A majority of Americans would tolerate higher taxes to help pay for universal health

Nurses Activism


From Bloomberg:

Universal Health Care

Six in 10 people surveyed say they would be willing to repeal tax cuts to help pay for a health-care program that insures all Americans.


Most of the highest income group polled, those in households earning more than $100,000, support it. While more than eight in 10 Democrats say they like the plan, most Republicans oppose it.

Most of the highest income group polled, those in households earning more than $100,000, support it. While more than eight in 10 Democrats say they like the plan, most Republicans oppose it.


An agenda focused on health care and education spending would be better for the economy than returning money to taxpayers through tax cuts, she said: ``In the end it would cut costs.''

By 52 percent to 36 percent, Americans favored health and education spending as a better economic stimulus than tax cuts

Source: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601170&refer=home&sid=a2TWmuh3vHHI accessed today.

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

the point is that we are paying for national health care and not getting it. 25% administration and profit would buy one heck of a lot of health care. see:

americans already pay for national health insurance-they just don't get it. in this 2002 health affairs paper, david himmelstein and steffie woolhandler point out that the standard accounting miscategorizes two major public health expenditures as private: the tax credit for private health insurance and the cost of the federal employees health benefit program.

when these costs are accounted for, it becomes evident that americans already pay the world's highest health care taxes. in fact, the amount of public health spending in the u.s. is greater than the combined public and private spending of nations which provide universal comprehensive health insurance. a single-payer system could provide such coverage to all americans with no need for additional health dollars.

read "paying for national health insurance-and not getting it" (pdf)

source: http://pnhp.org/single_payer_resources/60_percent_of_health_spending_is_already_publicly_financed_enough_to_cover_everyone.php

compare the health statistics between states with essential universal coverage to those without universal coverage. the states with universal coverage are healthier overall. see https://allnurses.com/forums/f195/vermont-healthiest-state-2007-a-260007.html (these relationships continue with hs graduation rates and lower poverty rates.) this is not a republican or a democratic issue it is an american issue.

you come up with such cute cartoons

Specializes in Critical Care.
This would work if the free market was honest

But Halliburton leads the free market, I think that says it all

Halliburton isn't the free market. It is an example of neomercantilistic bonding with gov't. Halliburton-type contracts will be the example of single payor. The elected officials that will run your healthcare will care more about lobbyists from Halliburton-type healthcare companies than they will care about your input.

The free market is a repudiation of the neomercantilism that breeds companies such as Halliburton.



Specializes in Critical Care.
you come up with such cute cartoons

That cartoon is an example of the neomercantilism that comes from being in bed with gov't. Those insurance companies aren't in contrast to gov't interference in healthcare; they are in collusion with such interference.

Big Health Insurance, inc., can only act the way it does because your gov't took direct steps to ensure that YOU don't have control over who provides you with insurance. Your employers do, and so does the gov't, by the policies it sets.

You have to take what you can get. The result: you aren't the insurance companies' customer: your employer is. They need not cater to you, but to your employer, and to Uncle Daddy.

The result: you are an afterthought. THAT is the role of gov't in your healthcare today. Why on earth would you consider giving the failed policies of 60 yrs of gov't directed financing of healthcare more of a chance to mess up your care? The gov't has failed us for long enough when it comes to financing healthcare.

It's time for a better solution. A time tested solution. It's time to bring the free market back to healthcare.



Congress could stop it anyday by just cutting off funding. I guess Nancy Pelosi must not find it too illegal. Please tell us what other companies can provide the services that halliburton can?

This isnt even necessary

Just stop Bushie and his illegal war, and his and Cheneys friends at Halliburton

you come up with such cute cartoons

Check out the "Political Cartoon" thread in Current Events.


Specializes in IM/Critical Care/Cardiology.
Halliburton isn't the free market. It is an example of neomercantilistic bonding with gov't. Halliburton-type contracts will be the example of single payor. The elected officials that will run your healthcare will care more about lobbyists from Halliburton-type healthcare companies than they will care about your input.

The free market is a repudiation of the neomercantilism that breeds companies such as Halliburton.



Wow, Cheney is quite the breeder.

Specializes in IM/Critical Care/Cardiology.
Congress could stop it anyday by just cutting off funding. I guess Nancy Pelosi must not find it too illegal. Please tell us what other companies can provide the services that halliburton can?

Uhmmmm do you mean the other contractors that lost the bid to Haliburton , before Pelosi took her present position? Halibuton was handed this bid.

Just like during the rebuilding of katrina, who got the bids for restoration? Texans, not the people in Louisianna.

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.
That cartoon is an example of the neomercantilism that comes from being in bed with gov't. Those insurance companies aren't in contrast to gov't interference in healthcare; they are in collusion with such interference.

Big Health Insurance, inc., can only act the way it does because your gov't took direct steps to ensure that YOU don't have control over who provides you with insurance. Your employers do, and so does the gov't, by the policies it sets.

You have to take what you can get. The result: you aren't the insurance companies' customer: your employer is. They need not cater to you, but to your employer, and to Uncle Daddy.

The result: you are an afterthought. THAT is the role of gov't in your healthcare today. Why on earth would you consider giving the failed policies of 60 yrs of gov't directed financing of healthcare more of a chance to mess up your care? The gov't has failed us for long enough when it comes to financing healthcare.

It's time for a better solution. A time tested solution. It's time to bring the free market back to healthcare.



Neomercantilism is that really a word

All 7 of my children with my wife were afterthoughts

The free market isnt free at all the last time I looked, so if it isnt free how can it be time tested.

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.
Halliburton isn't the free market. It is an example of neomercantilistic bonding with gov't. Halliburton-type contracts will be the example of single payor. The elected officials that will run your healthcare will care more about lobbyists from Halliburton-type healthcare companies than they will care about your input.

The free market is a repudiation of the neomercantilism that breeds companies such as Halliburton.




I am so impressed with your erudition and interpretation of events.

Specializes in Critical Care.

I am so impressed with your erudition and interpretation of events.

Nevertheless, you scoff at halliburton even as you advocate a healthcare system that will bring companies like halliburton to bear to be your gov't contracted healthcare provider.

You can't have it both ways. Either gov't being in bed with big business against you is a bad thing. Or, it's not. You can't say its only bad because Cheney once made a buck off of it, and not bad when he doesn't. It's bad because EVERYBODY makes out at your expense.

I'm glad your afterthoughts are well taken care of. I don't want to be an afterthought when it comes to my healthcare.

The gov't has failed us, time and time again with healthcare. You'll just have to excuse me in that I don't trust them to be so faithful about it, now.



Specializes in Critical Care.


The Real Health Care Radicals

"If you listen to what each party says about the other, you would get a very different impression. To hear the Democrats tell it, the Republicans are happy with the health-care system we have: all they do is stand in the way of Democratic improvements.

But the truth is that it's the Republicans who make more radical proposals. They want to make a break with more than six decades of government policy."

. . .

"The Democrats have hardly noticed the turn in Republican thinking on health care, in part because the Republicans seem so weak right now. But the Democrats have already started to emphasize how incremental and unthreatening their plans are. In the months to come, look for them to start accusing Republicans of being radicals who want to end health insurance as we know it. The accusation will be true."

Six decades of gov't interference should not be brought to a full circle disaster. It should be ended.



Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.
Nevertheless, you scoff at halliburton even as you advocate a healthcare system that will bring companies like halliburton to bear to be your gov't contracted healthcare provider.

You can't have it both ways. Either gov't being in bed with big business against you is a bad thing. Or, it's not. You can't say its only bad because Cheney once made a buck off of it, and not bad when he doesn't. It's bad because EVERYBODY makes out at your expense.

I'm glad your afterthoughts are well taken care of. I don't want to be an afterthought when it comes to my healthcare.

The gov't has failed us, time and time again with healthcare. You'll just have to excuse me in that I don't trust them to be so faithful about it, now.



But the old guard has died off, with a few exceptions, who are slowly dying off.. We have a new breed coming in now. Shaking things up. Like John Edwards. I like him.

But Halliburton wont get into the health care. We also need to get rid of Lawyers, Papparzis, and the Military and Petroleum Industrial Complex. We also need to cut the power of the pharmaceutical Giants with their usurious earnings.

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