suzanne4 RN

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  1. suzanne4

    ITIN# is not the same as the SSN#

    There is also not one legitimate reason to be obtaining the license with the ITIN#; you cannot work with that legally. And then it only leaves questions open as to why one needed it. There are still many issues going on with nurses coming here under...
  2. I would look at taking the classes where you are located in an approved school of nursing, preferably where you attended school in the first place. You will have to leave the US after completing the make-up courses, you will not be able to remain h...
  3. It will be under a student visa, but to make up the classes should not take more than a few months.
  4. The majority of states are changing their requirements now. They will permit someone to sit for the NCLEX in each and every state without the SSN#, but most will not issue a license without the SSN# any longer. Since you have already tested, there i...
  5. We do not expect it to be lifted for more than seven years with the number that are already inline in front of you. The VSC is not actually needed until one is ready for their interview if going thru Consular Processing out of the country. Only pas...
  6. suzanne4

    I want to be a Nurse in Germany too... but...

    We ask that you speak in English only on this site, we do not permit foreign languages to be used so that all can understand. What type of visa are you on in Germany at this time? Are you a citizen of the EU or from the US or Canada? If not from the...
  7. suzanne4

    LPN nurses and O.P.T.

    This is why I keep pushing for everyone that comes here under the F-1 visa to know everything up front as well as the fact that there are no visas for the LPN when you are done. You get the one year of the OPT that is actually under the F-1 student ...
  8. suzanne4

    Old nurse trying to get my license again and need a few answers

    No, you can start. The first tip actually needs to be completed before one should send my a pm in the first place. Just do not spend more than three hours per day reviewing. Question that I cannot figure out is that endorsement means that you hold ...
  9. The ITIN# is not the same as the SSN# and it should not be substituted for the SSN#. A state requires the SSN# to know that you can work legally in the US, the ITIN# is issued when one does not have permission to work in the US, but needs a number f...
  10. Do you actually have a SSN#? If not, then you cannot endorse your results and must use the License by Examination application. Also not sure what type of visa that you have since you are needing the VSC. You are looking at more than five years for ...
  11. suzanne4

    LPN nurses and O.P.T.

    It really is a moot point. You have no choice but to pay what the school is requesting if you want the OPT. And one does not select a school based on what this fee is. At least they should not be doing so. But just noticed something, have you actuall...
  12. The poster is a new grad. Without working, there is no way to complete the required deliveries. One needs to have training in deliveries as well as the complications associated with deliveries. Best way to get this is in an approved program since t...
  13. suzanne4

    CA - Tested week of 2/16-2/21 - I PASSED!!!

    Congratulations on getting your results. Consider yourself fortunate, this is no longer the case for many.
  14. suzanne4

    LPN nurses and O.P.T.

    Check with your school, they are actually the ones that handle it.
  15. suzanne4

    uk student nurse!!

    Or you can try to do your electives in the areas that you will need for the US. You will also have plenty of time to make up the hours later on as you are going to be looking at several years before you will have a chance at a green card. I would no...