Updated: Mar 28, 2023 Published Nov 30, 2021
If you could send one message to Santa what would it be?
iNurs5, CNA
471 Posts
11 hours ago, FashionablyL8 said: Yes- sleep and feel like your life is your own again for a little while. It's the BEST feeling not to have to study constantly- just be able to relax, watch a movie or read a (non-nursing) book without feeling that you should be studying. School isn't that far behind me that I've forgotten- or maybe we never forget LOL. Best of luck to both of you, Honyebee and Mike!
Yes- sleep and feel like your life is your own again for a little while. It's the BEST feeling not to have to study constantly- just be able to relax, watch a movie or read a (non-nursing) book without feeling that you should be studying. School isn't that far behind me that I've forgotten- or maybe we never forget LOL.
Best of luck to both of you, Honyebee and Mike!
I'm sure it won't be. ?
Kitiger, RN
1,834 Posts
1 hour ago, Honyebee said: I have an ATI exam for almost every nursing course at the end of the quarter, so I do need to review on my two-week breaks and for the finals, too. ?
I have an ATI exam for almost every nursing course at the end of the quarter, so I do need to review on my two-week breaks and for the finals, too. ?
Does ATI mean TEAS exam? Is TEAS the exam you take before they let you write the NCLEX? It was different back in the day. Once we finished with a semester - say, Maternal/Child - we went on to something different. There was no all-encompassing final exam before taking Boards (NCLEX, now).
To prepare for the twice/year opportunity to take Nursing Boards, I worked float.
1 hour ago, Kitiger said: Does ATI mean TEAS exam? Is TEAS the exam you take before they let you write the NCLEX? It was different back in the day. Once we finished with a semester - say, Maternal/Child - we went on to something different. There was no all-encompassing final exam before taking Boards (NCLEX, now). To prepare for the twice/year opportunity to take Nursing Boards, I worked float.
Yes, I took the TEAS exam during my application. Then there are exams through ATI-related nursing courses I'm taking: Fundamental of Nursing, Mental Health, Med-Surg, pharmacology, and other nursing courses. We will have an (ATI) exit exam when the program is completed. It's manageable. I do make sure I get a good sleep though.
FashionablyL8, CNA, LPN
142 Posts
Hi Kitiger,
The ATI is an online study program that nursing schools use. There's all kinds of quizzes and practice stuff in every subject. There are various quick quizzes due throughout the year. At the end of each term, students have a comprehensive CAT timed ATI final exam in major subjects. There's levels 0-3 as I recall. The higher the grade, the higher the chance of passing the NCLEX according to ATI. They made us all take the finals twice so students could do remediation and improve upon their grade.
Honyebee and Mike, I recommend the CAT practice exams for studying for the NCLEX. They are really challenging. I wish I had just done the ATI which we pay for in nursing school and not spent so much additional $$ on other study programs after school.
10 minutes ago, FashionablyL8 said: Hi Kitiger, The ATI is an online study program that nursing schools use. There's all kinds of quizzes and practice stuff in every subject. There are various quick quizzes due throughout the year. At the end of each term, students have a comprehensive CAT timed ATI final exam in major subjects. There's levels 0-3 as I recall. The higher the grade, the higher the chance of passing the NCLEX according to ATI. They made us all take the finals twice so students could do remediation and improve upon their grade. Honyebee and Mike, I recommend the CAT practice exams for studying for the NCLEX. They are really challenging. I wish I had just done the ATI which we pay for in nursing school and not spent so much additional $$ on other study programs after school.
Thank you for the information.
FiremedicMike, BSN, RN, EMT-P
577 Posts
Well I made it through peds.. Honestly left the testing center sure that I had failed..
I actually got one of the higher scores I've ever gotten on a nursing exam!
I hope everyone else's final went well.. Now for my Christmas present, I want one of those eko stethoscope addons!
17 hours ago, FiremedicMike said: Well I made it through peds.. Honestly left the testing center sure that I had failed.. I actually got one of the higher scores I've ever gotten on a nursing exam! I hope everyone else's final went well.. Now for my Christmas present, I want one of those eko stethoscope addons!
Congratulations! Happy for you.
Enjoy your break!