My husband got the mail today and.....

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I GOT IN!!!!! :monkeydance: I got my letter today saying I was accepted to the fall 2007 nursing school!!:balloons: I am so excited!!!


Specializes in Critical Care.

I'm very excited for you. Congrats!

Make that husband of yours take you out for a wonderful treat!

Indeed, today is 'Good Friday'. Eh? Which is another reminder. If you are of the mindset/philosophy to do so, give thanks where thanks is due.



Congrats rntobeteresa!! Yay!!! :roll

Specializes in Junior Year of BSN.

Congratulations!!! :balloons:

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

That's awesome news; I know the excitement. Congratulations!

Congratulations!! Best wishes to you in NS!!

:yeah: :balloons: :yelclap: congratulations!!!:smiley_aa :biere:

congrats!! I'm gunna be so nervous to open mine when it finally comes

Specializes in Dialysis, Home Care, Med-Surg in 4/07.


Congratulations! Now it's real, you are on your way to becoming a nurse. I'm still smiling from my acceptance letter a few days ago. Celebrate and have some fun. :monkeydance:

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.


Congrats!!! :balloons: It is an awsome feeling. It is just beginning to completely soak in that I got accepted.

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