FINALLY finished with A&P 1! How was your finals week?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I took my lecture final Tuesday and my lab final tonight over the nervous system! I want to find out what I made. Lol.

I'll find out my grades tomorrow afternoon.

I took A&P 1, a World Lit class, Human Development, and Public Speaking this semester.

I came out with an A in Human Development and Public Speaking. I'm still waiting on my grade for my Lit final and my Anatomy finals.

Next semester is A&P 2, Wellness, and History!

How did you guys do?


Great work! I just finished physiology and child development. I was able to get an A in both! I cried when I saw my physio grade, because I was at a B+ most of the semester. My grade, or A, was riding on my final, and I did awesome on my final.

I have chem and micro left, but until then I am going to rest (so tired) and enjoy my family. Happy Holidays!

I got an A in Anatomy & Physiology 2 as well as an A in Health Statistics. I took the TEAS during finals week (didn't study for it) and got a 78%. I am retaking it in 2 weeks and shooting for a 90%. I'm applying for the Summer accelerated program and hopefully with a stellar pre-req GPA & TEAS score, I'll be able to make the first cut. I'm looking forward to next semester and hopefully I'll be finishing up my second semester of nursing school by this time next year :)

I got a B in A&P 1 and I got an A in Dosage Cal!

omgsh after reading all of your comments how good you guys are doing (which by the way congrats to all.!!) I just received 4 grades out of 5 .. In Biology I got an A, BioLab - A, Anthropology - A, Human Development a C :cry: and i'm just waiting for psychology... i'm over here panicking with that C that i received in HD

omgsh after reading all of your comments how good you guys are doing (which by the way congrats to all.!!) I just received 4 grades out of 5 .. In Biology I got an A, BioLab - A, Anthropology - A, Human Development a C :cry: and i'm just waiting for psychology... i'm over here panicking with that C that i received in HD

It's okay! You took some tough classes with HD. Are you gonna re-take it?

It's okay! You took some tough classes with HD. Are you gonna re-take it?

I might? If it was you would you re-take it? If I decide I would probably do it after I finish all my pre-reqs and i'm ready to transfer

I might? If it was you would you re-take it? If I decide I would probably do it after I finish all my pre-reqs and i'm ready to transfer

I would. If I were you, I'd check and make sure your school will replace the lower grade with the better grade if you do decide to re-take it. Some schools don't do that. My school requires us to take Human Development for nursing, so I definitely would re-take it to get a better grade. That's just from my vantage point, though.

I would. If I were you, I'd check and make sure your school will replace the lower grade with the better grade if you do decide to re-take it. Some schools don't do that. My school requires us to take Human Development for nursing, so I definitely would re-take it to get a better grade. That's just from my vantage point, though.

you're right.. i'm gonna check my school if they can replace the grade if i retake it, i rather retake the class and get an A/B than sticking with that C behind me ..

I just got my final grades! I got an A in A&P, General Psychology, Math 101, English Comp, and an intro to college class and a B+ in Safety and First Aid. 3.9 GPA! with 2 kids and a part time job after being out of school for 10 years. It can be done!

Aced A&P 1. I had the worst professor and basically had to self teach... Which makes me all the more proud.

I'm happy it's over!

I took philosophy and A&P 2 and came out with an A and A-, respectively.

I got a B in basic a&p and humanities. And an A in psychology and intermediate algebra. Next semester I take a&p 1 and its lab, human growth and development, college algebra, and intro to sociology.

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