Misdemeanor for assault???

Nurses Criminal


Specializes in Interested in Everything.

Greetings All,

I was involved in an incident tonight where a woman flagged me down and started cursing me out. So, I got out my car and we were in each others face. Well, she pressed charges on me for "touching" her chest. I'm like "we both have breast" it's hard not to touch. So, I have to go to court now and worse case scenario, I'll be charged w/assault and battery, which is a misdemeanor.

My question is, would that hinder me from getting a job as a nurse if I am convicted?

Well in nursing school they need a crimnal record check before they put you into clinicals...

Specializes in Interested in Everything.

Thanks for replying! I'm already in nursing school and this incident happened tonight. Court hearing is scheduled for next week.

Specializes in LTC currently.

If anyone knows about the whole background thingy, it would be me(my record is clean however). yes, if u get charged with a misdmeanor or even a felony, you can still practice as a nurse and be granted license. No worries, you might have to jump through a couple of hoops with the Board of Nursing, but everything will be okay. On applications most facilities ask if you have a criminal background and that certain things will bar you from becoming employed with a facility. But with a misdemeanor you will be fine. Good luck and keep moving forward.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Geriatrics, LTC.

Just my 2 cents, if a crazy lady is flagging you down and cursing at you, next time I'd stay in the car. This could have been a lot worse!

Specializes in ER/ICU/Flight.

why don't you try pressing counter-charges? if she was in your face too and cussing you then she'd be guilty of a misdemeanor assault (creating an unwanted situation, feeling of apprehension, etc). Lots of times when that happens they will encourage both parties to dismiss the charges.

and it's good advice to stay in the car....you never know how crazy someone else might be!

Specializes in Interested in Everything.
why don't you try pressing counter-charges? if she was in your face too and cussing you then she'd be guilty of a misdemeanor assault (creating an unwanted situation, feeling of apprehension, etc). Lots of times when that happens they will encourage both parties to dismiss the charges.

and it's good advice to stay in the car....you never know how crazy someone else might be!

I didn't know I could do that. I wasn't given that option. I wish I would have thought about that in the beginning. But next time, I will keep my butt in the car. The officer said that's where I went wrong.

Specializes in ER/ICU/Flight.


if that just happened last night, it's probably not too late to press counter charges. You can probably contact the local magistrate to clarify any details. I'm sorry this happened to you but I think you can possibly make an advantageous situation out of it for yourself.

good luck in working it out.

Specializes in Hospice.

you only have a couple days to notify your school.(at least when i was in school) i would check your policy.

Specializes in PACU, OR.
why don't you try pressing counter-charges? if she was in your face too and cussing you then she'd be guilty of a misdemeanor assault (creating an unwanted situation, feeling of apprehension, etc). Lots of times when that happens they will encourage both parties to dismiss the charges.

and it's good advice to stay in the car....you never know how crazy someone else might be!

Both comments offer excellent advice. Get a lawyer to represent you and have papers served on the complainant.

Specializes in LTC, Wounds, Med/Surg, Tele, Triage.

If possible, try to get a lawyer. Even a public defender. If you need time to do this...you can usually have your hearing post poned to seek council. Do your best to get this case dismissed/thrown out! My ex attempted to get my nursing license taken away by injuring himself and stating I did it. He even had his young children lie and state they witnessed this!!! The police did arrest me because they have to if a report of violence is made...but I was very honest and told them my side, including the fact that I am a nurse (LPN working toward RN at the time.)

My lawyer gave me legal advice to 'voluntarily' attend anger management classes, which a judge will normally order you to do anyway in situations like these. I attended them on my only day off (working and going to school full time) and I had to pay for them out of pocket!!! When I went if front of the judge...my lawyer explained the situation, stating I had attended the classes voluntarily, and that I was a professional nurse. The judge dismissed the case. The down side to the whole thing is that once you are finger printed/booked into jail, your prints will always show up on a background check. Also, you do have to report it to your BON b/c it is a criminal charge. I just make sure I have my documents showing that my case was dismissed. You can usually obtain them online.

Since this incident (over 5 years ago) I have become very protective of my nursing license. I learned how easily it can be taken from me if someone has the mind to do it. There are people (such as my ex) who will try to take anything good away from you that you have going on! He couldn't stand the fact I was leaving him and he tried all he could do to ruin my life and future. I was able overcome it (and you should be too)...but as I said, it still follows me b/c any job or school I apply for I always have to confront that background check and know my prints will be flagged. I'm always honest and tell them upfront. Be careful & good luck!

If anyone knows about the whole background thingy, it would be me(my record is clean however). yes, if u get charged with a misdmeanor or even a felony, you can still practice as a nurse and be granted license. No worries, you might have to jump through a couple of hoops with the Board of Nursing, but everything will be okay. On applications most facilities ask if you have a criminal background and that certain things will bar you from becoming employed with a facility. But with a misdemeanor you will be fine. Good luck and keep moving forward.

You really can't know whether or not she "will be fine." It's quite possible that certain facilities will not hire a nurse with a record when they have plenty of other candidates lining up for the same job who do NOT have criminal records or anything indicating anger management issues.

OP, don't put yourself in the position of having this affect your future employability. Get a lawyer asap and fight the charges. You can file counter charges if you wish, but it is the charges against you which can impact your career.

Good luck.

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