Published Jan 27, 2016
1 Post
I graduated in Dec 2015. I went to a job fair and was called for an interview for my dream job in the maternity area. I didn't get the job.. I next applied at a smaller hospital and settled for a med surg pediatric/adult floor. I accepted that job, had background checks, drug tests, met with the staff and had my badge made for that hospital. I'm supposed to start in 2 weeks. Today, I was offered a job at the FIRST place I applied in the maternity area. As a new grad, I don't know what to do. Is it too late to back out of the job I already settled for? Or should I go for my dream job?? Help!!!
Hoosier_RN, MSN
3,965 Posts
Accept if you want, but realize you may be burning a bridge if the dream job ends up not being a dream after all, or if something changes in the future. Just call and notify them immediately. Good luck!
14,633 Posts
I would say that the OP would definitely be burning bridges with the current employer, and should plan on being flagged DNR. Even though she hasn't formally started work, they have invested significantly in her already, and backing out at this point creates a hardship for the employer.
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
I moved your post to the First Year After Licensure forum (the post-grad forum is about MSN programs).
I would be wary of burning bridges. With that being said, bad news does not get better with time; if you are going to bail on the peds/med-surg job, let them know ASAP. But be prepared to be labeled as ineligible for rehire.
Lev, MSN, RN, NP
4 Articles; 2,805 Posts
You are scheduled to start in 2 weeks, so backing out is not terrible. I would ask to shadow for a couple hours on the maternity unit to get a feel for the unit and be sure this is your dream unit before accepting the offer.
388 Posts
I have done this before, quit after the first day after realizing the "dream" job was a total nightmare and I really preferred something else. I ended up burning a bridge with a large organization and was DNRd.
With that said, if you don't plan on moving around too much or this place where you are burning the bridge is not too large then you are ok with quitting the place place where you have not started. Just keep in mind nursing, Is a small world and managers tend to move around like nurses and you might see the same manager get again one day.
If you absolutely know this is what you want for sure quit and go for what you want, because regret is also something I would not want to have.
3,677 Posts
I turned down a position after background check and such had started after another position within the same health system was offered that paid better, had better hours, and was close to home. I have since transferred within that company, and interviewed for a variety of positions. I say better to quit before starting on the floor than after, especially for your dream job (and we all know L&D jobs are hard to come by).
mindofmidwifery, ADN
1,419 Posts
At least you haven't yet started orientation! I'd say go for your dream job :) congratulations
2 Posts
I am in a similar situation! I am set to start work In 2 weeks but I just received a call for an interview at my dream job. Idk what to do? I am so heartbroken that I have to deal with this. My mom is telling me to go ahead and go to the interview, it won't hurt to attend. I'm just troubled by the guilt I feel for leaving the job I was offered if I am given my dream job