Accepted into Nursing Program!!!


Yaaayyy!!! I was accepted into my schools Nursing program! I start January the 8th.

I truly feel the need to pinch myself. I had to read my acceptance letter at least 2 times after I opened it. 400 applicants and only 40 are chosen...Mine was chosen! :yeah:

Now-If anyone has advice for me about starting my nursing classes...I'm all ears.

I'm scared to death. I'm hearing horror stories about tests, grades, and people dropping out because they can't make it.


congratulations on being accepted to the program! I have to say that you have a very challenging endeavor that lies in front of you. I have two pieces of advice for you: DO NOT commit yourself to a full time job on top of nursing school; it's like water and oil, and study as hard as you can! Good Luck to you:yeah:

Congratulations!! I'm a newbie in nursing school myself- We are 4 weeks in and today was my first day of clinicals-I was scared, but it got better very quickly- once the initial shock wore off I felt so much better- we were only giving baths and taking vitals and we had a partner (and one patient) so it was not bad at all. Nursing school is a lot of work-its not like "regular" school at all. As one new student to another, my best advice would be to RELAX and work hard- its A LOT all at once, but it is exciting. Congrats and :yeah:Good luck!

congratulations!! what school do u attend and what r u doing 2 celebrate:yeah::up:

Specializes in Med/Surg < 1yr.

Congratulations Robinson and Lilo!!!!! I just completed my very last nursing exam. I am going to transitions(preceptorship) next week!!!!

Here's some advice:

1. Attend every class. Most if not all teachers use powerpoints and they give additional information in lecture that will be important on the exams so take good notes. Also put time into studying. You have to set up your own schedule for what works for you. If you don't do well on your tests, before you blame the instructors, ask yourself if you've put your all into learning the material. If not, take responsibility and buckle down. If so, then immediately have a talk with the instructors so you can find out where you went wrong and how you can improve it.

2. If your school permits, buy a digital voice recorder. You can get them everywhere! I know several people in my class who were using them and doing very well on the exams because they say that you can really hear what the instructor is focusing on plus you can go back over the lecture for better understanding. My daughter dropped mine in water.....

3. Do not get caught up in the pettiness of other people. The things that went on between my classmates throughtout this experience is just bananas and I would hear things but I wouldn't comment. You will see that some people refuse to let go of high school.

4. Get a day planner to keep track of tests, clinicals, projects, exams, school meetings, and any other thing that is going on in school. There will be a lot to do and staying organized will alleviate some stress.

5. Treat people as you want to be treated. You will be in class with all sorts of people of different backgrounds and everybody has a story. If you are going to a caring compassionate nurse, start with the people in your class. I honestly don't know how some of the people in my class plan to be nurses. Their attitudes make you feel sorry for the patients that they will have....

6. In clinicals, have a good understanding of what the instructors expect and do what they tell you to do. Do not complain about having to bathe and care for patients as if you are a nursing assistant. That is part of what you will be doing as a nurse also. There will be times when you won't have the luxury of a nursing assistant and you will have to do the vitals, bathing, feeding along with nursing care.

7. Practice things that you learn in school at home and if you have a certain procedure that you are not comfortable doing ask if you can have extra practice at school.

8. Always, always, wash your hands before entering a patient's room and before leaving. This is the #1 way to prevent the spread of nosocomial (hospital) infections.

9. On test, always remember your ABC's... Airway, Breathing, Circulation when you get test that have the word priority in them or what would you do first, think of these things first

10. Enjoy the time that you are here. Try to find the information interesting. It will help you to learn better when you are interested in the material. There will be a lot to see and do so don't feel overwhelmed.(I stood at the head of the operating table watching a patient have open heart surgery, I stood at the foot of the operating table watching a mother have a cesarean and I've held the legs of two women as they gave birth for the first time) Take a step back breathe and create a plan as to how you are going to absorb the info. Other than meds, don't try to memorize the material. Try to focus on what is abnormal so you will know what is normal. If you got accepted into the program then you have to know that you are worthy of being a good nurse but you have to work for it. Do not listen to what other people tell you about how a particular course is difficult or an instructor is difficult. I sike my self out of passing a few tests because I thought the class would be difficult and I still keep in contact with an instructor that some called a Nazi but ended up teaching me more than any instructor there.

Lastly, but most importantly put your faith in God because I can honestly say that it has only been through the Lord that I made it. There will be good times and bad just like anything else but you pray on it, believe in it and then do your part and God will do the rest..... I pray that you will be successful(I don't believe in luck) and that you find as much enjoyment from your school as I have in mine:nurse:

Specializes in nursing assistant.

Congratulations!!!!!!!!! I know the feeling I just got started in the nursing program in August. Stay FOCUSED!!!!!!


Took me 6 years to get in with a lottery system, I believe 900+ applied, and they took 100 of us.

dorselm has good advice--well said.

My advice, always be prepared, show up early, don't get behind. If possible, don't work--sell stuff off and reduce expenses now.

Write down NOW on a piece of paper WHY YOU want to be a nurse, and pull it out to remind yourself when you have a bad day and doubt yourself.

Have fun!!!

Congrats to u!! Just keep a positive attitude and stay focoused in what you want to acheive, study hard and be honest in all you do and god will do the rest for you. Trust him.:heartbeat:heartbeat:yeah:

Yaaayyy!!! I was accepted into my schools Nursing program! I start January the 8th.

I truly feel the need to pinch myself. I had to read my acceptance letter at least 2 times after I opened it. 400 applicants and only 40 are chosen...Mine was chosen! :yeah:

Now-If anyone has advice for me about starting my nursing classes...I'm all ears.

I'm scared to death. I'm hearing horror stories about tests, grades, and people dropping out because they can't make it.


:dancgrp:Congrats to you. I wish you all the best . Do not let your fears get you down. You made it through the pre reqs and you can make it through the nursing program.


Specializes in Nursing Ed, Ob/GYN, AD, LTC, Rehab.

Congrats on school!

In order to get ready I say RELAX while you can

Once school starts its a 24/7 job so soak up some relaxing time while you can!

Once youre in school stick with it, study hard, put in all the effort cause its worth it in the end. The difference between people who make it and those that dont is effort only, not brains, but in the time and youll get it.

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! I recently got accepted into GCU's nursing program as well. After 1 and 1/2 of anxiety, I finally got accepted. I was always worried that my gpa would prevent me from getting in, but my hard work, determination and faith help pull me through. I just wanted to let everyone know NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!!! I was so pessimistic that I submitted my background check 2 days before they went into acceptance. But I kept faith in God and finally I'm here!!!:yeah:

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