
World Australia


Ok, I'll start a thread too! :cool:

In an effort to help our non -Aussies understand our lingo, I'll start a thread on our slang words and / or words that are parculiar, common, here in Aust. So everybody, get onboard & add to the list...


Yes, in Aust we REALLY DO use the word MATE.

The word MATE means; friend, pal, buddy. Some people call their spouse MATE, as in their BEST MATE.Or a BEST MATE can be someone you consider really special. It's common to hear; "G'day Mate", said as a greeting.I think the origin of the word stems from World War 1. I may be wrong here on that, but I believe I heard that somewhere. The "Diggers" used the word in reference to their; "MATE". Please anyone, correct me if this is inaccurate.


This is another AUSSIE-ISM. It also is used to describe a friend, pal, buddy. Not as frequently used as the word "MATE". But was VERY much an often used word back in the 40's & 50's. We also used to have lollies called COBBERS! LOL Anyone old enough to remember those?

Well.... I've started it.....


Grace :cool: :kiss

commentary on flatus volume/amount "a bit more choke and that would've started"

so this is how the bush fires started ???

I have another one!!!

YONKS - meaning ageeeeeeeeeeeees, a very long time!!


Rachel @}-->--------

Specializes in MS Home Health.

What a funny way this thread has shifted!


Found this today

An Aussie Love Poem

Of course i love ya darling

Your a bloody top notch bird

And when i say your gorgeous

I mean every single word

So ya bum is on the big side

I don't mind a bit of flab

It means that when i'm ready

There's somethin there to grab

So your belly isn't flat no more

I tell ya, i don't care

So long as when i cuddle ya

I can get my arms round there

No sheila who is your age

Has nice round perky breasts

They just gave into gravity

But i know ya did ya best

I'm tellin ya the truth now

I never tell ya lies

I think it's very sexy

That you've got dimples on ya thighs

I swear on me nanna's grave now

The moment that we met

I thought u was as good as i

Was ever gonna get

No matter wot u look like

I'll alway's love ya dear

Now shut up while the footy's on

And get me another beer

Aaaaah! Doesn't that warm the cockles of your heart!

This is fun. I've always loved things Aussie and hope to visit someday. But Grace OZ is 'bugger me' really something people say? It must mean the same thing there as it does here........

If you come here and say it and people take it literally, you'll want to keep your back to the wall.:roll :chuckle :D

Actually, it doesn't quite mean the same thing.....not in the general context of "bugger me" or "oh bugger it", anyway.....and yes, we really do say it!!

Kavi "bugger Me" definately doesent refer to acts which some would label as indecent or illegal. MHN

Sandgroper - loved the poem - I'm sure that my husband wrote that one!!!!


Yes we do use it in real life...

I use it all the time, one single word can mean so many things....



Toads- Queenslanders

Cockroaches- New South Welshmen

Apple munchers- Tasmanians

Sandgropers- West Aussies

Don't know what the others are

South Aussies- croweaters

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