I feel like a loner sometimes.

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I'm not sure, exactly why? It's not a personality issue, I'm aware of my personality. I'm a very helpful person. I'm helpful in school and clinical. I'm also friendly.

I guess its ME, I don't call up friends constantly. In fact, after high school the idea of friends vanished. Everyone went off to college elsewhere, I stayed in my hometown for college and went right into the program ... No "fun period".

In prerequisites everyone was just into their own life.

In nursing school, we do go out as friends but everyone has their own family to tend to. I don't, I'm 20- I have nothing besides my career.

You'd think with so much free time, I'm always doing school work but actually I'm sleeping, I know I'm not depressed. I just sleep because I have the luxury, and I can. I'm tired, hello .... I'm in nursing school :p

Besides sleeping I spend my time always doing nursing stuff. Even stuff irrelevant to class, or washing funny stuff on YouTube.

This summer semester I decided to sleep less and pulled out ALL A's. Which, of course now I will repeat from now on. I'm going for A's until graduation and beyond when I start my BSN bridge.

I sometimes feel like I'm going to end up being a career person. Utterly devoted to working and school. Climbing the professional world and nothing else. I'm afraid of ending up all alone. O:

I just never get around to calling people up and saying, "hey lets hang". Its just NOT me. I can be sociable and all during school or clinical but I'm not a social butterfly in my personal life. I'm not shy, or anything ... As I've said... My career ME and my personal ME are different in regard to socialization.

My brother is a 180, he's a social butterfly ALL the time .... because he has to be. He works in politics and in fact is moving to Washington DC.

Anyone out there anything like me?

I'm also not interested in dating, I just become bored and annoyed. Like ugh ... I could be doing something productive or resting.

Sometimes I feel lonely, sometimes I feel like I'm being selfish with my time.

I'm not sure where this thread best belongs. C:

I just needed to get this out.

July ... Yes exactly...

I recently found out how much of the world smokes weed!!! I'm not condemning it! I just don't do it, I didn't know so many did.

I haven't even smoked tobacco!

I hear ya. I'm definitely an introvert. Sure, there are few people I enjoy hanging with and opening up to, but most of the time I like the quietness of home, a good book or movie, and a tub of ice cream. (And that pretty much sums up my Friday nights.) I've maybe had one or two close friends in my short life thus far (I'm 20), but no one outside my family stuck with me through the long haul. I have attempted to push myself to be more "social," but I honestly don't really like it. I don't like going to parties with large groups of people. I absolutely, 100% hate small talk. I do like people. I'm a good listener, I think. Yeah, sometimes I wonder if I'll end up a little old cat lady who dies in her bed and is only found when the smell gets to the neighbors, or at least a little old lady who hides away in her room at the retirement home. I would like to get married, but that's a bit difficult when you don't talk to many guys. :cheeky:

I can totally relate. I consider myself an introvert. I used to struggle with social anxiety and generalized anxiety... but after realizing that maybe I just needed to give myself some precious alone time more than I needed to be around people at all hours of the day, I've really noticed positive changes in how I interact with others! I honestly don't think there is a single thing wrong with alone time and putting yourself first. Especially in such a difficult profession.

Yea a lot of people do smoke weed. It makes them feel calm. My friend said that when she's high, all she wants is peace and love.

Specializes in public health, women's health, reproductive health.

I am an extreme introvert. I am much older than you but I have been an introvert all my life. The only difference between now and when I was your age is back then, I worried about it or tried to put myself out there and change it. I embrace it these days. I have managed to do fine in my life both in academics, marriage, family life, etc. But the people close to me understand that I am an introvert and don't take it personally. I am actually very friendly and giving and I know how to be social when necessary. I just prefer to keep to myself most of the time and I form "close" friendships rarely, but they last a long time.

Specializes in Public Health.

Self preservation is key! I make friends easily but I will drop you quickly if I feel like the friendship is detrimental to my emotional or mental state

I hear ya. I'm definitely an introvert. Sure there are few people I enjoy hanging with and opening up to, but most of the time I like the quietness of home, a good book or movie, and a tub of ice cream. (And that pretty much sums up my Friday nights.) I've maybe had one or two close friends in my short life thus far (I'm 20), but no one outside my family stuck with me through the long haul. I have attempted to push myself to be more "social," but I honestly don't really like it. I don't like going to parties with large groups of people. I absolutely, 100% hate small talk. I do like people. I'm a good listener, I think. Yeah, sometimes I wonder if I'll end up a little old cat lady who dies in her bed and is only found when the smell gets to the neighbors, or at least a little old lady who hides away in her room at the retirement home. I would like to get married, but that's a bit difficult when you don't talk to many guys. :cheeky:[/quote']

Pshhh ... I dont talk to many guys either!!! :p

I'm just not interested. Also, LGBT isn't big in my state. Even then, I know I would not push myself to attend any LGBT meetings/gatherings, who am I kidding? I like my lone time and I like it with Chinese take out, every Friday and preferably a harry potter movie.

But in all reality, I'll just go with the flow of life and what not. It feels a lot better than doing things under pressure.

Oh my goodness, yes!!! This describes me EXACTLY. I mean, exactly. I'm also 20 and I started prenursing at 18, got into the program at 19 and here I am at 20 and about to be a junior.I hardly have any friends/social life most of the time. I hardly know anyone here because I moved here at 18 and have been in school ever since. I go to a commuter school where most of the people in my class are much older than me with familes etc. I don't have much time for fun things I'm always studying and working hard to get through school. It's my life. Sometimes I wonder if i made a mistake and shouldn't be so focused at this age, but I don't regret getting into nursing school. I DO get very lonely, though. I feel like I'm living against the grain and I wonder if I'll ever have a *normal* life again.

Seriously, you are not the only one but this post was an encouragement to me because I thought I was the only one! Feel free to friend me! You are NOT alone! You have friends here at Allnurses :)

Oh my gosh, I totally feel like you. You are not alone. I wrote a post called "When I graduate I'll be 30" in the "Breakroom" section of this forum (It's all the way to the top right of the menu) under "Family". I believe that human beings were created to be relational. We weren't meant to be alone or islands unto ourselves. It's easy for me (and you) to just stay alone and be loner-like. But I don't think that is the way we optimally should live. The best thing I can tell you that I hope you will consider is that there is nothing, no career, no job, no family life, no husband, no wife, no boyfriend or gf, no friend, no material possession, lifestyle, achievement, or accolade that will satisfy you forever. Augustine said, "You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you." I encourage you to find rest in the Lord and live a life full of love for others! Reaching out to those in need. There are many lonely people in the world.

I am a loner but my story is quite different from yours.

im not social,and im autistic.

But the main difference is that i get picked on a lot,and im not attractive,which people have made me aware of painfully.

Specializes in Public Health.
I am a loner but my story is quite different from yours.

im not social,and im autistic.

But the main difference is that i get picked on a lot,and im not attractive,which people have made me aware of painfully.

WTH!? That is NOT okay! Shame on anyone for making you feel bad about yourself. What a world we live in

I am a loner but my story is quite different from yours.

im not social,and im autistic.

But the main difference is that i get picked on a lot,and im not attractive,which people have made me aware of painfully.

I was picked on, as a child. I'm amazed that bullying continues in the adult world. I thought adults (for the most part) kept their superficial thoughts to themselves. I'm incredibly shocked, as I was sadly unaware of this. I know we all judge, I'm not naive ... I just didn't know adults were elementary about their thoughts.

Shame on them. I always promise myself to act how I act now when I become a nurse (being nice). I don't enjoy the nasty roll-eye attitudes, I won't give said attitude to fellow workers or students.

Call me a dreamer but if I give respect, I expect some back. C:

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