Failed 3 times and years expired in state

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hey! I've failed the boards 3 times in my state (Louisiana). I recently called to see what I have to do to start the process again and take the boards. I finished school in February 2009. Since 4 years have gone by, I can not get a Louisiana license now. I have questions about what state I should apply to and how to go about it all. If anyone knows anything about this, I could totally use help!! Thanks!

In Texas it's unlimited within 4 years of your graduation date

5 week course I spoke with boards and they are similar to boards questions

5 week course I spoke with boards and they are similar to boards questions

Great. I will sign up for the 8 weeks course.

In texas that is true limited after 45day wait but up to 4yrs from graduation date

Thanks everyone!! I did the ncsbn review and loved it!

Specializes in Emergency and Critical Care.

If it has been that long you should definitely take a review course. Arizona is unlimited as well, 45 days between, you can also take the NCLEX-PN if you have failed the NCLEX-RN.

The following are stats from the AZBON on passing percentages depending on how many times you take the exam.

"For the RN exam, 73% of US educated candidates passed on the second time and 60% of candidates passed on the third time. After the third attempt, the passing rates diminish ranging from 50% on the fourth try to 14% on the 12th try." "For the PN exam, 85% of US educated candidates passed on the second try, 76% on the third try, and 64% on the fourth try. After the fourth attempt, the passing rates diminish from 51% on the fifth try to 15% on the 12th try."

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