like 15 pages. The lab report consisted of describing slides, defining terms, explaining processes, as well as dissecting (sheep heart for the cardio unit) and describing it.
AP 1 was pretty much the same. Micro however had only 2 lab reports due and one was 'practice', the 'formal' report turned out to be only 3 pages, a snap for me after a 15 page one for AP2! The micro 'lab reports' turned out to be about 2 pages with questions you had to answer from the lab, real easy compared to the AP work. Micro had a term paper however, which was only 5 pages and I did it up the day it was due, not difficult just time consuming.
If you can write well, you should have no problem with online classes. Since the exams are open book it makes it easier only because you don't have to have everything memorized. But, just because they are online doesn't make them easy, some of those exams were HARD. In AP2 I could not get above a B on any exam, it drove me nuts. If not for my scores on my labs, I would not have been able to pull off an A.
Hope that gives you a little bit of insight. :)
1,341 Posts
Nothing personal but I would rather be cared for by a transmission mechanic than by a nurse who took online A&P.....A&P? Online? Non-proctored tests?
No thanks......
580 Posts
Don't knock it till you've tried it. Not all online A&Ps are the same. Depends on the school as to whether it is well-designed and capable of having students learn something. I took online A&P 1 and 2 at my school and am now taking an in-person Advanced Physio 201. My experience in the in-person 201 class so far has told me that I learned just as much if not more than people who took A&P 1 and 2 in person. That is because for the online classes, I read the ENTIRE textbook, most of it more than once because of all the rereading and reviewing I did. I heard from students who took A&P 1 and 2 in person that they barely cracked the textbook; the whole course was based on a lecture outline book. I'm sorry but I just don't think you can get as in depth as a textbook just through lecture a couple times a week. And I had two proctored tests, and two unproctored tests. . . and I would say that the unproctored tests at home were actually harder than the proctored ones. And so far, my 201 class has been pretty much all review for me. I'm waiting for it to get 'advanced'.
So, just because a class is online does NOT mean that it is bad or that its students will not learn as much. Of course, some depends on the student's learning style as to whether he/she will be successful in an online class, but just the fact that it is online does not automatically equate with substandard learning coming out of it.
USA!! Love it!! Everyone gets an opinion I will respect yours and adamantly stand behind mine
1 Post
I read that some people attended online Cal-Campus for Micro, and A&P 1 and 2. Has anybody done this and can tell me about their experience with this program? I have the Micro textbook, and have signed up with Cal Campus for it, but will pay this Friday. I am a PCA, (nurses aid) and am looking to get into RN school, just need these pre-reqs first. As most of you have been talking about here. You can email me at: [email protected] if you like to share. In the subject say you are form here please so I don't think its spam.