Chris Caulfield RN NP-C

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About Chris Caulfield RN NP-C

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  1. Chris Caulfield RN NP-C

    DNP scholarships?

    I'm wondering if anyone has any insight into the DNP Scholarships for Distance-based MSN to DNP programs? I'm a Nurse Entrepreneur who would eventually love to teach (professor) a distance-based Nursing program (with a concentration on Innovation/Lea...
  2. Chris Caulfield RN NP-C

    Pre-Employment Drug Testing?

    Hi there.. I'm a CNO a Nursing Staffing Agency.. and we are moving into markets that require drug testing. We staffing Nursing Homes, so many of our markets haven't asked for Urine Drugs testing before in the past. My Question, for you hospital trave...
  3. Chris Caulfield RN NP-C

    Agency Use? How Much & Staffing Solutions

    Hi All, I know Per Diem Staffing Agency use is sometimes a necessary evil. I'm looking to start a thread on the utilization and solutions. If you could chime in, I think this could help out other like Minded DONs. 1.) What City/State are you based ...
  4. Chris Caulfield RN NP-C

    Creating my own agency

    Hey fellow Entrepreneurs. I've taken my little agency to a rather large agency in the past year (with the help of a great team). We now staff 35 facilities in the Metro Boston Region and are moving down the Coast shortly. We've found our niche in Per...
  5. Chris Caulfield RN NP-C

    Nurse Entrepreneur Roll Call!

    Update... My business went from 1 facility (August 2016), to 9 facilities (last post- Jan 2017), and we are now at 35 facilities with my On-Demand Staffing company. I've been able to build my internal team from 5 to 25 , and our Provider pool from 10...
  6. Chris Caulfield RN NP-C

    Nurse Entrepreneur Roll Call!

    Hi All... Roll Call present. I am a recent graduate FNP (RN for 7 years) however, I was taken back down my entrepreneurial side after 1 week of practicing as an NP. 6 months ago... my non-medical home care business transitioned to CNA/Nurse staffing....
  7. Chris Caulfield RN NP-C

    AANP FNP Exam-- All Clinical Questions?

    Hi BostonFNP, I have read through this resource several times, however, my anecdotal observation of this forum show that most testers do not find non-clinical questions on the AANP FNP test. I would rather concentrate more so on the important topics ...
  8. Chris Caulfield RN NP-C

    AANP FNP Exam-- All Clinical Questions?

    Hi Everyone, I'm taking AANP FNP exam in 6 days and I have been utilizing Leik's Intensive review and going through questions on has two options for NP AANC and AANP. I was under the impression that the AANP section wo...
  9. Chris Caulfield RN NP-C

    any nurse entrepreneurs outside of nursing?

    Kinda... I'm a co-founder, but now more of an advisor, to an On-Demand staffing App/platform for non-medical home-care and Nursing facilities. More business development, streamlining, and coding than actually utilizing my clinical skills. Anyhow, I'...
  10. Chris Caulfield RN NP-C

    Pay for Performance % of Collections

    Hello everyone, I seeking recommendations from fellow Entrepreneurial NPs. I just graduated and am negotiating my first NP job. I didn't mention salary during my first 2 meetings, but my future collaborator/owner of practice asked me, so I responded,...
  11. Chris Caulfield RN NP-C

    Graduated a year ago, no job

    I've gotten several meeting with providers by asking non-threatening advice via Linkedin messaging (not requests- those are junk), which has turned into interviews /offers during our talks (even when I wasn't looking for a spot at their practice). I ...
  12. Chris Caulfield RN NP-C

    Dangerous to be psych NP

    You are much more at risk being an RN in-patient in psych. Pysch providers typically stay far away from being assaulted and can recognize a bad situation from a mile away. As far as return on investment, if you search around this forum: 120k - 160k ...
  13. Chris Caulfield RN NP-C

    Primary care PNPs in specialty practice?

    I was under the understanding that FNP was more outpatient "primary care" and Acute Care (Adult) NP was in-patient (I didn't rotate or do any training outside of primary care (urgent care) for my FNP). As long as you are working with and training wit...
  14. Chris Caulfield RN NP-C

    Graduated a year ago, no job

    Get a Linkedin account (buy the sales package) and start connecting with business owners/partners at Ob-Gyn practices in your area. The local OB-GYN where I did my clinic (who I met on Linkedin) had his NPs manage the lower risk clients, most who wer...
  15. Chris Caulfield RN NP-C

    200k independent contractor

    As far as taxes, you will be responsible for an extra 7.5% compared to being an employee. Take the 15% and divide it by 2 (typically employer picks up 7.5%). As far as lowering your tax rate, there are many ways. Real Estate investment is one of them...