Socialized Medicine: The Argument to Support Moving Forward

Many people have a misunderstanding that if the government funds health care then THEY control our health care - a concept which in all reality is impossible. What they do provide is funding for hospitals and any facility that delivers health care. It's up to the facilities to decide how to spend the funds allocated to them. Nurses Announcements Archive Article

They will run things as they do now except they would have a lot more input and would not be controlled by the insurance companies as they are today.

There would be a department within the Government whose main task would be to establish performance-improving strategies for the hospitals and a timeline for them to be met. Guidelines would be implemented for hospitals to follow and protocols would be initiated by the hospital itself to help them achieve the goals set out by the government. The aim being that care will be standardized across the country. This meaning that hospitals who provide substandard care now will be expected to improve their standards of care in the future. Of course, this would not be achieved quickly nor would it happen overnight, and yes it would cost money, but in the long run, it would be cost effective. The main aim is to improve the quality of care to the patient and at the same time establishing across the board initiatives which all hospitals would need to follow in order to ensure all hospitals are providing the same standard and quality of care. Independent companies would be established to govern the government for example in the UK they have an independent company known as NICE,

"NICE is an independent organization responsible for providing national guidance on promoting good health and preventing and treating"

More emphasis would be made on care in the community, focusing on keeping the chronically ill out of the hospital and in their own homes. Health education would play a major role focusing on prevention rather than cure. For example, some of our expensive hospital beds are often taken up with the chronically ill which could well have been managed in their own home, freeing up valuable nursing time which can now be spent with the acutely ill. Opening up more opportunities for nurses to develop their skills and utilize their education for something other than carrying out orders from Doctors

NICE | The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

Diabetes can be effectively managed in the home with a team of skilled health professionals, accessing the hospitals for major illnesses rather than glucose control. Nurses could play a major role with diabetics in the community, after all, a large part of our formal nursing education focuses on health education, which a lot of us struggle to find time to implement in the hospital environment

Patients will be more compliant with their medication because it is now affordable. They would not be worrying shall I pay the bills or shall I pay for my medication. This would mean Asthmatics, Diabetics, COPDers wouldn't be having the same crisis situations finding themselves in hospital costing a fortune.

Of course, there will always be non-compliant patients, this group will never change easily, but my question is would we see a reduction in non-compliant patients if we made medication affordable. If we had no co-pays for hospital, tests, procedures, scans or doctors visits? My guess is yes we would see a reduction because some of those non-compliant patients are in this situation through no fault of their own but because of financial constraints either due to a poorly paid job or their pension doesn't quite cover everything they need.

Health professionals could more readily access the schools, youth groups with a lot more health education, again focusing on prevention rather than cure. "Catch em, Young".

I am sure you will be saying to yourself we have all this anyway yes but it would be "free" to establishments affording them to spend their funds elsewhere within the education system but at the same time ensuring we start our children's knowledge of a healthy lifestyle off earlier.

Everybody could afford to be pregnant and access high-quality pregnancy care. It would not only be the rich who are able to afford expensive pre-natal care, classes and education it would be available to all without further cost. Pregnancy care is an ideal opportunity for health care professionals to discuss dental care, diet, smoking cessation, birth control, pap smears the list is endless of what you could provide in health education to the younger generation which they can take through life. This population has probably had not much in the way of health care since their teenage years so are ripe for further education, again focusing on prevention rather than cure.

Of course, we all have heard the horror stories of the NHS there are plenty of them, there are more of the negative kind than the positive kind mainly because we focus in on the negative more readily. The Media are only too happy to report stories which involve sensationalism and negative press than to focus in on the 'nice' stories because 'nice' stories don't sell newspapers. Have you always noticed how bad press is always top of the news whereas the nicer stories are thrown In at the end?

The UK is one small country, whereas the 50 states of America are almost like 50 countries so if we took all the negative press in one day from each of the states of America it would be interesting to see/read how many horror stories we would find from the current medical health care system in the USA. Then we could compare the horror stories to the ones reported from the UK then correlate the figures to establish which country offers greater health care and what cost.

Remember the people who pay insurance here in America it will not cost you any more money unless you choose to take out private health insurance. The difference is it will not cost you one cent more unlike now where there are numerous co-pays for anything you access.

Think about it NO co-pays for:

  • Doctors Visits
  • Blood Draws/lab work
  • Mammograms
  • Pap smears
  • Children's immunizations and check-ups
  • Emergency room visits
  • OT
  • PT
  • Speech and language therapy

The list is endless.

My litmus test is the copy of the Constitution I carry with me at all times. If it's not in there, the Federal goobement has no legal authority to act.

Have you perchance forgotten that our constitution is a living text and is amended and updated at all times?

Also, there are various interpretations of what goes on and how it fits within the constitution.

I guess the Bush years must have driven you insane with all the unconstitutional things his administration did. None of it benefiting the American people.

At least this interpretation will benefit the masses of people in the USA that have no real access to health care under the current system.

That, at least, would be worth celebrating.

Specializes in cardiac, trauma surg. ,Occ health x 13 y.

I suppose that some of those promoting a Nationalized style of health care are from countries that are already on that system. It is unfortunate if you have not experienced the personal freedom of CHOICE. The US was founded on principles that embraced personal liberties which we have over the years.... slowly... been losing one by one for "the greater good". There is NO free health care. Period.

Ten years ago, while visiting New Zealand, I read an article in the paper that a certain county / region will not be authorizing any more tonsillectomies for the rest of the year as they had all been allocated. (this was March). I just could not believe it.

Oh - and I do not want to pay 80% of my pay in taxes - thank you very much. I prefer as little "state run" intrusion in my life as possible.

The problem with the government is that they do not know how to run any industry. Outside of our military, they have a poor record. Standard VA care is a nightmare, medicaid, and medicare is going bankrupt - even the post office. The government WILL end up pushing private insurance coverage out by making private insurance coverage so expensive that the average person can't afford it. And as the system is over loaded, decisions will have to be made regarding allocations of services. I'd rather fight with my insurance company. If they **** me off, I still have the freedom to get a different carrier.

For anyone who is not a US citizen. Please (respectfully) - mind your own business as you don't have a dog in this fight. Our forefathers left tyrannical rule many years ago so that their descendants could live FREE. You may not be able to understand how much we cherish that freedom.

Specializes in cardiac, trauma surg. ,Occ health x 13 y.

Can you name the third largest employer in the WORLD? Wal-mart? - No, the US government? - NO.... it is the British National Health Care System. THIRD LARGEST EMPLOYER IN THE WORLD!!! Are you kidding me??? With that fine distinction, you'd think everyone on the planet would be breaking down doors to access this ... must be..... best service in the world!!! People are doing that - aren't they?

........... oh, but if the US ends up stuck with our current leaders plans for our future,.... I'm sure We will make it to #1.

(God forbid...........)

Specializes in Critical Care.
Can you name the third largest employer in the WORLD? Wal-mart? - No, the US government? - NO.... it is the British National Health Care System. THIRD LARGEST EMPLOYER IN THE WORLD!!!


Specializes in PICU, NICU, L&D, Public Health, Hospice.

How is it that people lose their freedom of choice with a reform in healthcare? Today a 25 year old has little choice about healthcare....find a job that offers full benefits or try to get medicaid. There is not much in between. Any attempt to obtain good health insurance individually will be frustrated by high premiums for restrictive access with considerable out of pocket expense.

Does the constitution "allow" for a governmental role in healthcare accessibility? It very much depends upon the interpretation ... what does it mean to promote the general "welfare" of the population?


There are several links with the citations noted. Like you cartoon though.

Specializes in PICU, NICU, L&D, Public Health, Hospice.

"the government will end up pushing private insurance coverage out by making private insurance coverage so expensive that the average person can't afford it.the insurance companies have already accomplished that without the help of the government and as the system is over loaded, decisions will have to be made regarding allocations of services. i'd rather fight with my insurance company. have you ever actually had to do that?... cuz they will drag it out until you no longer have the finances to pay for the fight and they will still not pay.if they **** me off, i still have the freedom to get a different carrier." you will find then that you have a pre-existing condition and it is not easy and not cheap to find an insurance company that will take your money every month so that they can limit your access to healthcare. or perhaps you think they don't limit your access? you must not have a formulary for your prescriptions, or perhaps you have never had a test ordered that the insurance company does not agree is the appropriate test to follow up your cancer treatment. maybe your insurance company doesn't care which md you see or which hospital or lab you use.

the bottom line is this...our present process for accessing and paying for healthcare in this country is in trouble. it costs too much money, is too restrictive, and does not cover enough of the people. in spite of the state of the art technology, training, and facilities we have an unhealthy population with health outcomes that are embarrassing. capitalism is a good thing, it is just not the answer for everything and this is simply one of those things that capitalism cannot improve. the delivery of healthcare for profit is not going to solve any problems with access, availability, and cost. if we want to preserve the small business in america, give them a public insurance option for their employees. if we want to impact the cost of manufacturing in america, reduce the cost of health insurance for those companies.

i have a friend whose 26yr old son, who had no insurance through his work, suffered a case of appendicitis and ruptured his appendix. after an ambulance ride, surgery, icu stay, etc he did the best he could to stay on top of the huge bills with monthly payments, until he got ill with some common thing about a year later (don't remember if it was flu) that kept him out of work for about a week. he ended up filing bankrupcy. thank goodness he did not have a wife or children at the time. i ask myself, what choices did this young man have? how did our current system of healthcare delivery benefit him? it certainly preserved his life at the same time that it devastated him financially. my question is....don't you agree that we can do better?

I am not a sheep but somebody who has experienced 1st hand both socialised medicine and private insurance. I dont follow and believe anything I have experience and knowledge which comes from those experiences.

BTW I am perfectly serious. What personnal experiences have you got to share to back up your theories?

:twocents: I believe I can speak with experience that this will not work!!!!! My husband is active duty military and our health care comes from the government (Tricare). You do not get seen when you need to be seen: For example yesterday I called to have my daughter be seen for an ear infection it was 8/26, They can not see her for a simple ear infection till 9/1. Im sorry that is not good health care system. If socialized health care comes to the US there will be waiting lists for simple care and the ones who need something like hip, knee or joint replacements will be waiting for years.

Socialized medicine does not work!!!!!!


Specializes in Critical Care.
There are several links with the citations noted. Like you cartoon though.

Did a google search and found a cite of 1.3 million NHS employees.

1.3 million NHS employees :: 61.1 million population UK (

14 million U.S. healthcare employees ( :: 307.2 million population (

The amount of employees means nothing to the argument when the entire system is one company-- the U.S. has twice as many healthcare workers to population and yet we trail the UK in many areas.

The US Healthcare employees are not employed by the US Government, but mostly private industry.

Specializes in Critical Care.
The US Healthcare employees are not employed by the US Government, but mostly private industry.

Thank you for this insightful fact. :p

My point was that the amount of healthcare workers for the NHS means nothing. The fact it's the third largest employer has little merit on whether or not socialized health care is good or bad. Simply irrelevent. All systems require healthcare workers no matter who writes the check.

My point is that the government controls the money, the workforce and the policies. Personally I feel less government is better, yes we need government to build roads and maintain an army. Having government manage health care is not the intrusion I personally want.

But the NHS is Europe's largest employer, I personally don't want to give the US Government control of my healthcare. But that is a personal choice, and the democratic process will decide which is the route America should choose.

One million NHS patients have been the victims of appalling care in hospitals across Britain, according to a major report released today.