A & P classes are FULL already!??


Im absolutely crushed..the a * p classes at my school are already full and its only 4 days into registration. I dont even get a chance to register for another 3 1/2 weeks bc Im a 'new' student. I HAVE TO taken a & p 1 in the spring or else I cant get into the nursing program in the fall. I have had my heart set on becoming a nurse and going back to school for months now, I cant believe this!

a&p fills super quick, like insanely quick! See if you can get on the wait list, a ton of people drop around here, and if you're ok with starting the class late and catching up, lots of people drop w/i the first week after getting the syllabus and realizing it's gonna be a ton of work. Are there any other colleges around you, I know the more expensive colleges around here sometimes have room when the community college is always full.

That's how it works here too. I am retaking 101 in order to bump my B to an A next semester. Registration opened up on the 18th and by 11pm that night only 3 classes were open to register for (out of maybe 15-20). Try talking to the department chair or an advisor. It doesn't seem fair that you have to wait longer to get registered just because you are a new student (did I read that right?). As the PP said, a LOT of students drop at the beginning of the program once they realize what all is involved with the course. Good luck!!

Specializes in Geriatrics.
im absolutely crushed..the a * p classes at my school are already full and its only 4 days into registration. i dont even get a chance to register for another 3 1/2 weeks bc im a 'new' student. i have to taken a & p 1 in the spring or else i cant get into the nursing program in the fall. i have had my heart set on becoming a nurse and going back to school for months now, i cant believe this!

when this use to happen to me, i would wait until the school did their system purge which basically dropped all the students that did not pay their tuition or make payment arrangements by a specified deadline. this would usually happen right after midnight of the set date. you may want to check with your schools business office (or cashier's office) to find out when will they perform their first round of drops for non-payment and be prepared to add the class quickly.

i know how frustrating that is but as the other posts indicated someone will inevitably drop the class which may open a seat for you - definitely find out about a waitlist. stay positive and i hope that a seat in the class opens for you.

good luck and keep us posted!

It doesn't seem fair that you have to wait longer to get registered just because you are a new student (did I read that right?).

It's the same way here 60+ credit hrs. get to register first, about 4-5 days later all other previously enrolled students register, and about 1.5 weeks later all new enrollment's register.

Specializes in N/A.

I agree...get on a wait list, or wait for that purge of non paying or dopping students...then JUMP! Many of our classes were filled by the 2nd day. After the first week many drop also...another option. For lecture here is my suggestion....Go to the instructor and BEG! This comes from my present lab professor. These professors can do over-rides for lectures...and several will drop out after the first week. Labs are trickier here because there are only so many actual lab desks and each student must have one. But again..a wait list and many will drop out. They have no clue what they are getting into and when they see it's not an easy A they are our the door.

I stayed up until after midnight last Sunday to register and when it told me I had to have college credit to take A&P 2 and my other classes I about spit nails. I was watching the number of seats dwindle with every refresh. I was on that phone at 7:30am to an advisor and she pulled up my records and put me right into the sections I requested right then and there. Four A's and a B+ tells her I'm a serious student. So, maybe you could go directly to an advisor? They can over-ride.

Specializes in Critical Care, Postpartum.

I was almost in that situation this semester. I was using the goverment's Tuition Waiver for the first time and didn't know that that means I can't register for classes until the late registration day. So, I was closed out of A&P1. I even sent an email to the Chairperson of the Biology department to see if I could squeeze in the class. He of course wouldn't budge. But, it was his secretary that gave me the wonderful advice that the college has a "charge back" plan for students who aren't able to take classes at the college due to it being closed. Here's how it works. You see if another college offers the class and there are seats available and take it at that college. With the "charge back", you won't have to pay out of county tuition. So, I was able to find another college near me who had 1 seat open for A&P 1 and so I applied to the college online and was able to take that last seat. With the charge back from my original school, I didn't have to pay the out of county fees. After completing the course, the grade you received will be converted back to your original college as if you took it there. I'm so glad his secretary gave me the advice or I would have been stuck. Find out if your college does it. She told me that many students are unaware the colleges offer this.

I just called the Admissions office and they said that I could wait until the Dec 17th payment due date to see if anyone drops the class. They also said try asking the Department Chair.

Specializes in Critical Care, Clinical Documentation Specialist.

What about taking them online?You won't fall behind that way if you can't get a spot. I have done all mine that way through ccconline.org (I happen to be in CO) and have all A's too. It's pricey, but there could be closer schools to you. Don't let this get you down, there is always a way! :)


Ive never thought about doing it online, prob bc I didnt think Id have to. I wonder though, do they accept financial aid as payment? Also, what about teh lab requirement?

The same thing happened to my for both AP1 and AP2 and both times I managed to get in. This first time I went to the department chair and asked for an over-ride and they let me in. The second time, I just kept checking the online registration status over and over and over until a seat opened up. The day the bills were mailed out a seat opened up. Good Luck.

Just speaking from experience, if your school offers the course online then your financial aid would cover it. There should be no reason not to. I know for friends they may have had 1 or 2 lab days to attend on the campus, but other than you learn it all on your own.

However, I strongly recommend trying to get in an actual face to face class. If your school is very strict about making As (or just good grades) in your APHY classes and you aren't a great science student it may end up backfiring. The open labs are what save me in my 102 class.

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