Good sign?

Nurses Job Hunt


So I posted about 2 weeks ago before my first interview with no response.. ended up getting a second interview with a nurse manager on a renal med/surg unit which I had yesterday.

In my opinion, the interview went really well! I was greeted by a very nice nurse on the floor who got the nm for me (it was busy because they just had a code). She went over my resume and was pleased with everything on there (Spanish minor, previous work in customer service type jobs, BSN, etc.). She asked the basic questions such as where I see myself in 5 years and also asked a scenario question if I was asked to give a med I didn't want to give. She then described orientation and basically started talking as if I had the job. "You would be precepting with so and so.. You would start on nights but can switch to days if something opens up.. It's a part time position but you can definitely pick up shifts to make it full time.." and so on. She then brought in a nurse from the floor for me to talk to and ask questions.

At the end of the interview she said the nurse recruiter would be in touch. I don't want to get my hopes up but I really want this job and feel like it couldn't have gone better. I walked out feeling great and just got a good vibe from the whole experience and the feel of the staff/unit. Any opinions? Thanks in advance! :cat:

I got my official offer on Tuesday dec.16!!!! And I start on Jan 5!!!!! So excited!!! And nervous lol I been looking since august so it seems so unreal right now haha!!

Ah congrats!!!!!!!! That's so exciting!! Let me know how your orientation goes. Good luck I'm sure you'll do great!

In case any of you are interested in my situation I'll update you! So after about a month of not hearing anything I called today and the recruiter thought she had called me and left a message (she didn't). Turns out the manager from that unit didn't want me after all.. My answers didn't have enough substance for her liking I'm not really sure. The nurse recruiter was nice enough to give me the opportunity to interview for another unit on Friday and just told me to go things over in my head and prepare myself. So let's hope this one works out better!!! Time to go back over all the interview question posts!

Specializes in OB-Gyn/Primary Care/Ambulatory Leadership.

Oh, I'm so sorry! Good luck on Friday!

Specializes in NICU.

Thanks for the update! It is nice that she is giving you the opportunity to come in and interview for another position. Best wishes on your upcoming interview!!!

hang in there- in nursing, any job experience is a good one (even in bad situations you can learn about what good bosses do-and don't, how to interact, how to work with others, etc). even if you don't get something you REALLY wanted initially, use the experience to learn and soak up as much as you can. then use that as a stepping stone to something you want.

good luck friday!

Thanks, you guys!! So I had the interview this morning and it went really well! I already got a call from the nurse recruiter where she informed me that they were very impressed with me and she will call me within the next week or two to schedule a peer interview! :cat:

P.s. any advice on peer interviews would be greatly appreciated :up:

sounds like a great sign! A lot of new nurses get hired on nights, I did! In L&D as a new grad and love it! I would probably switch to days if an opening came up, but I sure would miss the money!

Updating you guys again in case you're interested! Still waiting for a call about the peer interview from the first hospital, but I also managed to snag an interview at another hospital!!! ...on a labor and delivery unit (whaaaaat?!!!!!!). I'm in shock and the interview for that position is this Monday so I'll keep you guys in the loop. :cat:

Specializes in OB-Gyn/Primary Care/Ambulatory Leadership.

Is L&D something that interests you?

Is L&D something that interests you?

Oh yes!!! Very much so. I forgot that this thread had 0 background information about me, but L&D is what I'm most interested in. As a new grad, however, I knew it would be unlikely to get a position in this specialty right away so I put it on the back burner while applying for jobs. I've been applying to basically any and every opening (including in L&D) because I know how difficult it is to get a job. When speaking with HR I mentioned my interest in L&D, but explained that any position would be a great learning experience and foundation as a new nurse.

So this has been quite a long process, but if anyone is interested in hearing how things went: I just got an email from the first hospital offering me the ortho/stroke position!!!!!!!!! I am super excited about this! The NR will be calling me tomorrow morning to discuss all the details! Thanks for all the support and advice in this thread!! Can't wait to start my first real nursing job!! :cat::cat::cat:

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