Published Jan 13
Jennifer S.P.
2 Posts
I am looking to find out if anybody who's just gone through nursing school or is currently in nursing school and has not been vaccinated for COVID. I am a registered nurse BSN and my daughter is looking to go to nursing school. However for her personal belief she has not gotten the COVID vaccine. I'm just trying to find out what schools are actually taking students and successfully getting them through the program without the covid vaccine. I have searched throughout the United States and have not really been successful in locating an RN Program that can say OK tono COVID vaccine. I asked that people who respond are those who have already successfully done this. Please refrain from trying to educate me on the COVID vaccine I just need to know is there any school that possibly is successful right now at getting students through the program without a COVID. If this topic triggers you please just move on... thank you..... respectfully.
AllNursesAcct, BSN, CNA, RN
18 Posts
No judgement to her because it's her body her choice but if she has problems with vaccines she isn't a good fit for working in the medical field as it's a field where nurses are expected to understand how medications and vaccines work. Maybe she can consider a non-medical career instead.
10 Articles; 19,023 Posts
While a nursing school may accept her, often clinical placements will not under guise patient protection from harm, prevention of lawsuits from clients contracting illness from staff being greater issue. It would be a shame to spend $$$ on classes but be unable to complete course work therefore preventing licensure.
Idaho health agency halts COVID vaccine program, joining backlash
Try contacting Idaho nursing programs to confirm their Covid requirements
windsurfer8, BSN, RN
1,378 Posts
A school may accept her, but hospitals may not allow her to do her clinicals at their facility. It isn't the best field for people who do not want vaccines for whatever reason. The job is 100% about what is best for the patient (as I assume you know). Vaccine requirements can sometimes change so it might be best to contact schools she is interested in and just see what they say. Personally I am always thinking big picture. If she spends all that money then can't get a job because of vaccine refusal then she could be in a really bad spot. May be worth also inquiring with facilities where she would possibly like to work if they will hire her with no vaccines. It's going to be a challenge.
I am a registered nurse myself and I actually teach at a nursing school. I'm aware of all the challenges that students face if they don't want the COVID Vaccine. I just was curious if somebody knows of a school that is actually able to get students through their program without the COVID vaccine. I agree that the challenge is the nursing schools can accept them but they can't guarantee that they can achieve all their clinical hours without that vaccine. Thank you for taking the time to make a comment. She has all of her vaccines and just does not want to get the COVID shot. I can't do anything other than respect her choice and hopefully she can find a place to go to school.
1 Post
I am currently a BSN student in Georgia. Many students in my class have not had any COVID vaccine. Others refuse the flu vaccine as well. They are working clinicals and have placements for practicums. The hospitals have forms of declination to sign. I think it is much more common that other posters would have you believe. Some of the nurses I have worked with on my clinical rotations also are not vaccinated and have been working for years. So, look at schools in GA. The weather is usually nice. The people are mostly lovely.