Nurse wanna-be

Nurse wanna-be

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About Nurse wanna-be

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  1. road to become a peds onco nurse?

  2. road to become a peds onco nurse?

    hi there! ive been getting different info from all please can anyone out there please tell me what is the route to becoming a ped onc nurse after getting an rn (passing nclex-rn)? how many years needed ect? or can it be done right away than...
  3. Interview for nursing school

    well as how others had said before it was the typical questions i cant really remember right now the questions exactly but i'll do my best why do you want to be a nurse what do you feel you can add to influence your care
  4. Interview for nursing school

    hey everyone! i had my interview last week! it went really well(as far as i can tell lol) thank g-d thanks for all of your help!
  5. info needed for prospective nurse

    hi all! im not sure if this is in the right place or not but ok heres my question: recently i was talking to someone who made me a bit unsure if this career is for me... as you will soon see... i am interested in becoming a peds/peds onc nurse then m...
  6. Interview for nursing school

    Hi everyone! My interview for nursing school is coming up soon, hopefully, and i'd like to be as prepared and not nervous(as most as I could possibly not be.... ;-)) So can I have the questions... and the answers to them please? (ASAP) Thanks!
  7. RN-BSN-NP

    which program? is it online? are there any such programs online?
  8. RN-BSN-NP

    oh i know it depends on the school. was wondering about the general curriculum that schools usually have. :wink2: if i would gain in the long run or be "wasting" time, effort and $ if i do it now or that its needed for general degree :) ....will d...
  9. RN-BSN-NP

    hi everyone, ok firstly, is this the way the path of degrees go? RN-Bsn- np - assuming that eventually i want to be Nurse practitioner? second of all, right now im getting pre reqs that can be transferred to NS here's my question: i need a A&P f...
  10. NLN PAX - NLN RN pre nursing exam

    thanks i appreciate it! i guess it will all be figured out- too late... when its behind us ;-) but thanks for all the info... congrats! any tips and info that you remember... you can keep them coming :)
  11. NLN PAX - NLN RN pre nursing exam

    Thank you You are so helpful would you mind explaining to me in a clear manner (since my brain feels like a mush right now) how the marks work on the exam. is this exam on the computer or on paper or it is an option? feel like i keep seeing differe...
  12. NLN PAX - NLN RN pre nursing exam

    wow thanks a ton! how long did you give yourself to study for the nln?
  13. NLN PAX - NLN RN pre nursing exam

    official guide- you mean Review Guide for RN Pre-Entrance Exam”, 2nd Edition? let me know please? gluck
  14. NLN PAX - NLN RN pre nursing exam

    anyone? please?
  15. NP- info?

    im not sure if this is in the right forum. just a quick question... once i g-d willing pass the nclex- I'm a RN, right? so if i want to go on to a NP- can i go directly from an RN to NP?- what degree is that considered... what are any additional pre-...