

I took my nclex this afternoon and i'm ready to lose my mind, ugh. I know it isn't the end of the world but it feels like it. I want to do the PVT but the site is under construction :crying2:

It opens back up at 12:00 AM! I took mine yesterday and COMPLETELY FEEL YOUR PAIN. I finally got the courage to the PVT trick earlier, and I got the good pop up! I still am finding it hard to accept, and I still feel like I failed miserably. By Monday I should know for sure if I passed or failed. After researching and being up all night, I'm pretty sure the PVT is about 99% accurate. I wish you the best of luck!

Thx but i am so scared i won't be able to sleep until i get the actual results which i was told will be tuesday :madface:

I took mine today too. I do not feel like I passed. I am wondering what the signifigance of the "delivery successful" message is? I got a good pop up (before the site went down) but didn't even think to look for the "delivery successful" message. so i'm waiting til midnight to try it again and look for that message. :(

I feel same. i walked in feeling confident and walked out with a headache and feeling stupid then ever. :crying2:

I know right! I just tried that, I took mine today too. I wasn't that worried about it until I got home and all these people were commenting on fb and saying check this to see if you pass and your permit won't be up and blah blah blah, so now im scurred!! lol

Do you have a nursing permit ?

Maybe if I tell you a little about how NCLEX works, you can breathe and get some sleep.

With NCLEX testing, the computer generates a question. If you get it right, it gives you a slightly harder one. If you get it wrong you get a slightly easier question. This continues until the testing program finds the level at which you get approximately half right and half wrong. If this level is high enough, you pass.

For instance, if you reach that 50/50 point at the level of a senior in high school (just to use a familiar scale), you would pass. But if that 50/50 point came at a seventh grade level, you would fail.

Because the computer is looking to find the level at which you get half right and half wrong, just about everybody walks out feeling like they blew it. You can't judge by how many questions you got wrong. The only clue is the difficulty of those questions you think you biffed.

Please, keep breathing, and get some sleep between now and Tuesday. We need you alive and well when you join our ranks. :D

Thx alot for the advice.

I have my gvn permit, and got way too many select all applyand priority questions like 3/4 of my test and it cutoff at 85 so im not sure, any helpful hints?

Helpful hints ummmmm no sorry. I got about 10 SATA, alot of staff education, 3 math questions, 3 put in order, and ALOT of questions about alzheimers ugh

So can't wait for 12:01 am

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