Funny Nursing Related Stories

Okay, my fellow nurses.......let me share my story. I only share this, mind you, so there may be a smile upon your face, the next time you are faced with a similar situation, and so you know that we are not alone. Nurses Humor Article

It is only after ten years plus, that I am able to tell the tale, without dying of complete embarrassment. I was a brand new GVN, nineteen years old, and working in a nursing home. Of course, I was working night shift, and was the only nurse in the building. I was in charge of several CNA's with probably much more knowledge than I at the time. One aide called me to the room of a resident for some reason, which I do not recall now.

I don't remember all of the circumstances, but I was helping her get the elderly lady off of the commode and back into the bed. We noticed something terribly wrong. There was something in between this woman's legs that was very abnormal!

I know that everyone's anatomy is different, that they did teach us in nursing school. But what I saw scared me to death. She had a rather large pinkish-red "organ" that was coming out of her! OMG!

This lady's organs are falling out!!!! There was no profuse bleeding, no signs of physical or emotional distress (of course Mrs. So and so was only concerned with "going home" anyway). Not much bothered her.........well, with the exception of some idiotic staff.

So, I did what I thought any "prudent" nurse would do, and save this woman's life. I couldn't simply wait until 7 am until the morning shift got there. And do you think that I dare call that "grouchy doctor" at three in the morning and have him hang up on me again?? Nope, I go straight for "the guns". It is vital that this woman get emergency treatment right away, so, yes, I called EMS.

Go ahead.....laugh. I already know what you're thinking. I call them and tell them that this woman's organs are coming out of her. My God, what were they thinking? So, just as they should, they come to pick up the woman, and take her to the hospital for treatment. Thank goodness, I had caught this, just in time.

I was so proud that I had intervened for the good of the patient, you know, what we all go into nursing for. The funniest thing is that I do not remember the response from the morning shift (that I should have waited for). And I never did hear (selective memory, I suppose) what was said by EMS or the ER staff that received the patient. But OMG, my ears should have been burnin'! NOBODY EVER TOLD ME that it was perfectly NORMAL for women to have their uteruses hanging out!!!!!!!!

Oh, I think I could kill my nursing instructors right about now, LOL. Yep, I don't think they covered that one in lecture. Well, now I am totally mortified that I sent my little 90 year old woman to the ER for a prolapsed uterus! That poor little lady had a "ride" for nothin', and you know darn well that some med staff were laughin' their rears off. The funny thing is now I am a nursing instructor.

The other day I had a student grab me by the arm and say "You better come look at this!"

Guess what we found!

No, I didn't call the ambulance.:nurse:

My experience was with a prolapsed rectum and I nearly fainted. I was a student and did not have a clue what to do. Thank goodness for the experienced CNA who quickly recognized that there was about to be 2 patients, got me a chair and explained what I was looking at.

Wow! Thanks for the information! That would be shocking - I'm sure I would think there was something terribly wrong. I'm still amazed that there ISN'T! Seems like there would be - especially the one with the decub! My! And to think I was kind of sad to have those organs removed. Sheesh! Don't know when you have it good!

Specializes in OR, Informatics.

Thanks for your post. I'm a first semester nursing student, and I was having trouble figuring out what was so funny. I think if I had seen the same thing, I would have reacted the same way. Well, now I know, and I have you to thank.

Warm regards,


I had to laugh out loud when I read this! When I was in nursing school, I did some volunteer work with a rural ambulance service and we were called to a home because a woman thought her insides were falling out. It was the same thing, I remember how serious her family looked, we all laughed about it on the way to the hospital. :wink2:

Thanks...I loved it...I remember when I first saw my first prolapsed uterus, that was really ulcerated...I thought what the heck...I asked the elder lady how long she had this...she said for a yr...I thought OMG! I was doing clinicals in I went and saw the he comes and trys to reinsert it... of course it did not want to go in...I was thinking Duh...if that thing has been hanging out for a yr...I'm sure it had grown since them...I think they ended up doing a hysterectomy on her...but that was like my story to tell for ages...glad someone else experienced this too..

I like to hear such crazy stories about nursing!! I once had the same encounter with an elder woman from theatre for an operation on the leg but ended up with a prolapsed uterus which I had also missed to learn about in a nursing school:D

My other horror experience was at during my peadiatric nursing experience when I noticed some bunch of whitish pencil like stuff coming out of the rear end of a very poorly child!! to me, this was like a horror film and I summoned my senior nurse to witness 'this thing' which was not anywhere resembling faeces!! My senior apparently had seen many of such episodes and told me that the child was infested with Roundworms and we were supposed to count how many she had passed!! Count? How and why?? The mother of the baby had more than enough experience on this counting procedure and bailed me out in the sluiceroom!! And imagine nurses were to sluice all soiled linen before sending them to the laundry:banghead:

What is sluicing the linens? Eeeeewww! I never saw worms in all my years of Nursing. Thankfully!!

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, MS, Charge.

We had a resident where I did locum work that liked to shock people by taking out her pessary and lift her skirt in the middle of the room for all new staff to see. Luckily our nursing instructor did warn us about this one, so I just said what came to my head, "Nice." She was so upset that I didn't freak out.:nurse:

My first (and only) experience with a prolapsed uterus was....MY OWN! :uhoh21: I had just had my son and was at home. I went in to the bathroom and all of the sudden I was very uncomfortable. Being me, I went feeling around "down there" and it was at the my lady partsl opening! :cry: OMG! Completely naive...I'm thinking Holy Cow. I'm going to have to have surgery to put it back, I'm never going to have sex again, they are going to have to take it all out. :chuckle LMAO!!! I called the dr and although she was probably ready to laugh she was very sweet. "Oh don't worry honey, sometimes that just happens." I was just like, what! It just happens? And why doesn't anyone warn you that it can happen? I swear I almost gave myself a heart attack that day!! :rolleyes:

Thanks for sharing your story. We actually did go over it in nursing school. As far as I can remember, out of all instructors, the OB instructor was the only one who raised this subject and had really cool pictures for us. I totally agree that if you were not taught about that, it can really throw you off and freak you out.

Oh my gosh!! We never even covered that in my CNA class. I sure am glad I read your story before something like that caught me by surprise. Now I can brace myself a bit better for when I do. I mean, how do you maintain care for a resident's prolapsed uterus or rectum? :eek:

Specializes in Renal; NICU.

Must say that after 34 years of nursing, I have not had the pleasure of observing a prolapsed uterus, but this reminds me of my cousin's story.

She was in labor and the intern came in to rupture her membranes; he was all ready with the hook when the attending walked in. He took one look and asked the intern to "step away from the bed! Do you realize you're about to rupture her BLADDER"?!

Yow, now there was some PAIN :eek: waiting to happen!!! (and a major lawsuit!):bluecry1: