Tallahassee community college RN program spring 2018

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hey guys I'm currently taking my last prerequisites for entry into the RN program this spring. So here are my stats: 145/160.. haven't taken the hesi yet, I plan to do after this semester is over. Talk to me. Let's hear some stats

Hi guys! I just got accepted for the fall term and I was just wondering about the process of the drug test? More specifically, I'm kinda worried they're going to watch me actually tinkle..Im pretty shy and have anxiety so I'm just trying to mentally prepare, if that doesn't sound too crazy..lol

Hi guys! I just got accepted for the fall term and I was just wondering about the process of the drug test? More specifically, I'm kinda worried they're going to watch me actually tinkle..Im pretty shy and have anxiety so I'm just trying to mentally prepare, if that doesn't sound too crazy..lol

Haha they don't watch you pee. They give you a cup and you go to the bathroom, don't flush afterwards, and you hand it to the tech.

Lol oh okok! do they pat you down or anything?

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