Clinical Day 1: Discoveries

"No, hon, you're not going to want that. Those are old. You're going to want these," said the nurse, pointing at a rack full of thick binders on the side of the desk. Nurses Announcements Archive Article

Clinical Day 1: Discoveries

Bewildered, I put the first binder back on the shelf (it was big and heavy) and turned to face the other rack.

Not really sure what I was looking at but attempting to look professional, I grabbed the binder with my newly acquired client's room number on the spine, clutched it to my chest, and practically ran from the nurses' station.

As I fled back to the safety of the visitor's room that the freshmen nursing students had confiscated for headquarter purposes, I could imagine that poor nurse's thoughts in the back of my mind. "That freshmen nursing student, thinks that she'll be an RN someday and she doesn't even know what a chart looks like!" I could just see her shaking her head and rolling her eyes at the inconvenience of having to deal with a floor full of freshmen. I made it back to the visitor room and sank into a chair with the chart in my lap.

My need to stay in my comfort zone was very quickly overcome by my clinical instructor's orders to "Find your client's medications from the chart and write them down." Then she added with a touch of sadistic delight, "Some of these clients are going to have a lot of meds. One student last year had a client with twenty medications."

Staring at my instructor with disbelief coupled with shock, I tentatively opened my patient's chart. Pages and pages of information jumped in front of my eyes. Words that I had never seen before, much less understood, attacked me from the pages. I had no idea where to even begin looking for my client's medication information.

Suddenly remembering that I would need more care plan information about my client than just medication info, I was struck with the bright idea of taking my client's chart into her room and sitting with her while I attempted to decipher this terrifying binder. At least I wouldn't be under the eyes of some of the more experienced freshmen or my clinical instructor. I was still delusional enough to think that my classmates were less confused than I was. If I had actually looked around I think that I would have seen the same deer -in-the-headlights-look on their faces that was so evident on my face.

Quickly sucking in my breath like a diver ready to jump, I rose from my chair, slammed the binder shut, and started walking briskly to my client's room. As I left the visitor's room I suddenly felt a surge of confidence. After all, here I was, in my new uniform, young, full of ambition and I had almost four weeks of classrooms lectures and lab time behind me! My self-confidence was returning! I felt knowledgeable, smart, and self-sufficient.

And then I passed the nurses' station where I had gotten my chart. My confidence quickly dwindled as I walked, no; I sneaked, past that station. No snappy uniform or college based confidence could stand in the face of plain old experience that was represented by those sitting behind that desk. I quivered.

Still clutching my binder, I made it past the nurses' station and arrived safely, albeit somewhat unconfidently, at my client's door.

I then gave myself my one- thousandth pep talk of the morning. "You're doing fine, everyone feels like this on their first day. Just relax."

We had been taught to always knock before entering a client's room, however, upon meeting my client earlier in the day I had discovered that in my client's instance that little textbook jewel could be thrown right out the proverbial window. I would have to hit that door multiple times with a crowbar before my client would even hear it. The dear woman's hearing was not very good, and so, I concluded that all textbook information could be adapted to meet specific client needs. Looking around me, half expecting, half afraid to see my clinical instructor behind me, I discarded textbook policy and walked right in. I walked up to my client, being careful to approach her from the front so that she could see me clearly. Leaning towards her, I raised my voice ever so slightly. "Hello, Ms. So and So! My name is------ and I am a student nurse. I am going to take care of you today!"

That was my very first ever clinical experience. I wrote about this experience very shortly after it happened. I have learned so much since that day; it would take me thousands and thousands of words to even begin to scratch the surface of all that I have learned since that first clinical day.

First of all, I learned that I was not alone in my feelings of nervousness.

I learned that I was not the only freshmen nursing student in the world to have felt so illiterate at the clinical setting.

I learned that my instructors were and are not sadistic, but in fact, want to push me to my limits and challenge me with new experiences.

I learned that my instructors were approachable when I was unsure of myself.

I learned that my instructors didn't mind me 'adapting' textbook policy (within reason of course!)

I learned that it was possible to understand a client's chart!

I learned that the clinical staff can be invaluable tools for learning, and not all of them looked down on nursing students.

I learned that if I didn't know anything, I should ask questions.

And the most important thing I learned that day was how to apply my textbook and lecture knowledge. I learned that no matter how much I learned in school, or how much I knew when it came down to the client, it had to be personally applied to that client.

Although in the school lab, I would lose points during a re-demo for forgetting to knock on a client's door, in the "real world", if my client couldn't hear me, I had to find another way of making my presence known respectfully without knocking on the door. I had to adapt my knowledge to meet a specific situation.

And that little lesson turned the 'light bulb' on for me, and helped me to understand the nursing process. It helped me to understand how to critically think a situation, even in a very small way. And I almost think that I learned more in that one tiny experience, with a hard of hearing a lady in a nursing home than in four hours of lecture on critical thinking. And, small as it was, I know that I will remember what I learned on that first clinical day for the rest of my life.

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Specializes in ER.

You made me laugh! The first day is soooo awful!

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Wow....great story. Thanks for reminding this 'old' nurse what being a freshman nursing student was like!:up:

I loved your story! I will definitely try to remember it when I start my clinicals! :aln:Thanks for sharing!

Great story!!! I am starting ADN program in the fall. Needless to say I am nervous, excited and scared. I find it somewhat reassuring to know I am not going to be the only one that is nervous!!!!

Specializes in PICU/Pedi.

Thanks! Starting first clinicals in the fall, and I am simultaneously excited and scared to death :uhoh3: :lol2: .

That is an excellent article! I've been an LVN for 12 years and a navy corpsman for 10 and I'm about to go through my first set of clinicals for my ADN program. I'm still scared out of my wits!

I'm scared, lol!

Haha. Me two, I had the worst nervous 'breakdown' during my first clinical exposure. I was a stutterer and insecure and unconvincing... I was a very very awful sight.:D

Nice story, if I read this when I was still in college I know this would have changed big things for me. I strongly recommend this to nursing students... and instructors too and inconsiderate nurse staffs.:yeah:

Specializes in Neurosciences, Med-Surg-CNA.

I have to say I had the absolute WORST first clinical day. I accidentally set my alarm clock for 6:15 pm, instead of 6:15 am, and I got a call from my instructor saying that she was worried about me. I was so mortified and I felt like the BIGGEST idiot. The girls in my class never let me live it down... I thought my nursing career was over then... The worst part is that she wouldn't let me come to clinical because we were not allowed to be late. It took me a while to get past that, but I have recently graduated and passed NCLEX, and I start my job in September.

I have been very observant of my alarm clock since that incident....

Well it's nice to know that I was not the only one to have a scary first clinical day.:D

And trust me, there are more stories where that came from. I wasn't even at my very first lecture!

Specializes in LTC.

First off that nurse who you had your first encounter with was probably thinking, "Oh I remember those first dreaded days of clinical. Poor girl" Every nurse has a first day of clinical. Some good some bad but we all make mistakes and I'm sure your clinical instructor has made mistakes too. You need to move on and learn from those mistakes.

About the knocking-- if your patient is nonverbal, disoriented, deaf.. Don't worry about it. You don't need to knock everytime you walk in and out of the door. (Trust me you'll be doing that quite a bit.

Theres the nursing school way of doing things, and the real world way of doing things. You must do it the nursing school way unless your instructor says otherwise. My last rotation my clinical instructor was very hands on so I got a real taste of what the real world way of doing things is like.

Use common sense too and critical thinking!(Nursing instructors like to see that)

Oh and about the meds.. in my med-surg rotation, we had to choose a pt for a careplan and I chose my pt that I had for 2 days in a row, she was a doll. Not the worlds easiest patient but a great learning experience! I chose to do her for my care plan. I get her chart and she was on 16 meds! I had to write a page long med sheet for each one. lol

I'm all finished with clinicals and I graduate LPN school next friday! I loved each and every clinical rotation. I hope you do too. Don't forget to ask questions!