How My Instructor Affected My Life

I'm not exactly sure when my instructor started hating me, or if she disliked me from the beginning. But she broke me. Any answer I would give in pre or post conference would be wrong, or not good enough. But any other student who said what I said would be right. Nursing Students General Students Article


I sit in my car outside of the hospital where I'm doing my second term clinicals at. Tears are just rolling down my cheeks. They won't stop. In LVN school, we have 13 week terms. This is only week 7. The tears increase with this sudden thought. I cannot do this anymore. I want to drive to campus and quit this very instant. Instead, I drive home through the tears, remembering the horrible 7 weeks I've had...

The last week of Term I, we all received our clinical assignments. I was so excited! I got the clinical instructor I was hoping for, at a site I was hoping for, life looked like it was going to be great in Term II. We even started at an acute care facility this term. I was tired of the nursing home. The first day comes. The group I'm with is different. All of them older than I am, except for two new girls who were restarts. I befriend them. There's all the wonderful paperwork, and video watching that comes with orientation. Then our instructor has us write down some things she wants us to know and use this term. She goes on to tell us how our day will work. I think I can handle things. She tells us that we'll rotate through Cath lab, ER, OR, GI lab and radiology. I leave feeling confident. That was the only day I felt confident.

I started off the best I could. Introduced myself to the patients as soon as I got on the floor. Vitals, AM care. I read the charts completely. I knew my patients inside and out. I even went above and beyond what was expected of me. I would write out every abnormal lab, every medication, and learn all I needed to about both. I checked on my patients every half hour or so. I helped out my fellow student nurses when I could. Stayed on top of my paperwork. I was working so hard.

I'm not exactly sure when my instructor started hating me, or if she disliked me from the beginning. But she broke me. Any answer I would give in pre or post conference would be wrong, or not good enough. But any other student who said what I said would be right. If I was passing meds that day, she would rush me through med confession and then accuse me of not knowing my medications. She always gave me the most complicated patients, which for a while I took in stride. I figured I was getting more experience. She would not allow other students to help me, but I was expected to help them. Checking on my patients every half hour wasn't good enough, she wanted me in a patient room at all times. I never rotated to any specialty. She would barge in on me when I was bathing or changing patients, and have a complete disrespect for my patients dignity. While I was doing AM care with one patient, she would go to my other patient rooms and find things wrong with them, then chew me out in front of all the staff after. The day I sat crying in my car in front of the hospital was one of the worst.

By this time I knew she hated me. I still wasn't sure why. But she did. The patient load she gave me that day was just like any other. One total care, one was a custody patient (I was the only student to receive those, go figure), and one who had stasis ulcers on both legs and ulcers on the toes. I was to do wound care with her watching me. I asked the student leader to be there as well, for moral support. I gathered my supplies and headed into the room. I let the patient know I would be changing his dressings and asked him if he needed any pain medication. The patient was a dear old man, sweet as could be. Everything was set. I went and got my instructor. I set up and began. She stood there with a horrible look upon her face, as she always did when she was with me. I went through each step, talking with the patient while continuing. I got to a point where I was slightly confused about how to put on the medicated strip. I told her as much, and asked her how I should apply it. She just stood there. Didn't even respond to my question. My patient was also expecting an answer, both of us looked at each other and I just tried to figure things out. The patient became more aware of my instructors attitude towards me and attempted to converse with her. She gave him very short answers, not showing any interest in what he was saying. I finished up about 10 minutes after I had began. I will never forget what she said. She told me it took me too long to do the dressing change, that I was unprepared and I shouldn't be allowed to do procedures, period! She stormed out of the room. I stood there, in shock. I began to shake, out of pure humiliation and anger. I felt like an utter failure. The student leader looked at me and told me I did everything by the book. The patient tried to console me, he told me that I did a better job than most of the staff nurses before me. He even asked me what was wrong with the instructor! He couldn't believe an instructor would treat a student, let alone a patient, like that. I worked hard to maintain composure in the room, and throughout the rest of the day.

When I arrive home that day, I thanked God for getting me there safely. I called my step-mom who is an RN and explained everything that had gone on in the past 7 weeks, topping the story off with what happened today. She talked me out of quitting, and told me some clinical instructors were just awful people.

The next 6 weeks weren't any better. I still was kept on the floor. The charge nurse came to know me well. She even bragged to my instructor about how much progress I had made. My instructor just muttered something under her breath and walked away. She would call the director of nursing to come to our site weekly, for the main purpose of making me seem incompetent. I was accused of a medication error, which wasn't an error at all. The review she gave me at the end of the term was absolutely awful. By the end of the 13 weeks, my confidence was completely shattered.

Term III started the week after. I was at a site which was about a hundred times more difficult than before. The patients were what we called train wrecks. Multi-system failures, diseases I'd only read about in textbooks, and more! How could I survive this if I couldn't survive the less complicated patients before? My confidence was gone and I had two instructors to impress this time around! Because of the way I was treated during my second term, I made sure I was always on top of everything. Meds, AM care, vitals, team work, documentation... while some students were struggling to finish up charting before post conference let out, I was done hours before we even started. I was doing everything I could to stay off the radar of my instructors. I just wanted to finish the term in peace.

By the time mid-term evaluations rolled around, I was expecting the worst. I had never received a good eval, why should I be getting one now? My main instructor called me in, and I sat down. She looked at me, and asked me flat out how my second term was. I was a little confused by the question, but I told her. After I was done, she looked at me and smiled. She told me that she could tell that I tried to avoid her when at all possible, and had been curious as to why. Now she knew. She pulled out my evaluation. She proceeded to tell me that I was the best student nurse she had ever seen. She was highly impressed with everything I had done so far, my extensive knowledge of medications and lab values. The other instructor was impressed as well. Apparently she had a few complaints about every other student, but not me. I was floored. I was good?

It was in that moment that I realized I was going to make it. My previous instructor, as horrible to me as she was, gave me motivation to be on top of everything, know everything about my patient and try to be the perfect student nurse. Even though nothing was good enough for her, she turned me into the best student nurse I could've possibly been. It was the worst 13 weeks in LVN school, but out of it came something positive, I knew how to be a good nurse. I think about that instructor from time to time. Because of her, I have the confidence to tackle just about anything a patient throws my way.

Specializes in nursing education.

Again, as an instructor, I am sorry for all the bad ones. There are some good ones out there. Where I teach, we are evaluated each semester by our students. There have been instructors who were urged to quit because of continuously bad evals. I don't believe bullying is the way to teach. I ask my students questions at clinical, but give them time to respond and try to encourage them as most people can't remember things when put on the spot. I can't expect them to know every answer, as I don't know every answer (that is where the trusty PDA comes is really handy!). Terrorizing students is not teaching. That said, there are some students who are not prepared. Some expect you to open their heads and poor the knowledge in for them. I will go out of my way to help a student as long as the student is trying. Why help someone who doesn't put forth any effort? My students and I have a great time at clinicals and in class. We all learn and help each other. Just thought you should know that there really are some caring instructors out there....

I agree with you. I do believe that instructors are available for a purpose, regardless of which type of teaching strategy they use. I trust that they have the experience and knowledge required to guide students in becoming successful as future RN's.

Specializes in med surg, geriatric, clinical, pool.

Bless you! Your students are so forturnate to have someone as caring and opened minded as yourself.

I ran into a girl and spotted the PCC transit program on her shirt. I asked how she liked the program...same old same old.. She said that they constantly hear they are going to fail...that's not teaching, that's belittling students so they lose what confindence they started out with. Nurses need confindence and encouragement to be good nurses.

These teachers know nothing but how to burst the enthusiasum right out of you. I could tell your so many incidents that happened to me, statements made to me "we all can't be astronauts" huh? :nono: Nursing is hardly that.:rolleyes:

I did have one good nursing instructor who stated "you will catch on, this only the first time". :redbeathe That is so sensible.:yeah:

Wish I could just forget all of this ever happened because its made me such a bitter person inside. :cry: I just felt betrayed by these so-called instructors. This girl I ran into stated they don't teach them how to do anything, but expect them to know everything!

I was taking a second stab at passing pharmacology math and was given a Nursing 4 math test. There were 30 problems on the test, 10 of them were of one particular kind. On the computer this certain problem was only on there once so I figured it must not be important enough so I didn't put any thought into learning it. I told the teacher when she was grading it, she said, "oh I don't have a clue was is on this test, its a Nursing 4 math test I just pulled out of the back of the filing cabinet." So there went one more chance at passing the math.

I don't know why I keep going over this stuff its been over 20 yrs. I keep thinking I should have passed. Amazing at what doubt does to a person's mind.

PCstudent2009 said:
I knew someone else on here had mentioned journaling and also documenting every little thing ? These subject threads get so long that sometimes you have to go back and re-read them. I'd actually been considering journaling before this for other reasons, but it's a good thing to do in this case.

To Vito Andolini:

It's not an instructor's responsibility to "weed people out". People like that will weed themselves out eventually. Yes, I know that it happens all the time, but that doesn't mean that it's right. Everyone deserves a fair shake. If they mess up in spite of being given one, then it's totally on them. I was related a story by some younger fellow students of mine who had a particularly difficult instructor for a lecture class (I actually had him for a lab, and he was very rude and disrespectful of me in that lab, but I didn't take the bait). Anyway, this instructor, when called openly on some stuff in this lecture class angrily told everyone in the class to "get out". I cannot personally verify this - it's just what I was told by them later. I did not say this to those students, but if it had been me, I would not have left the classroom. Why? Because I am a working, voting, taxpaying citizen of this state, attending a public education institution. That seat I'm sitting in is *paid for*, and I expect a product (a decent education) to be delivered, as long as I fulfill my part of the contract. Wether or not it's the right time of life for me to be in nursing school or not, is none of the instructor's concern. I am 55 years old and I have a 25 year-old son who's older than most of the students here. I am perfectly capable of deciding when I can or can't go to nursing school, and once I've made the decision, I expect to be treated honorably and fairly.

What I meant by weeding out is this: Student nurses are eventually going to be licensed nurses. They are going to be caring for the helpless public. They need to be capable of safely doing that. If an Instructor passes a student just to keep his or her own life simple or to keep in good standing with school Administrators (who want students to pass, naturally, as it makes the school look good), that Instructor is not doing his or her job. Weeding out does not mean targeting students. I think students need to ask for help when they need it, Instructors need to offer help to students they see struggling. Education is a partnership, both sides have responsibilities to uphold.

Instructors and schools have a responsibility to the public to flunk students who don't make the grade. Furthermore, it is not right to let a student get practically to the end of school or even graduate from school (usually by means of group grades instead of individual student grades) and then that student fails Boards, not having group support while taking the Boards. Better to have a failing student start over early on and do better the 2nd time through. The school and Instructors should be totally supportive to the student who has to be held back or failed. The student should understand exactly what the problems are that caused the failure and should be offered tutoring to help overcome the troubles.

Instructors also have responsibility to help students understand that employers are looking for certain traits in employees. Employers want good attendance, no or rare tardiness, no or very infrequent personal problems that affect work - that includes child care issues, transportation issues, health matters, other emergencies at the house or within the worker's family, and so forth. An employer has a facility to run, a ward to staff, 24/7, and it is not easy. While an employer might be sympathetic to the employee's personal matters, usually they employer must put staffing and patient safety before workers' issues. The student who fails to learn this is going to have a rude awakening on the job. The Instructor needs to teach this to students, I believe.

I'm sure you are doing what is best for yourself and wish you well. However, age doesn't necessarily mean wisdom. That is not directed at you. I'm just generally observing that age doesn't necessarily bring wisdom with it. Have you ever watched "Full Metal Jacket"? Check out Gunnery Sgt. Hartmann's welcome address to the recruits when he mentions weeding out. That soliloquy applies to N School, I believe. Why? Safety, as stated above.

Good luck. What type of Nursing do you want to do? How long do you have left in school?

queen777 said:

I really dispise the term "Weeding out the bad students". I agree with some of what you said, but to me this was the "Right time" for me to go back to school. Family, husband or not I was so ready to be that nurse I had always wanted to be.
I had little kids and when I taught them something I let them make mistakes, that is what it's all about. So to me, in class, was that place to make mistakes to prevent them later. I agree.

No one is born knowing how to be a nurse. It takes years to "Hone that log" therefore no teacher should expect perfection from any student. If we knew how to be a nurse, there would be no need in attending school for this.

Nursing is a whole different language from any subject I had ever taken school prior to this time. It takes time to learn the language. And as we go from day to day we can't help but improve. But if a teacher beats a person down in the beginning that teacher/boss is broken and doubt sets in on the student.

Admit it, "A teacher can make you or break you". I am 55 yo. I know what I am talking about!

I suppose, but only if that teacher has that mindset. Believe it or not, most teachers only want the best for their students. I think. I know I only wanted to teach, never to destroy anyone.

Look, people should go to school whenever they want, no matter what their personal lives are like. It is not up to me and I do not say they are wrong for doing whatever they are doing, whenever they are doing it.

Understand me now. All I meant, and perhaps did not say clearly, is that some students have so many things going on outside of school that it makes it hard for them to focus on school. They have marital or family issues, health, car, or money issues, etc. They should not come to school expecting to not work hard, expecting sympathy, expecting special breaks because of their personal circumstances. That's what I meant. Sorry for being unclear.

Students must come to learn. I think older students especially have a hard time starting over again. I know I would, especially if the teacher were younger than I.

Students should plan on doing the work, following the rules, understanding that the teacher is trying to teach, not bully them or give them a hard time. Yes, some instructors are mean or unfair. I do not believe I ever was, certainly not intentionally. I did nothing but try to educate my students, with a pure heart. I never browbeat or put down a student. I also did not let them get by with cheating, tardiness, excessive absenteeism, coming unprepared, or thinking they should be treated differently due to cna or paramedic history, being older, being a single parent, or anything else. Everyone was held to the same standard. Sudden problems, such as a death in the family, were, of course, treated properly. And while it is hard when a child is ill for example, the fact that a child might be ill from time to time is forseeable. Therefore, the students were told, from the start, to have a plan in place to handle this, as their being absent more than once per semester would result in make-up days. Enough absences (more than 1, as stated), for whatever reasons, including deaths in the family, sick kids, their own sickness, crimes against them, etc., would result in failure and their having to repeat the semester.

It was not my rule. It was harsh but it was reality and I did enforce it. I had to or I'd have been falsifying school records and I was not about to do that for anyone. I have a license to protect, a family to support. In this matter, all instructors were alike and the school required this of us and backed us up whenever a student tried to fight this, which happened every semester, predictably. The school had to follow state and federal laws or risk going out of business. No student is worth that.

I hate to admit it but I am older than you are. And I think I know something of life, also.

I wish you well. I hope you understand.

I am so sorry that you had to go through that. Some people are still old school, and think that the only way to build someone up is to first tear them down. I had a similar experience, but not in nursing. I was in the military, and my supervisor constantly demanded three times the work from me as he did other clerks, and my work is the only one he checked himself. Yes, he was as evil to me as evil could get, and I struggled to make sure that I was on top of everything. After a transfer to another department, that same supervisor became very friendly with me, and I asked him outright why he was so hard on me. His answer stunned me, and I remember it to this day: " You have more potential to excel than any of the others I've trained, and you have the drive and ambition to back it up. I expected more from you because I knew you were capable of more, and I needed you to know it too."

While his answer didn't make me feel better about the way he had treated me for the year and a half previous, I did have a better understanding of it. Now I can put that lesson to use in nursing school, because instructors DO expect more from us. Just remember that when you don't have faith in yourself, there is always someone else who does! Good luck!

Vito -

Thanks for your reply, and yes, I actually agree with a lot of what you've said. While I still don't believe that it's an instructor's job to "weed people out" (I don't like that term anyway), I agree that part of their job is to prepare students for the "real world" out there. A lot of what students will run into are situations where they maybe are left on a floor and they will have to make the call on their own as to what to do, things like that. A lot of responsibility. Most of the students that can't handle this will end up taking themselves out in one manner or another. Those who remain will have been tested and will be ready. Having said that, I still don't think breaking a person's confidence or spirit right at the beginning is the way to go. I realize that these stories that we are reading are the minority, and really aren't representative of the majority of nursing instructors. I'm sure most are caring, helpful, and when they are hard it's because they have to be.

I apologize if I sounded a bit harsh initially, but reading some of these "horror stories" sort of hit a nerve with me so to speak. I have a ways to go yet in my own nursing program, but I've already run into people who would love to see me fail at all of this. I will succeed anyhow. That's what I've decided. I do understand where you are coming from though, and like I said, I agree with a lot of it, but I still stand by what I've said too. Thanks again for your clarification :-)

Specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.
PCstudent2009 said:
Vito -

Thanks for your reply, and yes, I actually agree with a lot of what you've said. While I still don't believe that it's an instructor's job to "weed people out" (I don't like that term anyway), I agree that part of their job is to prepare students for the "real world" out there.

I have to agree with Vito. Clinical instructors have a role in protecting the public from incompetent nursing students.

multicollinearity said:
I have to agree with Vito. Clinical instructors have a role in protecting the public from incompetent nursing students.

Like I replied to him earlier, those type of students tend to weed themselves out without "added help" [go back and reread some of the stories]. Nobody's going to pass them along (or shouldn't) if they haven't actually cut the mustard. Their (instructor's) role in this sense is no different than any other instructor's - all the way from first grade to college graduate school. I will still never agree with the sort of "instruction" that beats people down or bullys them. Ever.

Specializes in med surg, geriatric, clinical, pool.
vito andolini said:

I suppose, but only if that teacher has that mindset. Believe it or not, most teachers only want the best for their students. I think. I know I only wanted to teach, never to destroy anyone.
Look, people should go to school whenever they want, no matter what their personal lives are like. It is not up to me and I do not say they are wrong for doing whatever they are doing, whenever they are doing it.

Understand me now. All I meant, and perhaps did not say clearly, is that some students have so many things going on outside of school that it makes it hard for them to focus on school. They have marital or family issues, health, car, or money issues, etc. They should not come to school expecting to not work hard, expecting sympathy, expecting special breaks because of their personal circumstances. That's what I meant. Sorry for being unclear.

Students must come to learn. I think older students especially have a hard time starting over again. I know I would, especially if the teacher were younger than I.

Students should plan on doing the work, following the rules, understanding that the teacher is trying to teach, not bully them or give them a hard time. Yes, some instructors are mean or unfair. I do not believe I ever was, certainly not intentionally. I did nothing but try to educate my students, with a pure heart. I never browbeat or put down a student. I also did not let them get by with cheating, tardiness, excessive absenteeism, coming unprepared, or thinking they should be treated differently due to cna or paramedic history, being older, being a single parent, or anything else. Everyone was held to the same standard. Sudden problems, such as a death in the family, were, of course, treated properly. And while it is hard when a child is ill for example, the fact that a child might be ill from time to time is forseeable. Therefore, the students were told, from the start, to have a plan in place to handle this, as their being absent more than once per semester would result in make-up days. Enough absences (more than 1, as stated), for whatever reasons, including deaths in the family, sick kids, their own sickness, crimes against them, etc., would result in failure and their having to repeat the semester.

It was not my rule. It was harsh but it was reality and I did enforce it. I had to or I'd have been falsifying school records and I was not about to do that for anyone. I have a license to protect, a family to support. In this matter, all instructors were alike and the school required this of us and backed us up whenever a student tried to fight this, which happened every semester, predictably. The school had to follow state and federal laws or risk going out of business. No student is worth that.

I hate to admit it but I am older than you are. And I think I know something of life, also.

I wish you well. I hope you understand.

Look I brought my 7 yr.old son to lecture and lab and he sat politely through the whole thing. I never brought my problems to school.

I hope you understand too.

:nurse: Congradulations!

I am glad you made it past the instrutor. I had the same experiance with an CI while in the BSN at Grand Canon Univ. All the other students spoke up for me to the head instructor. I was told they always back CI or they would have a hard time finding CI's. At the end of the semester I endded up quitting. I am now doing my LPN. I glad you did not give up.:yeah:

Specializes in med surg, geriatric, clinical, pool.
BSNstudent09 said:
:nurse: Congradulations!

I am glad you made it past the instrutor. I had the same experiance with an CI while in the BSN at Grand Canon Univ. All the other students spoke up for me to the head instructor. I was told they always back CI or they would have a hard time finding CI's. At the end of the semester I endded up quitting. I am now doing my LPN. I glad you did not give up.:yeah:

I wish I could have filled you in before you quit as that is exactly what they want you to do! Quit. Why is beyond me.

I spoke face-to-face with an instructor (she will be my daughter's mother-in-law) A very nice lady indeed, but she stated to me that "you don't want to know what they called me and it wasn't nice.

I asked her up front "why do ya'll do that?" "It's not necessary." I was getting upset just talking to her. And after I spoke about some of the awful experiences I had, she agreed they were "after" me!

So what I took from the conversation is, some instructors make it a little on the difficult side to toughen us up, while there are exceptions that some CIs are "out to get you"!

I know this as too many times "things" happened to only me, so I know exactly what you are talking about.

LPN school is a breeze compared to RN. so you will do just fine, and keep your head up, don't volunteer any info you don't have to, and don't ask silly questions. I found out that a lot of times those questions were answered had I only waited. I think they don't want you to ask questions at all! I always wanted to say "if I knew this, I would not be here".