Studied constantly, still got a D on first test.

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


So what I did before school semester start was to read ahead of my physiology class.

I've studied every single day and read ahead for my next upcoming physio lectures.

I got a D on my first exam. I was so upset with myself because I'm ALWAYS at the tutoring center studying. I'm literally there from 10am - 6pm and yet, I did not even receive the A I wanted. Everyone knows I'm studying. So I don't know what happened...?

I didn't focused so much on 1 chapter, but I studied the most important ones.

I also have severe test anxiety. I was so worked up that I was nearly in tears as I took the test. I know all the answers when I raise my hand in class. So what am I doing wrong?

She doesnt allow me to record her lectures. I rewrite all her notes and do youtubes videos but still.

Anyone have some advice? I have a micro exam already on Tuesday and I'm afraid it'll be deja vu all over again.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

In many states both parties must consent to recording, NJ is one such state. In a one party consent state it may be permitted but also may go against instructor or school policy. If an instructor prohibits recording of lectures it is not advisable to secretly do so even for personal use

Recording college lectures also falls under copyright/intellectual property laws.

She doesn't allow recording of lectures? W t f. Isn't it to allow students record lectures because every student is a different type of learner. I recommend you contact SDS (Stupid Disability Services) and tell them what's going on. You may need to go see a psychiatrist (which may not be a bad idea) to get something done.

If you have proof of having a learning disability such as ADD or similar than you need to contact those who can accommodate to that. If not I don't think they have to let you record because some schools protect their lessons from other students outside of the school. But I agree that it is worth looking into either way. I Wish I And known this about ADD years ago when I was taking my prerequisites but oh well.

Specializes in Psych/Mental Health.
Here are my study habits:

Read the chapter before class starts. Then 15-30 min break.

Class lecture blah blah

after class go to tutoring.

Reread chapter and write notes not included in lecture.

break time

use masteringaandp for 1-2 hours then break.

I go to tutoring sessions and literally be the only person answering them correctly. It had to be the anxiety. I have a note from my doctor of the anxiety medications I'm taking.

Do you do practice exams and time yourself when you do them? If not, try it. Read the chapter carefully once, do as many problems as you could and time yourself as if you're testing, review each answers carefully and refer to the text if needed. Re-do the ones you got wrong after a few days. Desensitize yourself with the testing process to lower your anxiety.

I'm going to do that two weeks from now because that's my next appointment. I'm going to explain my doctor about it and I told my teacher I'm medicated. But I want to record her, which is actually the real reason why I want to be on disability.

It is actually illegal to record teachers without their consent. It is a school policy and I can be sent to the dean for it. Out of all my teachers, she was the only person who said no to me. I was in shock actually because all my teachers except her actually encouraged to record lectures.

I spoke to her about the exam. Average for class was 73%. I saw one girl already bawling her eyes because she failed the first exam already. I had a 63% on the exam, but I've been getting perfect scores on my labs. I think I'm going to quit my job because that is what she reccomended me to have more time to study.

I'm a visual and auditory learning. I would watch videos. As I read the ch I would also be listening to the recorder. I woluld then reread my notes as the recorder played the,.

And I asked to see what I did wrong. Teacher wants the class to go over each others' exams rather than individually. As in, have other classmates view the questions and answer them for you. It's ridiculous. When she passes the scantrons back, she passes them from highest score person on the exam to the lowest. I think that is cruel.

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day:

I would ask to speak with the professor letting them know that since s/he graded the test, s/he would be the best person to help you understand why something was marked wrong, and what would the answer be. In that private meeting I would also go over your notes asking if they are being taken correctly, and ask what else you can do. I would also re-ask if you can record the lecture for study use only.

Thank you.

Specializes in ICU.

You need to figure out how your teacher tests. Do her questions come from the book or from lecture? Are they a mixture? Do you need to be able to apply what you have learned? I find that physiology has a lot more critical thinking than anatomy. Anatomy is simple memorization where physiology you have to understand how it works and apply it. Just because you can recite back how a synapse works doesn't mean a whole lot unless you know what it means when part of the synapse breaks down or when the AP doesn't work and such. Make sure you completely understand how it works not just memorization.

The issue is not whether you can record a lecture or not ( which is illegal without consent). You said that you can answer the questions in class so you know the material. The issue is anxiety. Not being able to record the lecture sounds like it is causing unnecessary anxiety. You need to address the anxiety issue and talk to your professor about strategies and look over the test after the exam. Sounds like you know the info but if its possible to detect anxiety in writing, I can feel yours reading your post. Once that is in check I bet you succeed. The power of positive thinking is immeasurable.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
I'm going to do that two weeks from now because that's my next appointment. I'm going to explain my doctor about it and I told my teacher I'm medicated. But I want to record her, which is actually the real reason why I want to be on disability.

You would have to demonstrate that recorded lectures are a reasonable accommodation for your disability (whether anxiety or a learning disability) and recommended by a qualified professional (educational psychologist, LDT-C (learning disabilities teacher consultant), etc) either via independent evaluation or sometimes evaluations are provided by the school. Did you have accommodations in high school or other educational settings? Physician recommendations are often not sufficient for academic accommodations. Usually recommendations must come from qualified educational professionals. Even then the accommodations may be training in adaptive study skills, tutoring, test accommodations (longer time, quiet environment, small group) and it's possible that lecture recording may not be recommended as a reasonable accommodation (though it may). Physicians are often not qualified to make educational recommendations just so that you are prepared when you go to the student disabilities/assistance office and they recommend an educational evaluation (as it seems you have not required accommodations in the past nor have an educational/learning evaluation). This is the standard in education.

If you do not address your test anxiety or have professional recommendations for test accommodations you will have a very difficult time obtaining testing accommodations for the NCLEX later on.

I may have missed it, but do you know what your dominant learning style is, and tactics to maximize your learning potential for that style? I have tutored A&P, Chemistry and Mathematics and you'd be surprised at how few know how to use these tools to their benefit.

I never understood the can't-record-lectures doctrine some professors like to impose. The higher education academic tenure system has some professors too comfortable. I paid $7K (with interest rates higher than those on Wall Street) to attend college this semester (excluding books) and if someone told me that I couldn't record a lecture I'd be angry enough to complain to the dean of the department/school. A lot of people don't understand that higher education is really just another version of a customer service industry. Unfortunately, colleges and universities set up tenure systems for professors that damn near make them immune to student complaints which carries the downside of retaining professors with substandard, apathetic, and detrimental teaching styles. You should seek help for your anxiety at your student health center. Then go talk to student academic services and disability support services to see what can be done. I'm in physiology this semester. I usually study all over the place (reading the book, rewriting lecture notes, listening to recorded lectures, answering practice problems, etc.) for the first exam. When I take the first exam, I take a mental note of what area most of the test questions come from. Then when I study for the next test, I center my studying around that/those source(s) of information. But do you think your problems come from anxiety or the lack of recorded lectures?

Try to make your own test questions. Set it aside for a couple of hours. Then try to answer it. Review your wrong answers. It could help.

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