Maybe I should bail out now.

Nursing Students General Students


Today the results of last week's test were posted. I thought it had gone well, but unfortunately, my score was a 70. I was devestated. I had studied long hours, reviewed different N-CLEX books, reviewed my notes, and now I feel defeated. I feel as though I'm taking time away from my family, grant and scholarship money away from others, and just wasting my and the instructors time. I just needed to sound off to others who may have an idea of what I'm going through. If anyone has ANY advice AT ALL that they would like to share, I would be most grateful. God Bless! HANNAH R

First off, what subject was the test in?

Second, review the goals you have set for yourself. Maybe your standards for yourself are too high.

Third, was this the first test in this subject?

Depending on what goals you have set for yourself, and what you want most out of the subject you are studying, it might not be YOU that is at fault here.

I am really good at learning and retaining concepts, but when it comes to testing for them, I don't always get the best scores. If this is a new class and a new instructor, give yourself some time to become acclimated to the testing.

Sometimes it is just getting used to the testing style that is the problem.

Did you study all at once, or did you space the study out over several days?

I find that a little each day is much more beneficial to me than attempting to get it all in at one time.

No matter what the situation is, a few weeks isn't really time enough to see all there is to see of a class, and your study skills might not be the best.

If you look at all these things, and find nothing wrong, then look at the subject matter. Is this something you could possibly study with a group? That might help, too.

I find that answering the questions that go with the chapter, and defining the key terms very helpful, and a lot of times I will make 3 x 5 cards with the key concepts on them.

Check all of this out, and see where you are at. At the very least, consider a tutor for that subject.

Hang in there!



It's the beginning of the semester so your still learning the professors teaching/testing style. When I was in college, I usually did not do great on the first couple tests. But, then I would figure out how to study for that particualr professor and my grades usuualy improved as the semester went on. Don't be so hard on yourself, life will go and so will you!

Good luck,

Julie M.,RN;)


Depending on the circumstances of the subject and test, etc.....

One thing I find myself doing is studying unimportant stuff. I mean, it's all important or they wouldn't put it in the book right? I try to get a good idea from my teacher what he plans on putting on the test b/c I figure that's the MOST important stuff. I study the heck out of that stuff and learn the other stuff in my free time (what little there is).

I find it works for me...... also when I go back to read the "other stuff" it makes more sense b/c I know the important facts already. :)

Good Luck, stick with it!!

--zannie :)


I am a Nursing Instructor and you have been given some great advice! I would add that you may also wish to make an appointment with your professor and discuss test taking strategies with him or her. I agree that it is too early to "bail out" and hope you will give yourself another chance to be sucessful.

I agree with the replys to your post. Not knowing what subject, I can't give specific advice, but usually the first test is the most difficult because you are not sure of the test set- up, grading etc. One of the things I found for myself is that if I feel I have a good handle on information, I will move on to the things that may be more shaky and need special attention. Also, study in smaller intervals and get down what you are studying.

Don't give up. If you feel that you know the information but incorrectly listed it, talk to your professor. They may have pointers to help you. Maybe you have a slight learning disability, nothing to be ashamed about. Contact the testing center...there may be different ways for you to learn and retain what you are learning. If you made it into the nursing program, you have what it takes, and a minor slip is not a sign of failure.

Best of luck,

Kris:) :) :) :)


Hey, hang in there you can make it!! Don't give up now you have come to far. You have been given some GREAT advice. I also find myself reading the unimportant stuff. Use this test to figure out what they want and how the new professors test. A 70 is not that bad it will be pretty easy to bring up. Always remember it could be worse. Believe in yourself and never give up!! Good Luck!! : )

Beverly McKee


You have been given some great advice. Read it, and then decide. I would add that I think its way too early and it would be silly to gauge your success or potential for success on one measly test.

One additional thing to think about: you are paying your instructors to do you a service, and that is to teach. If you feel they aren't doing that effectively, or they aren't telling you everything you need to know, tell them that. Most nursing instructors really want their students to succeed. One thing our instructors do (we have 4 of them and they "team teach" across 3 campuses through distance learning networks) is make available a "test blueprint" that lists the topic, who creates the questions, and how many questions will be on which topic. This makes it a little easier to focus on, say, theory or pharmacology where there will be 35 questions instead of on oxygenation, where you might only have 5. You should still look at the other stuff but maybe you won't spend so much time on something that may not be helpful in the long run.

Maybe you should suggest something similar?

I hope you'll give yourself a chance.


In reading the rest of the replies after mine...... someone mentioned talking to your advisor...... that reminded me.....

Talk to the teacher!!! Say something like "hey, I really want to do good in this class, I just got a 70 on my test, what can I do to ensure more success on the next test to bring my average back up?"

He or she will likely work with you on that..... And they will also know that you're a serious student, not someone who just "shows up". (sometimes your teacher knowing your a serious student gives you a little bit of a better grade in class participation or whatever else they grade separately from papers and tests). :)

--zan :)

Hannah, You have already been give really good advice but I will add on to what others have said. Don't be quick to give up. I almost did last semester spring 2001 which was my first semester of nursing school. I had a really horrible time with Pathophysiology. Patho was enough for me to want to drop out but I did not drop out. My first test in Patho I got Barely a 60%. I was really, really upset because I thought I studied really well. Then my second test in Patho the same thing happened I got a 60%. So at mid-term I had a F in patho, I was crying and I got a letter from the dean's office saying that if I do not bring my Patho grade up I will either be booted out of nursing school or would have to re-take patho. Well, everything change I went to talk to my nursing advisor and the Patho teacher and they gave me some really good suggestions like Read ahead of time, make note cards, study everyday not just 2-3 times a week and I even started typing my notes and using colored markers and creating charts out which helped because I am really visual person. Well the 3rd test in Patho I got a 90%, the 4th test in patho I again got a 90% and the final I got an 85% so I was able to pull my grade up to an B and that was my final grade for Patho and Patho became a subject I really enjoyed. I did better in Patho then I did in Anatomy and Physiology. Now I am in my junior year my second semester of nursing school and I am so glad I did not give up. It takes a lot of organization and study skills but talk to your advisor and try different methods. Also one last thing that I noticed no one else mentioned. You could have test anxiety. I know several people who can know the material inside and out including myself and they end up not doing so well or as well as they would have like to done. If that is a problem for you talk to your advisor about it. I know I am and it will change. Good luck and keep going. IF at the end of this semester it is not working for you and you don't want to do it then explore other options and have a plan B but for now I have faith in you keep going.

I'm the type of person that gets more out of lecture than studying. I didn't study nearly as much as my classmates did. My final semester of Med/Surg I had an instructor who would get WAY off the subject and start talking of other things not related to Med/Surg. I started doing BAD! Not to mention the fact that I have terrible test taking anxiety! Anyway, I forced myself to study on a daily basis (really really tough for me :rolleyes: ) and I managed to pull my 67 average to an 88. Moral of my story: DON'T give up!!!! This is only the first test and as the others have mentioned, you need to figure out the instructors testing style. What did they focus on in the test? Was that emphasized in lecture? Did they spend more time in one area than another in lecture? Do they give you an objective sheet for each specific chapter? Please don't give up. You CAN do this!!!

sounds like my psych rotation. I studied like I would normally in other courses. On my first test I got a 74. I figured oh well I only blew one test so I'll study hard and do great on the next one.

I read the chapters and my notes over and over. I knew everything like the back of my hand. Took the next test and got a 64. Barely passed that stupid class.

I was on a military fully funded scholarship. 100% tuition, $35k/year salary, $1000 year for books etc... If I would fail one class I was out and would end up getting put back in the military as a post hole digger (or something).

Barely passed that stupid class!!.

Now I work in psych.... Kidding!! no way!!!

But when I finished my BSN I was still able to go right into a graduate program.

Just keep moving forward. You can do it.


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