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About brella

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  1. New Nursing Student- Anxiety?

    I feel the same way! I found out 2 weeks ago that I got accepted for an RN program that starts in August. At first, I was ecstatic but now I'm excited and super anxious. I feel like there is so much preparation of things to get in order before I actu...
  2. Hi there, I am currently enrolled in a CNA class in New Mexico. We are in clinicals and will be done with the class in 3 weeks. I am planning on moving back to California (where I'm from) after the class is over. What I am wondering is can I take the...
  3. CNA's graduating in March-April!

    I started my CNA class January 22 and it goes until April 22nd! Its a long course but its a really good one. We have already learned so much. I love this class a lot!! The skills take a lot of practice and I hope I can perfect them!
  4. challenge cna exam.?

    What does it mean to "challenge" an exam?
  5. CNA as a career?

    Hi! I just started my NA class a week ago and I love it so far! I am interested in probably going on and becoming an RN. However, until then I do want to work as an NA because I am interested in being one and because I want some health care experienc...
  6. Tattoos and Appearance

    That is crazy! I would be furious. I do think that he might be able to get away with working in the medical field of some sort. Maybe EMT??
  7. Pharmacology in Western Medicine

    Oh hahaha. I didn't see the little ":smokin:" in the previous entry. Awesome
  8. Pharmacology in Western Medicine

    What is MJ??
  9. Tattoos and Appearance

    I forgot to mention my nostril stud. Would this be an issue? I totally forgot I even have one because its so not a big deal to me. I've had this for 8 years and it would be horrible to take it out.
  10. Tattoos and Appearance

    I will be taking the CNA course starting in January and I just realized that having tattoos/more than one ear piercing might be a problem. My mom is a nurse and when she worked at a hospital they only allowed her to have single-hole ear piercings. I ...
  11. I am very interested in becoming a nurse. I am going to start by becoming a CNA first to get my feet wet in the medical field before I take the few pre-requisites I have. But the issue I'm having in my mind is the use of pharmaceuticals in western me...
  12. Phlebotomy Certificate?

    Thanks for your reply. What is a Med-Surg? I keep hearing people say stuff about that on here...
  13. Phlebotomy Certificate?

    I will be taking the CNA courses starting in less than a month. I hope to go on to an Accelerated 2nd Bachelors RN program later. I wanted to become a CNA first to see if I enjoy working in the medical field and if this is for me. If I do like the CN...
  14. Being a CNA first

    I'm doing the same thing as you! I will be taking the CNA class in Spring 09. (under a month from now!) I think I want to be a nurse but I want to make sure I enjoy working in the medical field before I go through school again. I also think working a...
  15. Anyone Doing Accelerated BSN in New Mexico?

    Thank you for the PM. I can't reply because I'm a new member. But I have been emailing with that lady already. I should go talk to her in person. Thanks so much!!