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About guest358111

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  1. Management Progression Assistance

    My sense has been that hospital administration does not view academic management experience the same as hospital management. At least as far as nursing is concerned. In some ways, even though it doesn’t always seem like it, they are two different wor...
  2. Sounds like you need clarification as to company’s expectation of the role of manager. It is appropriate to want to make sure the patient gets the best care and is safe. However, if as a manager, emergent situations cannot be handled without your inv...
  3. New RN frustration tips while on the job?

    A few ideas: Make sure you have a hobby or two outside of work so you can recharge. Walking, visiting a park, biking, painting. Something that gives you enjoyment. Know why you went into nursing in the first place. When you are at work, when ...
  4. How do you know when to let a new employee go?

    Never an easy situation. Is 5 months time a normal probationary period for your clinic? That seems extensive. If you haven’t already you should be speaking with HR about how to best proceed. Ideally you should have met with the new employee and discu...
  5. Please Help: Student Loan Debt

    Excessive debt ( and frankly, the $$ you are describing seems excessive ) will trap you for years. Less debt = more freedom in the future to do what you want. There are plenty of affordable programs like community colleges out there. Everyone takes t...
  6. Should I give a two weeks' notice?

    Never burn bridges. Give two weeks and you won’t regret it. Quit on the spot, and you might regret it. Healthcare can be a small, small world.
  7. Burnout - How long do I have?

    Have you considered working in a specialty or primary care office? Sometimes you make less $$, but depending on the specialty you will see less sorrow. Can be very beneficial in the long run!
  8. Covid-19: Would you ever hire me if you saw I quit during this crisis?

    Yes, in my opinion I would hire you. No need to make it overly complicated. You became sick with COVID and due to extended recovery needs you had to leave your position. Put in the appropriate notice and work with HR and don’t burn your bridges if yo...
  9. New Career in Management???? Advice?

    If you are someone who loves to have friends at work among your co-workers...and you have good solid friendships and a team with the people that you currently work with...then I would say seriously consider not taking the management job. I only say t...
  10. Input on clinical instructor responsibilities

    A few tips that I have...have been doing clinicals for a couple of years now. (of RN students but I feel that some of this will translate). 1. If you are not also employed at the facility I would not do a 'nursing task' that would not fall under the ...
  11. Advice please

    You've received some good advice already. I have a few ideas: 1. Work with management to get the time to take the classes. 2. Jump in and learn from the other nurses how to do what you don't know what to do 3. Don't feel embarrassed asking for help. ...
  12. My two cents: Talk to each of them privately (preferably right before the shift begins) and ask them not to do it-explain to them that even if they find it funny it makes you uncomfortable. Ask them to talk to you privately if they have any actu...
  13. Peer Review at work...advice please!!

    The interesting piece here is the wondering "where the disconnect is." I can offer a perspective from my time spent orienting nurses with varying levels of experience/credentialing....take it for what it is worth. What I have seen with errors is of...
  14. What to do about burn out?

    Caregiving is exhausting hard work. Everyone who is a nurse has the potential to burn out. Everyone has given good advice. I think if you have another non-nursing job option you should do it. And just keep per-diem status for the sake of the resume....
  15. Struggling with report

    When you look up your patients, look at the same thing the same way every time. For example, here is how I do it: 1. Why are they admitted and who is the admitting doc? 2.When were they admitted? 3.What are their recent orders? 4. What is their dieta...