Sick at work, AND disappointed!

Nurses General Nursing


I was at work last night (12hr nightshift)

and all night people were telling me that I didnt look well,pale, diaphoretic etc, I had a bit of a headache to start and I just assumed it was because of the record high temperatures here that made me feel gross. Well as my shift went on I got progressively worse, I vomited three times and the incharge said she was worried cuz at one point it looked like I was going to pass out.

I am hardly ever sick like this so it really walloped me, anyway long story made short I got sent down to our emerg at 0500 hrs (hospital policy is that if you get sick while at work on nights you have to be checked out at the ER - on days Occupational health will do just fine)

so I go down there and there are only three other patients in the waiting room, so I go to triage , explain what happened and she writes down on my chart that I'm complaining of weakness, well we all know that weakness is a low low priority in the ER, she doesnt document that I have been vomiting and that I have just done so in a k basin at her triage desk, I'm just weak apparently.

so I sit down in the waiting room, running to the washroom every 5-10 minutes to throw up, she comes up to me and says "if you feel faint again just wave at me and I'll come over and help you" uhhh yeah thanks I'll do just that, "hello I'm fainting now miss miss I'm fainting now!"

im stuck 2 hours in the waiting room , people are being taken in before me for things like a sunburn and a swollen ankle, Is it just me or could someone at my workplace just snuck me in a back room, gave me a shot of gravol in the A$$ and sent me packing ? I didnt need an emerg bed, I've never worked in a place that wouldnt see their own staff quickly and promptly, so i finally get a room in sub acute and start retching while im in there, my room was right near the nursing station so I know they all heard me , and no one even came in for another hour and a half!

I know emerg is busy and I dont think I am special or anything but the whole thing just made me feel sicker. I know why ppl get frustrated with being in emerg, I am a huge supporter of the nurses who work in emerg cuz they are so bogged down, but really what if I had been someone elderly or something and I had passed out? no one would have noticed.......

I called Occ health at 0830 hrs tired of waiting and having not been seen by the MD yet and she hightailed it up to emerg, stating that what happened with me wasnt acceptable and gave me a taxi voucher to get home, waited with me etc and said that she would check things out as to why they couldnt see "one of their own" a little sooner.

I'm not silly enough to expect priority in a busy emerg dept , but could they not have snuck me in before the guy with the sunburn or the swollen ankle at least? I mean really ,dude with the sunburn was in ZERO distress sitting outside smoking and cavorting with the nursing staff out there and the guy with the swollen ankle seemed okay enough to be pacing around on his ankle and kicking the vending machine!

I think my workplace should change their policy about making us go to emerg for treatment in non life threatening situations,because the whole thing was a waste of time for everyone involved, for them because I took up space and time , for the nurse who got stuck with me having to do my vitals for no good reason q hourly ,and most of all a waste of my time

I can puke just fine in the comfort of my own home thank you , minus the audience of onlookers too

anyway this whiny brat is going to have some yummy crackers now . mmmmmmmmmmmm crackers

Wendy, I'm so sorry you don't feel well. :o And I know it's not helped by this awful heat. How crappy of your own ER to treat you that way. And how crappy of your own unit to MAKE you go there instead of just going home and curling up in bed. You know it's only done that way to discourage people from going home early at all. Shame on them. But then again, you know us nurses are never supposed to get sick on a work day, work night, or weekend. (sarcasm)

My prescription? Fluids, rest, and watch another ben affleck movie....



Ewwww you poor kid!

We also had the supervisor be notified and meet us in the ER. Only time I was ever treated like you were was in a "classy" private Catholic hopsital. They didn't know I was a Nurse, but then that shouldn't have mattered should it?

Feel better Sweet-Pea....SOON!

Most new nurses have an experience like this. What happens is that in the future they start to call off when they feel ill. Once you are at work if your are sick you work that way. Thus comes the managment complaining about excessive absenteeism. PS Most nurses do not recieve the crappy treatment you recieved but they do come in sick to work and wish they had not. PPS God Bless you and keep you and make you feel better soon. I think I said before I like reading your post and I think you are a real doll.:kiss

Staff who need to see the doc in the ED are redlined for the exam. The only time one would wait woud be if we had several bad pts, all trying to code simultaneously.

Customer swervice should include us, too!

Sorry...meant to say "service", not "swervice." :)

That sucks...the triage nurse didn't listen to what you were telling her, and it all snowballed from there. :(

Hope you're on your way to feeling better now! :)

wendy...its nurses like you who give the rest of us a bad name...we use the bucket treatment on our unit all the time. we all wear catheters too. if the budget allows they let us change them once a week.

there is no excuse for leaving work. even if you die on duty you can hold charts at least or be a door stop.


i wont even go to our ER anymore. i go to our sister hospital. our ER docs (i swear there is only one...he is always there when i am)

is OBVIOUS about getting the pt in and out. he doesnt listen to anything you say. he looks at you...orders the test and you are out the door with a script of pain pills...needed or not. just to shut you up. i know all about being busy....this guy is ridiculous.

and i dont care they SHOULD take care of their own first, of course in non emergency situations. we dont get that many percs and that should be one of them.

the nurse that told you to wave if you pass out should be slapped.

i can believe that they heard you wretch and never came in. this stuff happens on our unit all the time. ill hear someone wretching or the phone is ringing and nobody is answering it, or call bells are going off and the assistants are just sitting there. i go to the desk and say loudly....OH WHATS THAT NOISE? DO YOU HEAR THAT? GEE WONDER WHAT THAT COULD BE...and then i go take care of it.

i was unfrotuantely back in the ER last night. had a wonderful doc who asked me if they "went in my heart" to put the stent in my aorta.

maybe it was a trick question.

hope you feel better and i hope you at least gave all of the ER staff a big sloppy kiss before you left.

mario...some advice for you....better watch what you say about the may be right may be VERY right in what you say but you are not a nurse yet. i just dont want to see you

accidentally burning any bridges. you might not have noticed but nurses can be very viscious...i know, i know..its hard to

im only saying this because i have seen some of our CNA's say things like that about nurses and the next thing you know ALL of the nurses heard what she said but NONE of them heard what she REALLY said...until i told them. just dont pizz anyone off unless you have to. its not even worth are a great CNA soon to be a great nurse. just dont want you to get caught up in some of the stupid politics.

Originally posted by thisnurse

i hope you at least gave all of the ER staff a big sloppy kiss before you left.

:rotfl: :kiss


What I always thought was funny was the supervisor would always send people down to the ER when they got sick at work. BUT, when we would get sick at work(the ER nurses), we would go home. Finally I asked, was there a written policy?? Well there wasn't, it was the supervisors making their own rules. Now if a staff member gets sick at work if they want to go to the ER they can but they can also just go home too.

We take care of our own and see fellow workers fairly quickly as long as we're not balls to the walls busy.

Hope you're feeling better hapeewendy and I'm sooo sorry you were treated that way.

there is no excuse for leaving work. even if you die on duty you can hold charts at least or be a door stop

If you can get to them before rigor, expired nurses make a great IV pole..........A little akward for transport though, so somewhat impractical. Oriented patients need to be sedated before implementing this cost-cutting measure..........geeze, they get so freaked out they won't sleep in the room with the "new IV pole"




I hope the "Oreo therapy" is going well(they make choclate peanutbutter ones now.....Yumm):kiss

Reminds me of a time when I had the flu and a blazing headache while at work on the night shift. Worked as evening supervisor in 300 bed PCH and was the only RN on that night because we were already shortstaffed and had vacant positions (read: it was such a crappy place to work at that people had passed up a full time position). I called the admin. person on call and she refused to come in to relieve me and said I had to stay there for the rest of the shift because (ha ha) it was unsafe for the place to be without an RN. I left anyway and quit shortly after.

Where do I find these loser employers anyway!?:( :(

Hey, why don't we have a puking smilie to use?

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