CNA as a career?

Nursing Students CNA/MA


Hi! I just started my NA class a week ago and I love it so far! I am interested in probably going on and becoming an RN. However, until then I do want to work as an NA because I am interested in being one and because I want some health care experience. My question is, is anyone on here working as an NA for a career? Not just a temporary job or as a nursing prereq but actually did the NA class to be a CNA? I know NA's don't get paid a whole lot but I just want to see if anyone has been able to "making it" financially as a CNA.


Hi! I just started my NA class a week ago and I love it so far! I am interested in probably going on and becoming an RN. However, until then I do want to work as an NA because I am interested in being one and because I want some health care experience. My question is, is anyone on here working as an NA for a career? Not just a temporary job or as a nursing prereq but actually did the NA class to be a CNA? I know NA's don't get paid a whole lot but I just want to see if anyone has been able to "making it" financially as a CNA.


I think that "making it" is dependant ALOT more on budgeting and living below ones means (and avoiding debt) than it is on income level... I guess the real question is- what level of "lifestyle" do you find necessary, and what are you willing to consider "making it"... Some people are happy to share a car between spouses. Some have to have two spare bedrooms and an office in their house... Some have to wear name brand all new clothing... Others have to eat all organic... It's really a matter of priorities and lifestyle desires- not income level....

Specializes in l.p.n.

hello there , i've been working as a c.n.a for almost 7years it is very very stressed job before igot children 6 years ago it was ok igot paid 10 dollars anhour worked 40 hours aweek in anursing home but after having 2 children it is very bad even after working over time so are you singl or married with kids?

I dont think its good for anyone as a career. I see all the time the CNA's who have done this job for years and they are always miserable. It shows in their patient care and how they handle their patients. Although, it is also a few great cna's who have done it for years and even though they are good at their jobs they usually have strained their bodies due to all the lifting. I loved my cna course as well. The job has its good and bad. I just would tell you to always show a positive side to this field even when you work in a negative environment.

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