Tallahassee community college RN program spring 2018

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hey guys I'm currently taking my last prerequisites for entry into the RN program this spring. So here are my stats: 145/160.. haven't taken the hesi yet, I plan to do after this semester is over. Talk to me. Let's hear some stats

Sammy: You have to complete all the pre-reqs and take the HESI A2 (math, reading, grammar, and vocab sections) before submitting your application for fall 2018 (the application is due 5/14/18). The pre-req courses are PSY2012, DEP2004, HUN1201, ENC1101, BSC2085, BSC2085L, BSC2086, BSC2086L, and any state core math (STA2023/MGF1106/MGF1107/MAC1105). A state humanities course and microbiology plus its lab are not pre-reqs, but corequisites as they want you to take it during the summer while in the nursing program.

I received an email from Ms. Cook. I am considered an alternate at this time.

Hi guys, emails were sent out. I have been chosen as an alternate. I'm going to try to stay positive and will contact them soon to see where I'm at on the alternate list.

Who else got accepted? I am excited. To those chosen as alternates, don't give up hope! Several alternates get accepted each semester. Email and ask what number you are on the alternate list to get a better idea

Who do we email to find out what place we are in the alternate list?

Who do we email to find out what place we are in the alternate list?

I would probably reply back to the original email you received today and ask there, and if that's not the place they should hopefully redirect you to who to ask

Who do we email to find out what place we are in the alternate list?

I asked in the email, but I also called the Ghazvini Center and left a voice message asking about where I was on the alternate list. If you dont mind me asking, what was your score?

Alright thank you! And congratulation!!!!

I have 139.5. So you're definitely before me on the list!!!

Everyone results are in I got in!!

Everyone results are in I got in!!

Congrats, see you at orientation!

Thanks, see you there

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