TEAS math review help

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi everyone,

I already have a BA in another field and am looking for a career change after being a stay home mom for 5+ years. In my field, math wasn't necessary, nor was it really needed as a stay home mom, lol. It has been 12 years since I was in school and I am in need of some serious math help to pass the teas exam. Can anyone recommend a good study guide for this? I know a lot of people recommend the ATI book but I was thinking maybe something more along the lines of a math for dummies type of book/review.

I am currently enrolled in a basic biology class to meet a prerequisite and then on to A&P before applying to the nursing program. I am hoping those will help me in the science portion of the teas, as I was always horrible at science too.

I do well enough in the reading/english portions (I was a journalism major) so I really need to focus on math and science.

Thanks so much! Good luck to everyone in your nursing venture!



Specializes in Oncology/Hematology.
can anyone tell me if the NET is the same as the tease?

The NET is very similar to the TEAS except the NET is much, much easier and has many more sections to fill out. Also, you're allowed to go back to different sections if you run out of time on the NET whereas on the TEAS you only get to do each section during the allotted time for it.

The math for the NET is exactly like the math on the practice NET, available for purchase online at the ERI website. Do that practice test and be comfortable with it and you'll FLY through the NET :)

AND YES, I remember the question about the pulley lever thing. I think it was about a shovel. I don't remember though.

How did you do on the teas test?

Teas maths, is similiar to the book. But you have to be able to calculate fast. Good Luck. I did not pass, I have to retake it on nov.12th.

Oy! Thank god I have the book because If it wasn't I would be completely clueless, but procrastination is a killer though. What will surely kill me is the science portion(man I should've paid attention in Honors Anatomy when I was a senior) but the math part I believe I just need to refresh my mind...they have some help test questions on youtube; even on ATI's website.

BTW are we able to use a calculator during the test because I would die if we weren't

^ lol @ using calculator. not needed for the teas. Whats the points of the teas if u get to use a calculator.

^ lol @ using calculator. not needed for the teas. Whats the points of the teas if u get to use a calculator.

CRUD!:eek:because I'm reading posts that said yes and then no and then yes.. I am perplexed

purple math will go through it all, the manuals floating around here for mcgraw will defeat any problems you might have with: percentages, fractions, ratios, or algebra.

Metric conversions get to know them. When you get frustrated with it just get up take a break and go at it again.

CRUD!:eek:because I'm reading posts that said yes and then no and then yes.. I am perplexed

I am pretty sure u won't be able to use a calculator. The math is really simple fractions/adding/subtracting/simple conversion/f to C and so on.....right triangle....- I got like 97% on that section.

great math site i found while surfing the web:


powerpoint review :)

great math site i found while surfing the web:


powerpoint review :)

great powepoint! thanks!

great math site i found while surfing the web:


powerpoint review :)

wow! that is a good math study help!!! thxs!

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