Lone Star Fall 2012 ADN Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


I applied to Lone Star - ADN program Spring 2012. I was accepted as an alternate. I am hoping to get a call from the nursing department saying there is a spot for me. If not I will be reapplying for the next application period for entrance to the program in the Fall 2012. Good luck everyone!!!!

I finally finished the list of To-Do's and am anxiously awaiting orientation on May 17th.

Finished and passed CPR today...now I just have to get my physical Friday then wait for my blue card!

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

Anyone attempting this madness with kids? The husband and I have 9, 4, and 1 year old munchkins, and I'm starting to get nervous. I got my first degree back when I only had one kid and the idea that I've multiplied that by three just scared the bejeezus out of me. Which could be why I'm being so lazy about getting the checklist done...i may or may not have completed anything, yet. Somebody make me get my game face on!

I have a 9,7 (and a 2 yr old niece who I have everyother weekend). And knowing my luck it will be the weekend before an exam. I was excited and now nervous, but don't procastinate. Its a bad habit to get into. My friend is finishing her first year at Montgomery and her son is 18 months old, her daughter is 4, and a full time job. I looked up things to do to prepare for nursing school, and the number 1 comment was... get your house organized, and make meals and freeze them. I've been looking up recipes online and I'm going to try some out this weekend. 16 weeks at 2x a week = 32 meals :) My husband has a night, my daughter has a night, and we do take-out on fridays!! We want to show our children that no matter what we want them to succeed in life and their number one role model is showing them how its done. I always tell myself that I would want my daughter to finish her dream and to not let anything stop her, but how can I say it without actions to prove it? Just make a to-do list and stay with it daily. During nap time, get on your to-do list. I'm starting a routine now that has everyone knowing exactly what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. A load of laundry a day... I put it in, daughter put it in the dryer, and my son and hubby fold/hang it up and all it takes is 2 mins on everyones part. Its going to be hard the first semester but it will all work out. We have been working at this for months now and thats why its running smoother than it was. Find something that works for you but don't procastinate!!!!!!!!

Specializes in neonatal, oncology.

@stephalump i have a 4 and 2 year old, and a six month old baby. oh yea a 26 year old baby too..(husband). lets just say theres never a dull moment. i nurse my little one, so its very trying at times when i have homework. Plus, my husband and I are from California, so all our relatives are back home. its a lot easier when u can take the kids to auntie c or gg. My kids are on a schedule, but doll baby wakes up every night at two a.m. to eat. hubby works 6a-6p so hes knocked. ive managed to ace all exams but one this semester though. anxious to see what happens in nursing school.

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

Thanks, gmarks! I really like the idea of starting to get home life situated for the transition. I can't control how much work nursing school is going to be, but maybe I can find ways to lighten the home load. We're pretty scheduled/organized, but I'm used to a stay at home mom schedule...much more flexible in terms of available time. And Im responsible for almost everything by default, which is going to have to change for sure! The husband works kind of erratic hours, so Im thinking a cleaning service is going to be a life saver, and I love the idea of freezing meals! Any time I worry about going back to school, I just get "Oh, youre smart. You'll do fine.". Not very helpful. I'm not worried about being too dumb, I'm worried about time management, and basically leaving my role as stay at home mom, and finding time to keep my family a priority....things like that. I made my fingerprinting appointment right after I posted last night, so progress! 3proudmommy, wow you have your hands full with 3 little ones! Hopefully the baby is sleeping through the night before you start school. My littlest woke up during the night to nurse until a few weeks ago...so the entire first year plus pregnancy spent not sleeping well. I was very, very tired, so I can only imagine doing it with two other kids under 5! The only thing that broke the habit was him weaning himself while I was out of town. I left for a week, and when I came home he refused to nurse, but he was sleeping great. It was earlier than I weaned the other two, but they were sleeping all night much younger. So I'll take it. And I know what you mean about having a support system...I'm always jealous of people with super helpful parents/siblings! Our family is all here, but they aren't the "Help with the kids" type. Are all three going to be in daycare? My four year old is going to preschool 3 times a week, but I have to move her somewhere that does full-time care instead of 9-2, and I'm not looking forward to it. Even worse, I hate the idea of putting the baby in daycare full-time, but my goal is to get as much school work done during the day as possible. Ok, stopping rambling and starting to look for a CPR class. I'm just goin to have to force myself out of this funk!

Specializes in neonatal, oncology.

I hear ya Stephalump! I am one that tends to procrastinate as well, so I am trying to beat myself out of that habit! I know that it will not cut it in nursing school. And yes, my hands, feet, brain are all full!!!! I thank God everyday for a supportive husband, because I would have had a nervous breakdown by now, if I had to do this alone. It's nice right now, because my father in law came down here to stay with us while we handle our business, but he is ready to go back home! Plus, he's older, so it's been a little while since he's had to deal with children this young. Once he goes back to the West Coast, we are in between a rock and a hard place. No other family here, and daycare is wayyyyy too expensive for three children. For the baby alone, most want 210 a week! We simply cannot afford that. We are not completely alone, as we have two other relative families that live within 10 miles of us, but they all have their own children, own school schedules, and own personal agendas. As much as I hate the idea, I probably will have to put doll baby in daycare with her older brother. My oldest will be starting pre-k this year, but even still that's only half-day. Hopefully, we can convince my father in law to come down and stay with us again. He has no other obligations; all his kids are grown and he's retired. But anyway, I spoke with the Nursing Advisor, and you have a little time to get your cpr done. Although it is best to get it done earlier, it doesnt have to be completed until after orientation. So relax a little!!!! Let the joy and excitement of being accepted sink in a bit! Hope all is well.

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

The place I got my nursing school scholarship from also does child care financial aid, if you qualify. It's prorated, so not free, but it can definitely help! To put the two little ones in daycare and my oldest in after school care, we were looking at about 1500/month, and our co-pay with the financial aid is only going to be around $600, so definitely a huge help! PM me if you want any info! I was hoping to put my daughter in public pre-k, but the 1/2 day just isn't going to work. I have clinicals twice a week that are going to run past the time she needs to be picked up and I really don't want to ask anyone to do that for me :-/

I have a 15 month old and I just found out that I'm expecting again. I'm due in November so I'm concerned how I am going to complete the first semester and have a baby. I know that with the support of my family I can do it, but just the thought of having a baby and having to bounce right back to school is kind of scary.

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

Soooo, I was just talking to my MIL who is graduating from from the ADN program in May and she said her class started with 125 people and they only have 68 people left in the class due to failing out, and there are probably still some who won't be able to pass the exit HESI! And that includes transition students who came in this year! Apparently they call it North Harvard because they accept more students and then weed them out. I'd heard NH had an abysmal rate from when my mom went there, but I had no clue it was 50%! I wonder how Moco compares..one more thing for me to worry about o_O.

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

CongratsMcKelly! That's so exciting!I know it's scary....I had my first two kids in the middle of full time school and it definitely wasn't easy to go right back, but definitely doable! I'm not sure if I could go to clinicals a week after having a baby, but maybe there's something you could work out with that. And thank goodness you're due toward the end of the semester! :-)

Congrats McKelly on having a baby!

Stephalump: My friend is at Montgomery and is finishing her first year right now. This is 3rd hand information, but last semester they lost 2 ppl, one b/c of grades, the second had to move. They replaced them both with transfers from other school in Jan, and are down a couple more now. I believe that with only 40 ppl its easier to learn and to ask questions and recieve the answers in smaller groups. This is why I waited for this school is b/c of their excellent reputation

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