rehab girl

rehab girl

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About rehab girl

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  1. first i'll start off giving you a little history about myself. i have been a nurse for six years. currently i have worked part time in one hospital for the last 10 months & registry at another hospital for 1 1/2 years. there were changes made to ...
  2. confused as to what to do

    either don't pick up the phone when work calls or tell them no when they ask. this is a common problem.
  3. floating

    I have been working on a medical/tele unit for 6 months & found out today that sometimes were are floated to the icu. i was not informed of this in my interview & I have no icu experience. I do have 5 years of med-surg & rehab experience....
  4. Dilaudid Question

    the most i've given is 4 mg dilaudid with 50 mg benadryl ivp q 3 hrs. i did not feel comfortable doing this. on day 2 or 3 b/p started to drop to 83 systolic.
  5. non nursing side jobs

    does anyone work a side job that is non-nursing related to help prevent burnout? if so what do you do & was it difficult to get this job due to possible being "overqualified"?
  6. Sign On Bonus in Chicago for New Grads?

    If a hospital offers a sign on bonus I would be concerned there might be potential problems there.
  7. quitting new job?

    In my initial post I did not include that I have been a nurse for 5 years. I worked for 5 1/2 years at one hospital ( this includes the time when I was in nursing school working as an aide), then moved on to the next position for 6 months, then the t...
  8. quitting new job?

    Help! Six weeks ago I started a nursing job on a medical/telemetry unit. During the interview I was told the patient ratio was 4pts/1 nurse & if you had a vent pt then the ratio was 3pts/1nurse. During the first week of orientation I found out t...
  9. How much is your pay?

    i'm an r.n with nearly 5 years experience in Chicago & make $29.91 an hour.
  10. Valparaiso, Hobart, Merillville Hospitals

    i work at a local hospital in this area on a med/surg unit. the ratio is 6:1.
  11. What do you think of this ratio?

    i work on a med-surg floor (mainly medical). 90% of the patients we receive are nursing home pts that are complete care ( confused, mult decubs, turn q 2, etc). days & eves it's 6 pts per nurse, nights it 8 pts per nurse & in the past year it...
  12. chicago wages

    I applied to Rehab Institute of Chicago, Northwestern, Thorek & Mt. Sinai. All of the above hospitals wanted to hire me in at 26.00-26.55 an hour. I suspect they offered me a low wage due to the fact I work in Indiana & earn a lower wage here...
  13. chicago wages

    Now I have to call the recruiter back & tell her I'm not accepting the position. That's going to be a pleasant experience!:balloons:
  14. chicago wages

    I had the same sneaky suspicion myself! I was also concerned about my safety about taking the train at night. :balloons:Thanks for the reply.
  15. chicago wages

    Help! What is the going wage for Chicago nurses with 4 years of experience? I work in indiana & make 25.30/hr with 3 yrs of experience in acute rehab & 1 1/2 yrs of med-surg experience. I was offered a position at the Rehabilitation Institu...