Retrogression vs. Unlimited visas for nurses

World International


As most of you in the forum know very well by now, the US Dept of State has announced that they are forecasting a runout of the 50,000 "Schedule A visas" (from recaptured, unused visa numbers from the last fiscal year) by the 1st quarter of FY 2007. That corresponds to Oct to Dec of 2006. If all other things immigration-wise remain the same, this means nurses will revert to applying for immigrant visas under category E-3 which has a backlog of about 5 years. (June 2006 Visa Bulletin from the USCIS shows theyre processing July 2001 applications).:o

Now, maybe a shred of hope.. .Last May 25, 2006, the US Senate passed its own version of the immigration law significantly different from the one passed by the House in Dec of 2005. It provides a pathway for eventual resident status for those illegal immigrants in the US. (The major bone of contention with the House since the latter does not want any form of amnesty or concession to these illegals.) The interesting thing is, Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas (Republican) managed to insert a provision in the Senate version allowing for lifting of the visa limits for nurses and PT's (Schedule A) for 7 years. However, this must be taken with a grain of salt. This is all for naught if the Senate and House cant get their act together. Interestingly enough, much of the debate has been focused over the question of the illegals and border security and NOT so much the proposed unlimited visas for nurses.

Opinions on the senate bill:

American Nurses Asso. - dont support it, claiming that outsourcing is not the way to go...the right way is to spend more money in US nursing education to meet demand (a tall, tall order). In addition , opening the gates to foreign nurses will further hurt health care systems of other countries like the Philippines, India and China. (These send the most nurses over there, although the argument against the Philippines might not hold much water...this country has historically, year after year produced more nurses than it needs many times over). They even cited the example of the number of Filipino MD's retraining in nursing and then immigrating to the US.

US Hospital Asso's - most support the bill, since they'll be able to meet JCAHO standards (nurse-patient ratios) and keep many of their departments running.

Many nurse orgs say opening the gates to foreign nurses will lead to salaries taking a plummeting nosedive, which will hurt all US nurses in general. Immigrants included.

N.B. One factor that may weigh heavily on how US House Reps and Senators will tackle the issue is the looming mid-term (November) elections. Many hardliners against illegals among them will probably soften (or already have) in hopes of currying favor among the voting minority groups.

Comments anyone?:uhoh3:

My opinion is: foreign nurses must focus on finishing the NCLEX and English Exams and Visa Screen Certification or CGFNS certification for some States and be petitioned by a reliable employer (preferably direct hire) as soon as possible.

Talks about all these retrogression and immigration issues are good but I think the fact of the matter is that all foreign nurses must ACT now and do whatever and the fastest way they can to get petitoned at the soonest possible time and hope for the best.

No body will just sit and wait what's gonna happen. Retrogression or otherwise. What will happen will happen (or not happen) and we foreign nurse applicants can't do anything about it anyway. So, we must do all the req'ts, documentations, job hunting, petition process underway the fastest way we can possible.

Just my two cents. :twocents:

Good point, Lawrence, as always...anyhow...guess I was just trying to give people a heads up about reasons why things will go one way or another in the next few months after that new law gets passed... :)

By the way, suzanne's gone missing...where is she?

Maybe she's just busy w/ work or having a well deserve rest. I'm sure she'll be back soon.

i dont think, whether there is retrogression or unlimited visas, would stop foreign nurses for not applying to work in u.s. i agree with lawrence, for those who want to work there, should try to pass all the exams needed. start reviewing now if you want to be relocated. good luck to all. :wink2:

There is no use speculating. Foreign nurses have been coming to the US for many, many years and they will continue to. Whether it takes 12 months or 5 years, you still have to have all you exams and certifications in order.

Stop worrying about retrogression and unlimited visas. All this does is scare the Filipino and other nurses from other countries who are just starting out in the process.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

suzanne has been very busy. Never fear, she will be back.

I am here. Most of you fail to realize that I still work about 60 hours per week at a paying job. This is done as a volunteer and it does not pay the bills.

And as Sunnyjohn posted above, foreign nurses have been coming to the US for years and years, this is not some new thing that has just happened. I was working with foreign nurses from the Philippines too many years ago to even count.

Worry about getting your exams done, and getting yourself prepared. If things get put on hold, they get put on hold; and there is not one thing that anyone can do about it. Things will get taken care of.

Ooops, im very sorry i didnt mean to sound demanding suzanne...anyhow, for my part, I'm sincerely grateful for the extra time you give to moderating this forum. Now I know why it says "Super" right under your name... :)

Ok suppose it happen, then you can still work in UK, Ireland or Canada right.

My 2 cents idea would be something like this.

In case you already applied for NCLEX and pass the exam (assuming they will give you your license without SS no.) and they put the retrogression or putting on hold foreign nurses, sure you cant just sit in your couch and wait for 5 years until retrogression or hold will be lifted. Ive read some of the post saying they've been waiting for 9 months to 1 year up to 2 years, some would probably willing to wait for those 5 years.

Nurses dont have boundaries right? ;)

Life is a journey.

Our greatest happiness in life does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits.

no one has ever waited five years.

retrogression lasted about 6 months.

Hello, suzane. i am so worried about encounting the retrogration in the near future. it is estimated that i may be arranged for the final interview in October. do you feel that the retrogression will come right in that month ?

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