accelerated BSN programs for transfer students W/O a batchelors



I was wondering if anyone knew of Accelerated BSN programs that are for transfer students - not for students with a batchlors. I live in california; all of the state schools have 3 year programs. These schools have long breaks and waist a lot of time. I am looking for a program that is 2 years that is accelerated. I am willing to move. I think most of these schools would be private. I am currently looking at University of Southern Nevada, which has a 18 month program for transfer students

Specializes in L&D/Maternity nursing.

I would think that as long as you have the require pre-reqs, then you should be fine. But I'd definitely check with the department and see what exactly their requirements are.

Johns Hopkins has a traditional BSN program that is 21 months long, and does not require a previous Bachelor's degree.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Hi there-

I don't know if there is such a thing as an accel BSN for student without a bachelor's degree; could be wrong though. Do you have any of the basic prerequisites completed? Also, beware that the pricetag of a private school will more than likely be outrageous....and the NCLEX passrates for these programs should be thoroughly investigated. Good luck.

The Medical University of South Carolina. I just started this semester, and several students in our class transferred from a college. It's a 16 month program.

We have an accelerated program here at CSULB. I think they allow 2 xfer students each time.

It is for undergrads.

Oregon OHSU has a 16 month accelerated for transfer students..

Specializes in Endoscopy/MICU/SICU.

I'm in Georgia State's Accelerated BSN, and it doesn't require a bachelor's degree. It's also 16 months long. Tough, but so worth it!

I am in Univ of West GA RN-BSN, and it dosen't require a bachelor's degree. I started Fall'08 and will graduate Fall'09 with no summer classes.

Denver School of Nursing in Colorado has a 21 month BSN, you don't have to have a bach's. The great thing: all you have to do is take an entrance exam (very easy!) and fill out an application and they will take you. They have start dates every 3-4 months. The draw back: its $40,000 for the whole program

Specializes in NICU, Post-partum.
Denver School of Nursing in Colorado has a 21 month BSN, you don't have to have a bach's. The great thing: all you have to do is take an entrance exam (very easy!) and fill out an application and they will take you. They have start dates every 3-4 months. The draw back: its $40,000 for the whole program

Holy cow!

Denver School of Nursing in Colorado has a 21 month BSN, you don't have to have a bach's. The great thing: all you have to do is take an entrance exam (very easy!) and fill out an application and they will take you. They have start dates every 3-4 months. The draw back: its $40,000 for the whole program

Holy cow!

They to require a lot of pre-reqs!

I also kept in mind that ADN programs that are local..might be a very economical option - and upon entrance, to a hospital, as an RN many offer discounted ADN to BSN education programs on site or via distance.


Course, # semester hours

Microbiology, 3

Anatomy & Physiology, 8 with labs

Sciences, 6 credits two courses; one with a lab

Algebra, 3

Statistics, 3

Psychology, 3

Human Growth & Development, 3

Nutrition, 3

English Coursework, 6

Added General Education, 22

Total prerequisite credit hours, 60

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