Yale GEPN Applicants 2012

Nursing Students Post Graduate


There didn't seem to be a main thread for applicants to Yale's GEPN program this year, so I thought I'd get one started. I'm applying for the midwifery specialty and am currently working on my application essays, having done everything else.

Is anyone else really struggling with the main essay? I've finished my apps to two other programs and was happy with how those essays came out, but Yale's essay guidelines as so restrictive that I feel like my essay is turning out all disjointed. The fact that we have to answer every aspect of every question in *exactly the order they list* (this is apparently something that you need to take very seriously) means that I'm having to tie myself in knots. I want it to be not only informative about me as an applicant but also a good piece of writing - and I feel like the essay format is making this kind of difficult.

Anyone else out there applying?

I am applying to the midwifery track and am so excited about it! Like many of you, I'm trying to remain calm, hopeful, and excited all at the same time :)

And I live in California, so I will definitely be making a cross country move no matter where I am accepted, because most of my school choices are east coast!

What about everyone else?

I have also applied, Adult NP. I have a BS and a Masters of Healthcare Administration, have worked in upper level hospital administration for 5 years and am writing my dissertation for a PhD from ASU (won't be complete until 2013) in healthcare innovation. I applied to Yale, , MGH, and OSU. Curious if cost is on your mind?

@SYPhoenix: I noticed that you mentioned that you have a MHA degree and have worked in hospital administration---its something i'm interested doing in the future....why are you leaving the field? Is there something you didn't like about it? How is the pay? I would really like some feedback if you can give it, feel free to send me a PM ;)

I love administration and plan on it always being part of my career. This is not a mid-career change for me, just a continuation of the current path. Having an administration background I feel is very useful in understanding our very complex healthcare system and the decision making processes related to a patients care. You can't ignore the fact that finance and clinical quality are interrelated. So I got into health care to make a difference and feel that by becoming an NP I am better able to influence change that benefits society in a positive way. I will pm you on the more sensitive issues like salary.

@SYPhoenix: Thank you! if you cannot send me a PM, please feel free to shoot me an email, i would love any information you can provide!! Plus, do you think going nursing first, then followed by an MHA degree is necessary? Or would a strong nursing background, seguing into administration (nursing) would be justifiable as well?

I have also applied, Adult NP. ...I applied to Yale, Vandy, MGH, and OSU. Curious if cost is on your mind?

Man, is it EVER! These programs are insanely expensive, and I'm not expecting to become wealthy as a primary care provider (FNP) in a community clinic. I've applied at a couple of state schools with lower costs (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, University of Texas-Austin), but those routes also require some compromise and extra time, as they don't lead directly to FNP...I'd get an MSN or MN depending, have to work a couple years, and go back for the post-master's NP certificate (or DNP, if it changes by then). I'm 41 years old and anxious to get going already! Yale and Duke are the programs that allowed a quicker path, located in places that work for my husband as well.

I went to state schools for my previous bachelor's and master's degrees, and I thought I got a good education. I paid off my student loans within four years even in a low-paying field. So the thought of spending over $100k on school seems a little bit crazy. The job market for RN's and even NP's these days is less than encouraging.

But whaddaya gonna do? I'm applying, waiting to see if I get in, waiting to see if I get offered some aid, and then will evaluate my options when I have more information. it's a looooooong wait for now.

does anyone know how much the applicant pool is this year? I heard it was down

But wondering by how much!

@dancleluver-I can't pm or email on this board and don't want to get off the Yale topic too far, but yes you will need an MBA or MHA for any Senior Level Admin position in top organizations. Most Chief Nursing Officers in top teir institutions are Master's in business and many doctoral prepared (PhD, DNP). At a small community hospital that may not be the case due to the limited talet pool for leadership.

@simplekategirl, I have not heard about the applicant pool, or if anyone in admissions would be willing to provide that information upfront (before decisions are made). Regardless, in a down economy, there are more people that are going back to school to improve their job prospects.

@laflaca, yes I am also concered about the $$$, particularly at the priviate schools. There are some good grant programs through the government to consider and many of the priviate schools offer TA/RA opportunities and scholarships. Not working is a concern, my wife will be supporting us, at least during the pre-clinical period.

@simplekategirl: I heard from Ms. Pucci the number of applications was down this year, but this was before the Nov 1st deadine, so there may have been a number of last minute submissions.

This week has been passing quickly for me - though every once in a while I get stuck on thinking about the applications. Waiting is the worst for me! I have looked up everything I can look up: gepn stats (not many to see!) GRE averages, what specialties people are applying for, etc. Truly time to just let it go a and see where the cookie crumbles.

Everyone still feeling excited?!


@simplekategirl: Did you discover any interesting statistics while you were looking things up? I was wondering what the distribution of specialties was. Anyone know?

I'm not sure about numbers - there is really no data avail! I am über curious to know the applicant pool numbers for each specialty! I'm AGNP and have only heard of one other AGNP so far (this board). I want more competition than that - but not too much!

Interview invites by email or regular mail?

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