Accepted in Drexels ACE Program Spring 2009

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


I just got my letter Wednesday that I have been accepted :yeah:to 's ACE program for Spring 2009, I am excited:lol2:, scared:scrying:, nervous and anxious. I have been readying the boards everyday for a month before I joined, I have found so much useful information:bowingpur. If anyway has word of wisdom, encouragment, I welcome them with open arms.

Now I know that's not the case! :chuckle

The $32,000 is only tuition and fees.

I *knew* I was stressed out about the possibility of paying 's tuition for a reason ;)

Thanks for the reply :)

I do understand the costs...but am awaiting to see my eligibility on the federal loans ;)

Congrats on your recent graduation and good luck on the upcoming nclex ;)

Specializes in Trauma, Critical Care, Orthopedics.

Just_cause ~ Thank you so much! Congratulations on your acceptance and Good luck in the program.

Hiddencat ~ Good luck! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Believe it or not, I think I still have all of the paperwork that sent out to me prior to starting the program. Isn't that sad?! :chuckle I'm not sure if I saved everything just as CYA or if the year flew by so quick that I had no time to throw anything out. Anyway, if there's anything else I can answer or anything I can help out with just let me know.

Again, congrats and good luck to all!

~Cathy :heartbeat

Qtp2t, I am so confused now because I have my fin. aid pack in front of me and the tution says 18,095 and the possible additional expense says 13,700. are you saying that this isn't correct or are you saying that the tution stating only for half a year. Congrats on your graduation!!!! Thank you for all your help. Good luck on you NCLEX.

Specializes in Trauma, Critical Care, Orthopedics.


Are you sure that tuition figure doesn't take any estimated financial aid into account? I just find it hard to believe that the cost of tuition was cut almost in half in less than a year...I'd call the school to have that clarified. I took out $36,000 in loans just to cover tuition, fees and health insurance for the program. I lived at my home in Bucks County and commuted to the city each day...paid all my bills and other expenses out of pocket for the year. Friends of mine took out $50,000 - $70,000 to cover tuition, fees, insurance, & living expenses. Over the past 4 years tuition alone for the program has increased each year, going from approx $28,000 to $32,000. Like I said, you should probably call financial aid to have that clarified.

Thanks for the congrats and well wishes!

~Cathy :heartbeat

Tuition has not decreased ;)

The tuition is approx 33k for the program.

The breakdown is also posted on their well as my financial paperwork. The fees add on - it just depends on what you consider a fee... pda..books. test fees.. insurance (if you don't already have it)

You folks definitely want to research the Federal loan situation. I'll be attending Jefferson's FACT program, starting in May. I thought we would be able to apply for federal loans twice. Jefferson even divides the program into "junior" and "senior" year. However, current FACT students tell me that you can only apply for Federal loans (i.e., with your FAFSA) once during the program. Because 's calendar is a bit different than Jeff's, the situation might be different, but please check into it so you are not depending on getting Federal loans twice only to (maybe) find out that's not the case.

Best of luck to all my fellow ABSNers! :)

I spoke with financial aid today.. just as what the previous posters had put..the tuition is roughly 33k.. the undergrad students with a previous bachelors aka 5th year undergrads are eligible for 12.5k a year federal.. and the ace program is splitting that based on the spring start being in two separate academic years..therefore i get some for one fiscal academic year and after filing next years fafsa the remaining half will be available... for a total of 12.5k

this is also what i have seen posted here as well ;)

I spoke with financial aid today.. just as what the previous posters had put..the tuition is roughly 33k.. the undergrad students with a previous bachelors aka 5th year undergrads are eligible for 12.5k a year federal.. and the ace program is splitting that based on the spring start being in two separate academic years..therefore i get some for one fiscal academic year and after filing next years fafsa the remaining half will be available... for a total of 12.5k

this is also what i have seen posted here as well ;)

Yeah, same at Jeff. $12,500 in Stafford loans. That leaves a lovely $20,000 hole to plug with private loans, begging and stealing. Just kidding about the stealing part!!!!

Definately it's 33K for the year (More if you buy their health insurance, 1K - 3K depending on which one you pick). I am a current ACE student (Fall 2008), just paid my tuition bill. So...

Looking at 's budgeting plan, it looks about right. Don't forget, (or FYI) they will send you for clinical all OVER the tri-state region, so that transportation cost may not be an over estimation. I know I have to drive for an hour and half to get to my clinical site.

Good news is there are some scholarships available, and if you sell yourself to the right hospital for a few years, and maintain a certain GPA, they will pay your entire tuition.

Good luck everyone,

Specializes in women's health.

Hey All -

So, i finally received my financial aid package as well, and just wanted to double check with everyone, since their letter was not helpful AT ALL. It sounds like the tuition listed on the financial aid letter is for HALF of the program - $18,000. I'm assuming that is for Spring and Summer '09, and that we will go through this whole process again for Fall and Winter quarters next year. My question is - is the "Other Expenses" ie travel, room and board, etc also split that way? And then also, are we sure that the federal loans are split into the two years? I was offered the $6000 or so in fed loans, but am really hoping that comes through again with the next round of financial aid (Part II).

Overall, it sounds like tuition is still $32,900 for the 11 months, and then they estimate another $26,000 in other living expenses. Financial aid is really only loans, and $12000 is the limit for federal loans, with the other $48,000 coming from private loans. Do I have this right?

Thanks everyone!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatrics, Wound Care.


I think you're right. The Spring & Summer 09 semester falls in the 2008-2009 academic year. The Fall & Winter 2009/10 semesters fall in the 2009-2010 academic year. We should receive a bill for those semesters later, where we'll be expected to fill out another FAFSA and find private loans. The Stafford offer we got would be for 1/2 of an academic year.

Less helpful than the letter was calling up people at Sallie Mae and getting information. I plan on stopping by the Financial aid office one of these days to make sure what I _think_ I am doing is really what will happen. I believe I fill out the loan request from Sallie Mae and request the tuition, plus the "additional fees". I'm hoping Drexel will let me know that that amount is correct. The terminology is slightly different between the letter and the loan request thing on Sallie Mae (plus, Sallie Mae mentions 12 months, rather than academic year). I figure if all else fails, Sallie Mae one year, something else the next. I'd really like some input from earlier years, though..

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