another canadian one with Zhakrin in mind

Nurses Announcements Archive


I AM CANADIAN, eh? So, what do Canadians have to be proud of?

1. Smarties

2. Crispy Crunch & Coffee Crisp

3. The size of our footballs fields and one less Down

4. Baseball is Canadian

5. Lacrosse is Canadian

6. Hockey is Canadian

7. Basketball is Canadian

8. Apple pie is Canadian

9. Mr. Dress-up kicks Mr. Rogers ass

10. Tim Horton's kicks Dunkin' Donuts ass

11. In the war of 1812, started by America, Canadians pushed the

Americans back...past their 'White House'. Then we burned it...and most of

Washington, under the command of William Lyon McKenzie who was insane and

hammered all the time. We got bored because they ran away, so we came home

and partied ... Go figure...

12. Canada has the largest French population that never surrendered to


13. We have the largest English population that never ever surrendered

or withdrew during any war to anyone, anywhere.

14. Our civil war was a bar fight that lasted a little over an hour.

15. The only person who was arrested in our civil war was an American

mercenary, who slept in and missed the whole thing...but showed up just in

time to get caught.

16. We knew plaid was cool far before Seattle caught on.

17. The Hudsons Bay Company once owned over 10% of the earth's surface

and is still around as the worlds oldest company.

18. The average dog sled team can kill and devour a full grown human in

under 3 minutes.

19. We still know what to do with all the parts of a buffalo.

20. We don't marry our kin-folk.

21. We invented ski-doos, jet-skis, Velcro, zippers, insulin,

penicillin, zambonis, the telephone and short wave radios that save

countless lives each year.

22. We ALL have frozen our tongues to something metal and lived to tell

about it.


23. ....the handles on our beer cases are big enough to fit your hands

with mitts on.

OOOOoohhhhh Canada!!

I especially like the last one

Specializes in ER.

I love it!

American's have never experienced the joy of eating a box of smarties and finding the empty box makes on kick-butt horn at hockey games- and you can keep your mitts on when you play it.

I could never get that to work!!! Must be because I am a dual citizen or something....

Specializes in ER, PACU, OR.

lmao!!!! :chuckle :roll :chuckle

me :)

Smarties come in a box?

What do you get smarties in?

Specializes in Geriatrics.


Especially the blue ones!

Specializes in Hospice, Critical Care.

Hey, I remember using a Good 'n Plenty box as a horn! Now they seal them with glue, however, so you can't do it anymore. And I second the poster....Smarties come in a box?!

Enjoyed my first trip to Canada last month. Was amazed to hand the cashier $20 U.S. for a chapstick and get $24 Canadian back. Still haven't figured that out completely. and 15% sales tax! Whoa!

What is this about Smarties in a box?

How else? We've got the round tubes and the normal boxes.

Don, you're right, the blue ones are the best!! And there are only a few of them in a box!!

Take care, Renee

:roll I LOVE smarties....I snitch them from the kids halloween bags. OOPPSSS SHHHHHHH I never knew they were Canadian. So I guess I have to hug a Canadian today???? Laura LPN :roll

Specializes in Med/Surg, ICU, Cardiac ICU.

Real Smarties are chocolate for all those Americans who think they are those tart candies.:D Coffee Crisp YUM!! My sis sends me some every Christmas. I know some people in the States can get Old Dutch potato chips but I can't and that is a treat every time I visit Canada.

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