Things you'd LOVE to be able to tell patients, and get away with it.

Just curious as to what you would say. Mine goes something like this: Nurses Relations Video Nurse Life


Hi, my name is AngelfireRN, I'll be your nurse tonight.

I am not a waitress, nor am I your slave.

Yelling and hurling obscenities at me will not get you your pain meds any sooner than they are ordered. Nor will having your family member or entourage do the same.

Threatening lawsuits and having umpteen family members camp out in the halls or hold up the nurse's station will not get you preferential treatment.

Physically grabbing me as I go down the hall is NOT a good idea.

I do not give the orders, but I do have to follow/enforce them. This is something that you should take up with your doctor.

No, I will not call him again to ask him for more pain medicine. He has been called twice and has said no both times.

No, I will not give you his number so you can "straighten him out".

No, you are not my only patient, and I highly doubt that you are single-handedly paying my salary. On the off chance that you are, let's talk about a raise.

NO, NO, NO, I most empahatically will NOT come get you when it is time for your next pain shot while you are having a smoke break. I also will not bring it to you in the smoking room. (Have actually said that, I am allergic to cigarettes. I did it once, had an asthma attack, desatted to 83, and turned blue, according to the patient and my charge nurse, after the patient had to help me back to the floor).

No, I don't really care if your family has not eaten all day, they drove here by themselves, they are not sick, and no, I will not call for 6 guest trays. (This of course, is if the patient in question does not need all 6 family members present, and is not at death's door).

No, you may not have 3 six-packs of soda from the kitchen, there are other people that would like a snack, too.

No, they will not open up the kitchen up just for you, at 1 in the morning, because you don't like the snacks we have on the floor.

I could think of hundreds, but those will do for a start. I know it sounds mean, but this is why I got out of bedside nursing. When a hospital becomes the Hilton, I'm gone!

Have fun!

To the 50-year old flasher who is always trying to get the nurses to take a peek at his nether regions: "I've seen bigger."

Need me to turn the heat up in here? Looks like you must be cold.

Specializes in Corrections, Cardiac, Hospice.
Thought you'd enjoy this..

That is too funny! When I worked corrections I had an inmate tell the CO that he was having a seizure, thats right, he TOLD him. So, ofcourse, I had to go see it. Went outside his cell, as soon as he saw the nurse's uniform, his whole body started shaking and spinning. Like he was possessed. Then, when he got too close to the wall, he spun his body around and kicked with his feet to get away from the wall, LMAO. I just started clapping and saying BRAVO, BRAAAAVOOOO. I turned around and the two CO's behind me were holding up signs, one with an "8" and one with a "7". They said he got low marks because he pushed himself away from the wall. :lol2: I really miss working with cops, they have such a deranged sense of humor, much like my own.

Specializes in ICU,ED, Corrections, dodging med-surg.
Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
need me to turn the heat up in here? looks like you must be cold.

or, as i actually did tell a flasher who accosted me in a park, "you're proud of that? i've never seen one so small!"

had a homeless man come in to my floor....the entire time he was with us he wanted his bed made twice a day....wanted all three meals at exactly the same time everyday....wanted to have a cna bath him every morniing even though he was able to bath himself.......

if you did not meet his demands.....he would threaten to sue.....

lolololol gotta love las vegas.....

Specializes in Corrections, Cardiac, Hospice.
had a homeless man come in to my floor....the entire time he was with us he wanted his bed made twice a day....wanted all three meals at exactly the same time everyday....wanted to have a cna bath him every morniing even though he was able to bath himself.......

if you did not meet his demands.....he would threaten to sue.....

lolololol gotta love las vegas.....

I would have handed him a phone and a phone book. You can sue for anything, doesn't mean you're going to win.

i the patient advocate would kick our butts if we did that....

nurses:::::high paid maids.....or so thats what most patients think....

Specializes in ICU,ED, Corrections, dodging med-surg.

You were feeling weak and dizzy at home, and didn't eat breakfast, and have been on insulin for 20 years, and didn't check your sugar before comming to the ER because you just wanted to make sure....."Hey, am I on candid camera?"( I can joke about this because of all my "blonde moments")

Specializes in Emergency, Critical Care Transport.

I think that some nights, a simple, forceful meaningful:


would just be lovely to say.

Specializes in Med/Surg, DSU, Ortho, Onc, Psych.

I've recently started working on a rehab ward. I always make it a point to go in to see every patient, introduce myself after handover, and ask them a few questions (in case the girls 4got to handover anything). Well I had this very obese, non-compliant lady who was a diabetic and who had had orthopaedic surgery. She was stable because she was in rehab. She also had bed sores from being non-compliant with rehab, blah, blah you know the story. I didn't know if she was on Insulin (nothing had been handed over re meds, etc for her diabetes), and she said her diabetes was diet controlled. I asked if she followed a diabetic diet, and she hummed and haahed and said kind of, not really (??).

Then when I flicked through her chart, I found she was on oral hypoglycaemics. So I said to her that she was not just diet-controlled as she was on medication. She said no, I control it by diet. I was getting a bit exasperated, so I asked her how long she had been a diabetic, and she replied: '8 years'.

I had to excuse myself and leave the room, because I felt like screaming. Do these patients not understand the seriousness of their illness or do they just not care? Has no-one explained how it all works?

She took her meds later but I don't even think she had any idea of how they worked, or why she had to take them.

Some just don't seem to have a clue and don't want to listen when you try to teach them.

Makes me wonder why I bother at all.

I've recently started working on a rehab ward. I always make it a point to go in to see every patient, introduce myself after handover, and ask them a few questions (in case the girls 4got to handover anything). Well I had this very obese, non-compliant lady who was a diabetic and who had had orthopaedic surgery. She was stable because she was in rehab. She also had bed sores from being non-compliant with rehab, blah, blah you know the story. I didn't know if she was on Insulin (nothing had been handed over re meds, etc for her diabetes), and she said her diabetes was diet controlled. I asked if she followed a diabetic diet, and she hummed and haahed and said kind of, not really (??).

Then when I flicked through her chart, I found she was on oral hypoglycaemics. So I said to her that she was not just diet-controlled as she was on medication. She said no, I control it by diet. I was getting a bit exasperated, so I asked her how long she had been a diabetic, and she replied: '8 years'.

I had to excuse myself and leave the room, because I felt like screaming. Do these patients not understand the seriousness of their illness or do they just not care? Has no-one explained how it all works?

She took her meds later but I don't even think she had any idea of how they worked, or why she had to take them.

Some just don't seem to have a clue and don't want to listen when you try to teach them.

Makes me wonder why I bother at all.

And diabetic health care workers are absolutely the worse of all.

I'm a student still, but I've wanted to say a few things, too:

-I'm not interested in your member.

-I'm not interested in your boyfriend's/husband's member.

-Yes, you do need to lose weight. You're 35, 500 pounds and you're in the hospital for heart problems. Did this seriously JUST occur to you?

-parents who complain about how you care for their children irritate me sometimes, because they're more dramatic than their teenagers. My favorite question as a camp nurse was, "are you sure the strep test wasn't a false positive?". Your daughter has a fever, sore throat and a positive strep test, but I guess I'm not sure? Maybe you could verify for me.

-a hospital is not a place for a family reunion. It's very nice of you to want to spend time with your sick relative, but 40 distant relatives coming in to town to visit him all at once is probably a bit too much.

-bringing your infant son to the hospital to visit grandpa while he recovers from a CABG is probably not a great idea, either. Why would you expose your child to all the germs we have here? And why would you expose your already sick relative to whatever your kid picks up at daycare?