Am I doing the right thing? New nurse getting butt kicked

Nurses New Nurse


I am a new male RN, BSN. I graduated in August of '12 and started at my job on a neurology/med-surg unit. I never really wanted to do med-surg, but many nurses told me that it is a great place to start because you can hone your time management skills, prioritization, and whatnot. Where do I ultimately want to end up? I have no clue. I don't know what the end game is.

Anyway, as many new nurses have stated on this forum, I am truly miserable. I work nights because the pace is generally slower than days (our floor is extremely busy), and I care for between four to five patients (less than other med-surg floors in other hospitals in our city, but often higher acuity than what they see, I'm told).

I just feel constantly behind. It takes me forever to chart, to see all of my patients, and give a comprehensive report to day shift. I feel sick on the drive to work, and suffer 'GI distress' once there. At work I feel constantly on edge and snap at co-workers (definitely not a good thing). I just feel like I should be better at this job than I am. I feel like I should be more confident and comfortable. I know I should be grateful to even have this job, but I truly resent it. Am I expecting to much at this point? Is year one of nursing truly just this gauntlet of misery? (Sorry for getting emo there!)

I opted for med-surg post graduation. Was this a wise choice? Are there other areas in which a newer grad could also do well in? What are they? I have never left a job in less than one year of service, but this one has gotten me thinking that perhaps I should.

Ultimately, even if no one responds to this post, I'm happy that this forum exists so I can at least vent.


Specializes in CICU.
Right now nursing feels like a race to get everything done immediately. It almost feels like everything is considered a priority!

I think, once you can get over the feeling of a "race to get everything done immediately" things will feel much better. Just remind yourself that NO ONE can do everything at once. Prioritize.

It used to really bother me if I couldn't get assessments in quickly or meds passed "on time". I no longer sweat it, I remind myself that I have 12 hours to get everything done =). Deal with the sickest first.

And, I have been FORCING myself to chart as I go. Really, it feels like torture at times, but is so necessary. Unless it is a code situation or someone falling out of bed, that next task can wait 5 minutes while you chart whatever you just did...

PS - for me, things started to feel much better at a year. 18 months was really key - LOTS of stuff started clicking then.

Specializes in Trauma.

You stated you took a job in a unit you had little or no interest in. For me personally that would be a major stressor on the job. I have no interest in L&D and a great interest in ICU or ED. I feel I would be much more successful in a unit I desire to work in rather than one I know from the start I have little interest in.

I am also a new nurse, I understand the anxiety. There are a few things that have helped me.

First, I have found a system that works for me. I use post it notes to keep organized...if interested I will give details.

Second, I am not hard on myself. I realize that I am new to nursing and imperfect. Give yourself a break, learn from your mistakes.

Last, I have great coworkers, some better than others. If I am unsure then I ask...sometimes several people.

Give it some time.

dee ohh please do give the details. I love post its and was kind of sad that after school I would not be using them as much. :)

Specializes in LTC, Corrections, newbie to OB/GYN.

I became an LPN in January 2012, I was having all those same symptoms, tbh, I still have anxiety and gastric upset before my 12 hr shift at the LTC facility. I am currently in the ADN transition program with graduation May 2013 and my anxiety level is building immensely with the thought of NCLEX again. Thank you all for the encouraging advice and support. Although I am eager to find my niche in the nursing world, and It may be hard for my family to live with me, I am seriously considering med/surg after school. It seems to be the most advised place to start after graduation. Good luck and prayers that things get better for you soon!

Specializes in LTC and School Health.

I felt the same as you when I was new. Hang in there if you can. Having a year of experience is the best thing you could do. I quit my first hospital job in less then a year and it does have its consequences. Luckily, I was hired somewhere else but I did have to explain on every interview why I left in less than a year. It isn't impossible to find a job but just think ve3ry long and hard before leaving.

Don't snap at your coworkers. I did this once at work and it came back to bite me. Hang in there.

I am also a new nurse and I feel the same way. I am in med/surg and I dont think it is for me, but I knew I had to start there. Just look at it as a means to an end and see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I have heard from many people that it takes about a year to start to feel confident at what you are doing.

Any thoughts on what specialty you would find interesting? Men are very welcome in jails, prisons, psych, (we are physically strong and these are areas where self-protection might be required) management (we don't get pregnant and need maternity leave).

Specializes in Neuro, Med-surg..

My initial goal when going to nursing school was to become a mental health np. This was due to my own experiences as a patient. I thought that since I knew what it was like to be treated for mental health issues, I could be a good advocate for psych patients, and have a better understanding of what they are experiencing. However, in my junior year, I spent a week on a psych floor as a patient, and the experience was a bit traumatic. I did very well in my psych rotation afterwards, but I felt like the hospitalization had hit a raw nerve. I didn't think I could work in psych now since it hit so close to home for me.

So my initial plans got a but messed up. I'm not sure what else seems interesting, though I did enjoy my one day shadow of a home health nurse, and (oddly enough) found hospice to be a pleasant and dignified experience...

Don't give up the first year I hear is hard no matter where you because the learning curve is so steep. I only have six months experience and caught a heart attack and had the patient transferred to the ICU in less than an hour. My first ever and on a med surg floor. It can teach you a lot and people you work with, no matter where, sometimes can lower your nursing self esteem. Just stick with it, it gets better. :-)

I am also a new nurse. I graduated in may 2012 and took the NCLEX in aug 2012. It took about 2 months to find a job, so I took basically the first job that was offered, as a way of getting my foot in the door. It's at an LTC with a 60 bed rehab unit. I am on the rehab unit and my position is "admissions nurse". I did not think that I was qualified for this position, I thought that it was more of an end of career type of job, usually when you have worked on many floors and know alot about meds, procedures and questions that you need to ask doctors when you are confirming medication orders. I have been here for 2 months now and dread going into work because I will be getting yet another email from the daytime supervisor stating that I have forgotten yet another little piece of the puzzle.

I want to tell her to back the ***** off, that I am not going to get 20 years experience in nursing within 2 months- but obviously I can't say that because I am an adult and need to handle situations like a grown up. I also found out that they have had 2 or 3 previous "admissions nurses" one of which was a bran spanking new nurse (like me) and she lasted 6 months. Should I just ignore her and look for another job in the meantime? I really wanted floor nursing to begin with, I just don't want to get fired for missing little things like not adding Florastor to a persons medication list because their on ABT- I was never told that this was our facilities policy when someone is on ABT. Pheeew now I feel better, thoughts or suggestions are welcome

Specializes in ER.

My first year was torture, my second year better, but there were moments of real angst. If you didn't feel like you were getting your butt kicked I would say you aren't noticing your mistakes. You are doing fine.

I totally get snapping at coworkers, but it's not going to help you. Try saying "I need a minute," and "let me think about that." I work the ER, and sometimes it takes 30 seconds and a deep breath, to get through the next task. You CAN take that time, no one will die, honest. If someone tells you to do something a different way, during your first year I suggest you just do it that way, and then research afterwards, and approach them to discuss their choices. It's fun to teach, but easier when both parties are not under pressure. You can do this.

Specializes in Psychiatry.

Quote, "sometimes I'm there charting or helping with pt-care two hours after I was supposed to get off."

Dear ChrisRN,

Just out of curiosity, do you get paid for those extra 2 hours? I wouldn't be there if I am not on the clock. Patient-care on your own time? That is an overkill.

There are 2 ways of looking at a nurse who stays over on his/her own time:

1) S/he is very dedicated, and

2) S/he is very slow.

Take your pick.

If you are coming back into the unit after you have clocked out, you are not covered by workmen's compensation (WC) in case you get hurt (slip and fall, attacked by a psychiatric patient, attacked by an irate family member, etc.) A hospital that I worked at, wouldn't even allow employees to come into the unit to collect their pay-cheque (now it is direct deposit everywhere, of course). We had to call ahead our colleagues who would be working to fetch us the cheque. That policy was not because of HIPAA laws but due to WC issues.

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